Heads Up — Long Post!

Before you spend a cent from that $1,800 to buy A N Y T H I N G ...
... AND ...
Before you follow the cookie cutter action plans that you'd most likely get in this thread (and in PMs) ...

Let's start with the simplest, most fundamental business basics ...
I suggest doing these 5 things before creating your action plan ...
1. Accurately pinpoint immediate relevant needs and urgent related problems of a specific group of people that you want to cater and can actually serve through your available resources ...
— One simple way (out of many other more effective ways) to do this is to go to Flippa and review the sites that CLAIM to be consistently earning significant monthly income, specifically in an industry or niche that you either have specialized expertise in, or feel confident enough in terms of handpicking (and training) the right outsourced resources to hire for operating your venture ...

NO, you won't buy those sites. Rather, you'll jus do industry and market research to verify if there is indeed significant demand, strategically beatable competition and real world viability with the content and solutions that are provided by those sites for a specific group of people with related immediate needs and relevant urgent problems ...
2. Correctly identify relevant places where they hang out to view content, share and talk about relevant things ...
— This is part of market research and is self-explanatory ...
3. Think of creative ways to effectively educate, inform, entertain and help them through relevant solutions packaged as beneficial content, mind-blowing products and value-added services (your own products and services, or affiliate products / services) ...
— This is part of market research and is self-explanatory ...
4. Formulate strategic concepts for positioning your brand over your competitors and effectively establishing a solid authority reputation in those places ...
— This is part of industry and market research and is self-explanatory ...
5. Conceptualize ways to successfully grab their attention, entice them with your content and compel them to do what you want ...
— Yeah, this sounds like some sort of mind control ...
— Aside from the Flippa thing that I mentioned above, you can also check out the latest issues of offline magazines in your shortlisted industries and niches that are selling crazy in your target areas. Here's why:

If those offline magazines are currently selling well despite the Internet; then ...
— They're most likely doing something right, in terms of attention-grabbing cover designs and headlines, enticing feature articles, engaging editorials, and compelling cover stories ; so ...
— You could most likely generate effective ideas for your products and services (your own or affiliate products /services), exclusive opt-in offers and limited promos, follow-up emails, onsite content materials, offsite and ad materials from those offline magazines ...

Now, let's move on ...
... Here are timeless scientific principles of persuasion ...
I suggest using these 6 scientific principles of persuasion for your business / product development, advertising, marketing, sales and support campaigns:
1. RECIPROCITY — People normally feel obligated to return a favor that benefited them ...

— Attention-grabbing, enticing and compelling exclusive opt-in offers and limited follow-up promos, for example ...
2. SOCIAL PROOF — People usually think and feel that the general consensus in anything is the right choice for what they want ...

— Stories that show the value others have experienced from your offers, products, services and content, or a Facebook page with many fans / likes and a Twitter account with many followers, for example ...
3. AUTHORITY — People normally pay attention to an individual (or a company) with real world authority expertise in something that they want ...
— Relevant follow-up emails, onsite and offsite content materials that effectively communicate your real world expertise in relevant industries and niches, for example ...
4. EXCLUSIVITY — People usually pay more attention to exclusive offers and limited promos that are relevant to what they want ...

— Exclusive opt-in offers and limited follow-up promos, for example ...
5. LIKEABILITY — People normally pay even more attention to something that they really like and can relate to, especially in a sincere emotional level ...
— Integrate their interests, social concerns and so on into your exclusive opt-in offers and limited promos, follow-up emails, onsite and offsite content, ad materials, etc., for example ...
6. COMMITMENT — People normally expect the same results based on previous experience ...
— Be consistent with the quality and value of your onsite and offsite content, follow-up emails and so on, for example ...
That's it for now. Best of luck!