Build loyal subscribers before even thinking off making money online


New member
Feb 21, 2015
howdy reader
there is tons of internet marketing gurus out there pitching sales, talking long hours, driving a fancy cars, using green screens,having life time vacations in bahamas... even some of them call them selves big dogs. no offense,but in my country that's just weird, but i noticed one thing lately they are all have one thing in common they built some caves and holes around the path of success and the road to making money online , if you are newbie , they will make sure to drag you their caves away from the road of success, they will give you pieces of information after one another, they all make promises and soon you become frustrated and feeling bad about the idea of making money online :chair: and you will never ever look back to think to make money online but there is clear path to follow that works on your own 1. research 2. testing
if you master these techniques you don't need a guru or some one to tell you what to do
in my opinion these are ingredients and sausage of making money online

. when you are starting avoid to think making money online(when i was starting each day when i woke up the first thing i do was to check my account, i hated starring those zeros on my account. at the back of my head i was imagining money rolling into my account as they said.

and one day i just stopped to watch any videos telling me what to do and i asked my self what is major components that they are in common and they use to make money online
i suddenly came up with : the best way to make money online is to build loyal subscribers and targeted then you will definitely make money when you want
here is the thing
(if you are promoting $20 product and getting $10 of commission out of it and you have 5000 potential buyers and you send one email if 10 of that subscribers bought the product you will get $100 profit right of the bet and believe me it will be more then that)

How you can build a loyal subscribers then.

here is the major components of building a loyal subscribers
1. good system in place
2. traffic

what do i mean by good system in place
1.good product to promote (choosing the right affiliate network,choosing profitable niche,low competition keywords with high search volume etc.
2.Email swaps (this is one of the important thing in your business.10 to 30 day crafted,rich content,promotional emails in your autoresponder service
3.landing page( high converting with strong headline and bait also must be a responsive)


There is a lot of traffic sources out there like free ones and also paid ones

the only one i have used personally is Facebook, you can join groups and post rich content promoting your fan page
when it comes the paid traffic from Facebook, first i post a rich content and i boost that content targeting countries like india when i get alot of engagement i boost again this time targeting US,UNITED KINGDOM,AUSTRALIA,CANADA etc i have seen a beautiful outcome just doing that
then i create advert using only the fans of my fan page

NOTE: protect your subscribers and never share with any body when it comes selling clicks you can create different niche subscribers and you can monetize some of them but not the main niche that you are in.

I Hope that was informative


New member
Feb 23, 2015
This is very informative and post kayd005,

In general when we read sales copies that selling some products in IM, we get overwhelmed by the information provided therein. We tend to forget (ignore, in many cases) that we need to have a base where we can market a product right away.
Building a productive list is vital for any business online, and traffic is bloodstream to it.

Thanks kayd005 :)


New member
Feb 25, 2015
I agree to an extent but in my opinion the best way to look at it is "if you want to earn more money than you are now, do something that's worth more than you're being paid." If you're earning nothing online now - produce work that is work more than $0 and give it away. If people are happy to pay you $7, give them $47 value and so on.

It's a similar point to what you're making but it's the best way to build a following in the first place because they know they'll get more value than what they pay for.
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