Is making money online good niche for more profitable?

David Braybrooke

New member
Dec 26, 2012
Hey guys, my friends suggest me join make money online niche for more profitable by starting a WordPress blog and earn through affiliate programs, adsense, offer ebooks, list or banner ads.
what do you think about that and making money online is good niche for more profitable?
Please share your opinion?

Thanks in advance.


New member
Mar 26, 2015
It is certainly a great niche, however the bast majority of people aren't making any money after all you can't teach what you don't know and since they don't know how to make money well.. you see where I'm going with this, this niche is quite competitive, if you are just starting I would recommend choosing a low competitive niche, create a site or blog and rank it and start making a profit, on the other hand if you already have experience and are already making money online well.. go for it! :)


New member
Jan 22, 2015
The reason I shut down my make money online program is that people come online expecting things to be easy, basically, people are lazy! They want everything done for them. They expect to buy a course or program and then see money rolling in by tomorrow.

But I didn't start with the make money online niche, I started in the music niche, which I'm still leveraging even today. Once I was making good money, I wanted to show others how they can replicate what I do.

I sold a lot of copies however I had a lot of unhappy customers, not refunds, just lazy people who want the easy way out. I started to feel bad and I told one of my friends about it and he convinced me to stop the program because it will make a bad reputation for me and my brand. I don't want to be known as a con artist or make people feel like they've been ripped off.

So I started going into other niches to expand my business and all is going well. I would advise you to stay away from the make money online niche. All the popular IM guys have a lot of bad reputation and reviews online, their videos on youtube get more negative comments as compared to positive ones.

They can withstand that but I can't :DD:

My advise is to stay away from that niche, it has a lot of bad reputation. There's a lot of ways you can get into the IM niche like traffic, selling plugins, software, B2B etc. but make money online, I'll never do it again. That's my opinion.


New member
Feb 13, 2015
Many people are going with their ad-sense websites which are really great way to earn money via niche related sites.People should start earning via this method.


New member
Mar 19, 2015
The make money online niche is super competitive, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Nytshade is quite right though that what sells best is all the scammy push button riches products because people are looking for an instant result.

Suggesting though that every marketer in that niche has a bad reputation is completely incorrect. If you are going to do business online you need to accept that there will be people who will be rude about you, particularly when you sell inexpensive products. There are a lot of people who think that a $9 product should have as much information in it as a $2000 course... If you have a marketer with 1000 good reviews and 10 bad ones who will you listen to? Human nature tends to focus on the negative ones, but the people who do that are the ones that fail. As long as your products offer good value for money and meet all the promises in the sales page you will do well.
You will always get customers who badmouth you, frequently without any real reason. All it takes is the access email going to their spam folder which they empty without checking and you are being labelled a scammer.

I used to use a membership script that popped open the login box. I got a series of emails, about 10 in under an hour using language that I haven't even heard in a Glasgow pub at closing time, because the client had her pop up blocker on. She never replied to my explanation and instructions although I did notice that she logged on regularly for several months.

I have also had someone ranting at me because I wouldn't give him a refund 13 months after he bought the product. Said he had tried the product for 30 days and it didn't work. Ended up having to post his order details on the forum he was ranting on and pointing out the date was 2011 not 2012 as he was claiming.

A good tip is to have a Google alert set up with your name so you spot any negative comments quickly.

The best markets are Health, Wealth, and happiness. Drill down to a niche and that covers all the MMO topics, relationships, dating, fitness and weight loss etc. You could probably include most hobbies within the happiness market.

Certainly the make money online niche has advantages.
1. Easiest to buy solo ads for
2. Biggest pool of affiliate marketers
3. Ever growing evergreen market
4. Lots of good information

Downside is that there is also a huge amount of recycled rubbish, so you do need to be very careful what you promote.

Personally I know more people who have succeeded in the health and fitness niche than any other, but you need to be interested in it. I tried it for a while but being a fat slob I couldn't raise any enthusiasm for it and it soon became drudgery.


New member
May 28, 2015
The make money online (MMO) niche is good for all the advantages (1 - 4) listed above.

I think given the 'downsides' also mentioned above, a good and profitable approach is to look for products that provide both excellent training and resources in the MMO niche. In that way you can offer great value to customers (newbies included).

The biggest advantage of MMO training products is that the customer can apply knowledge gained to any niche, if you have an excellent training product.

So it may not be that the best markets are those listed in the quotes above, but the application of best practice MMO techniques to those and other niches will bring the best results.



New member
Mar 12, 2015
A problem with MMO is that you need to know how to Make Money Online. But, every "newbie" wants to go into this market without learning the craft. Teaching something you don't know will eventually bite you in the butt. You will have unhappy customers who won't believe what you tell them and then you won't be able to sell them anything.


New member
May 25, 2015
Hey guys, my friends suggest me join make money online niche for more profitable by starting a WordPress blog and earn through affiliate programs, adsense, offer ebooks, list or banner ads.
what do you think about that and making money online is good niche for more profitable?
Please share your opinion?

Thanks in advance.
Hi David,

Yes make money online niche is more profitable but apart from this you can also target various niche that are booming these days like travel.These days travel industry booming.Nowadays, everyone plan vacations online. Many online searches are made by travelers choosing their holiday destination online. So in such a situation, starting travel affiliate business become a perfect fit.You can buy Turkey travel affiliate website at cost of $370 and start your own business.


New member
Apr 10, 2017
An issue with MMO is that you have to know how to Make Money Online. In any case, each "novice" needs to go into this market without taking in the art. Showing something you don't know will in the long run chomp you in the butt. You will have troubled clients who will have a hard time believing what you let them know and after that you won't have the capacity to offer them anything.
Mar 15, 2015
I agree with a lot of the comments above ...

It is super competitive so you have to know what your doing.

You also have to build an email list if you want to eventually make a sizeable income as an affiliate one day...

Keep that in mind.

I know how to make money online been doing it for ten years.

So I have the experience I put in the countless hours through the years Learning how to do this internet marketing stuff.

Ask yourself these questions?

Are you prepared hard?

Are you prepared to keep learning?

If you do not no how to make money online then be prepared for a super competitive niche with a lot of sharks;) some good some bad...

Good luck with whatever you choose.


New member
Jun 27, 2017
MMO niche is definitely profitable. And I would say even relatively easy to make at least some money in. People are always willing to buy MMO products, there are plenty of products to promote and new buyers all the time.

Starting with MMO does create a circular kind of logic though i.e. MMO by selling MMO products that teach you to sell / create MMO products.


New member
Oct 10, 2016
Hey guys, my friends suggest me join make money online niche for more profitable by starting a WordPress blog and earn through affiliate programs, adsense, offer ebooks, list or banner ads.
what do you think about that and making money online is good niche for more profitable?
Please share your opinion?

Thanks in advance.
If you have to ask other people if "make money online" is a good niche to earn money, you aren't ready to be in this niche and you will certainly fail. It's always quite amusing how many people join a niche and don't know anything about it. So called "SEO Experts" that ask the simplest questions of forums and think that anyone is going to buy from them, if they can't prove that they know what they are doing.

Join a more simple niche, with less competition and less requirements.
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