Learn How To Drive Traffic To Your Squeeze Page For Free


New member
Jan 22, 2015
Hey guys and girls, I trust you're all well.

For a change I thought I should write an article in the forum section instead of using the WMS blog platform. This is going to be a quick tutorial about driving free traffic to a squeeze page.

I won't cover things like creating a giveaway or building a squeeze page, this is all about generating traffic.

Let's Go...

Use Your Blog To Collect Emails

Instead of having affiliate banners on your blog, you can simply replace those banners with your own banners that link to your squeeze page. Did you know that the traffic you send to an affiliate link (sales page) converts at 2% to 5%? So why waste your traffic on something that converts at such a low rate?

Instead of doing that simply send your blog traffic to a squeeze page to collect emails and forget about hit & miss marketing. Also add a link to your squeeze page in the blog's top menu bar and footer.

The best part is that you can also add optin forms around your blog. On the sidebar, top of the menu bar, below posts and pages. So use your blogs to send people to your squeeze page and use optin forms to collect emails then you can promote your affiliate links via email marketing.

Forum Traffic

The best part about forums is that your target market is already there, all you need to do is gain their trust by offering value. You can also strike deals with the moderators and admin or simply buy the forum if you can afford to.

Instead of relying on your signature you can simply find someone who's active on the forum and strike a good deal with them so that they can place your offer in their signature. I won't go into much detail about forum marketing because I've already done a great post on my WMS blog about this.

Use Social Media To Drive Traffic To Your Squeeze Page

If you have active social media accounts then you can use them to promote your squeeze page. It's easy to have a highly active social media account. You just have to make sure that you have a lot of content, post 2 or more times per day, invite new people daily and most important, BE SOCIAL.

People create a profile then post their links and hope for the best. That will never work, it's called "social" for a reason so if you're not posting frequently then your social marketing campaign won't be effective. Even facebook ads are not effective on a dead fan page.

Giveaway Events

This is an old strategy and most people think it's dead but I'm here to tell you that this strategy still works especially for the internet marketing niche. Find giveaway events, send traffic to that event and your email list will grow, it's that simple. Don't post, leave and hope for the best, send traffic to the event.

But the trick is to find private giveaway events not the ones that are public. Search for these giveaway events on places like facebook and skype groups. You can also try using Google search.


Have you ever heard of clickbanking? This is another great strategy especially for those who have a small email list. This strategy is becoming popular among internet marketers.

This is when 2 marketers come together and agree on a certain number of clicks they'll send to each other's squeeze pages. For instance, you send 200 clicks to another marketers squeeze page and they do the same after they've got the 200 clicks from you.

It doesn't matter how long it takes for you to send those clicks, but it shouldn't take more than a week. You must use a tracking tool to track all the links. You can find clickbanking opportunities on facebook, simply search "clickbanking" and look in groups.

Join the groups and find clickbanking partners depending on the number of clicks you can deliver. You can also post your clickbanking offer and whoever is interested will contact you or comment on your post. It's that easy.


Be careful when you do adswaps. A lot of people go to places where everyone is offering adswaps and that's risky because you're all sending the same people loads of emails and that is why people say this strategy is not effective.

The best way is to find a blogger who you think might be in the same level as you in terms of email list size. Get someone who doesn't participate in adswaps and ask them if they're willing to do a cross promotion whereby you email for them and they do the same.

That's the best way to do adswaps, don't go to places that offer adswaps. You can also swap facebook likes or even even youtube, twitter etc.

Another great strategy to send traffic to your squeeze page is to offer a free Special Offer, but that will require a small investment but it works really good.

These strategies will work well for someone who's just starting to build their email list and doesn't want to spend money till they see money coming in. There are other great strategies like media buying, ppv, ppc, product launch etc. but those require an investment.

I've lost over $500 in solo ads and didn't make any money back so I will never recommend solo ads to anyone. I know a lot of people who've made money from solo ads, but I've never been one of those lucky people.

I still love my reputation that is why I always recommend free strategies to my students, I don't want them coming to me telling me I'm a scammer and made them lose a lot of money :DD:

Hope you found this tutorial useful and let me know if you have any questions because I know I didn't go into much details about the strategies mentioned above. But they're really simple, all you need to do is take action.

Thnx for reading.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Nytshade awesome article buddy!!! Gets my vote for one of the best here ;-) Only thing I would of added is video marketing i.e. upload youtube videos as those can rank pretty quickly straight off the bat... Nice one!


New member
Feb 6, 2015
Nice post! This is the first time I have ever heard about Clickbanking and Adswaps, my main techniques are forum and social media, they are very effective to drive traffic to my website.

Besides, SEO and video marketing also are good ways to drive traffic to our websites for free, even you don't know how to create a video you can find someone do it for you. We should not miss any effective ways like that for our website has more chances to increase traffic.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
Nice post! This is the first time I have ever heard about Clickbanking and Adswaps, my main techniques are forum and social media, they are very effective to drive traffic to my website.
I'm glad to hear that I shared something you didn't know, I hate sharing something that everyone can find with a simple Google search.

Besides, SEO and video marketing also are good ways to drive traffic to our websites for free, even you don't know how to create a video you can find someone do it for you. We should not miss any effective ways like that for our website has more chances to increase traffic.
This article is all about driving traffic to a squeeze page not a website/blog and Google doesn't rank squeeze pages so SEO will not work for driving traffic straight to a squeeze/optin page.

As I said to Elcidofaguy, you can do youtube marketing by uploading videos, there's nothing wrong with that. But this is how I do youtube marketing: https://www.webmastersun.com/entries/21-easy-to-follow-youtube-traffic-backdoor

Hope the link is not seen as self promotion, but it's within the forum so I don't think it will be a problem. I'm all about ninja tricks not something that will take too long to bring good results.

It's not like after uploading the video traffic will start coming in, there's a lot of work you need to do in order for that video to rank or bring you traffic.
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