What are Private-Label Products and how to sell them on Amazon?


New member
Aug 29, 2013
I want to know about private-label products and how to sell them on Amazon?
I heard my college selling that but honestly I didn't know what is it?
Someone can give any explanations?


New member
Nov 11, 2014
Private Label mean find a manufactured product which you can sell under your company name or brand. you can start with small products on Amazon and start making money when you gain experience you can increase your product line and build assets which generate revenue for you consistently.


New member
Jan 25, 2015
PLR in most cases gives you the right to call the content your own.

You can do what you want with it most of the time like using it for web content or selling it as it is.

The trick is to find top quality PLR.

If I use PLR, then I personaly re-write it and also add to it to make it more unique.

Basically once you buy PLR, then your free to sell it as your own product, but again I recommend that you re-write it a bit and add content to it.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Hiya Joe,

With PLR you need to read the license rights as sometimes you cannot modify it or give it away for free etc... In addition most PLR I have come across is .... not so great when it comes to quality (I'm referring to digital products and not drop shipping)... I would only use them as either bonuses or give-aways for email optins... It still makes me laugh to see a PLR ebook which typically is around 30 pages of crap... since when could you call 30 pages of large font an ebook?

The advice to amend them first is definitely a good one... At minimum amend the cover and title - as they are proliferated all over the place.... and litter the online junk yard...

A good indicator as to quality is of course the price... and whether it comes with the raw graphic files and text/word document - so that you can amend them.... Just search online "niche+PLR"...

That said if you are considering selling stuff on Amazon - then I would stay well away from PLR! Its already saturated, the quality of them are terrible - you'll see a ton of buyer complaints - even when the prices are below a dollar... I would spend the time and effort developing a quality product...

Best of Luck,


Content by Rhonda

New member
Feb 10, 2015
To sell private label products on Amazon you need money to get started, probably around $5000. I knew of a person once who saw that silicone spatulas were selling well on Amazon so he approached a manufacturer and had them make spatulas with his company name on the package and ordered a bunch of them. He then made his own listing on Amazon with his own UPC code and started selling.

If you want to sell on Amazon start with items already on there and once you make some money then check into private label products. UPC codes can be purchased on eBay for under $10 and making the listing on Amazon requires good photos of the product on a white background.

My suggestion is to buy a course on this. Just Google a course on Private label products, or look on Udemy for a good course. If you aren't prepared with the proper knowledge you will not only fail but lose a good deal of money.

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