Re: Paid Traffic Sources
If what you mean is paid traffic that's generated by advertising networks, then here are some of your options:
1. Google Adwords -- Your ads will be displayed in Google Search for keyword searches that are relevant to your chosen parameters, and in Google Adsense member sites that are relevant to your chosen parameters...
2. Bing Advertising -- Your ads will be displayed in Bing Search for keyword searches that are relevant to your chosen parameters, and in Bing Search & Display member sites that are relevant to your chosen parameters...
3. Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn Advertising -- Your ads will be displayed to user groups that match your chosen parameters...
4. Youtube Advertising -- Your ads will be displayed in Youtube videos that match your chosen parameters, and in YOutube Search for keyword searches that are relevant to your chosen parameters...
5. PoF Advertising -- This is the biggest dating site with thousands upon thousands of members. Your ads will be displayed to user groups that match your chosen parameters...
6. Press Release Distribution Services -- PRWeb among other PR distribution portals will publish your advertorials in their news media networks...
7. CPA (Cost Per Action) Networks -- Ad publisher network members of these CPA / PPI (Pay Per Install) / PPD (Pay Per Lead) networks will publish your ads across various online channels that are relevant to your target audience...
8. Private Ad Banner / Text Link / Mailing List Ad / Advert Placements -- You can develop a list of heavily trafficked authority sites, blogs, Web forums, social network channels and so on that are relevant to your target audience. You can contact the admins / owners / Webmasters of those sites, in order to negotiate mutually beneficial deals with them...
That's it for now. Cheers!