Make money with Amazon and Pinterest! For NOOBS!


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
Making Money With Amazon And Pinterest​


1. Pick a niche
2. Keyword Analysis
3. Competitive Analysis
4. Pick a domain name
5. Choose a hosting provider
6. Sign up for Amazon Associates
7. Build a wordpress site in an hour
8. Build a Pinterest following
9. Make money

Pick A Niche​

Since your traffic is going to be coming from Pinterest, utilize a niche that is appealing to women. I'm going to choose "birthstone jewelry" for my example. It gets tons of searches and women are interested in this topic. Pay attention to items that you can sell all year round and can produce plenty of content for. Tons of people interested in the niche are a must.

Keyword & Competitive Analysis​

Make sure you perform a thorough keyword analysis and make sure you can out rank the competition on the first page of Google. Most of your buying traffic is coming from Pinterest with this method, but let's think for the future here folks.

Hop over to keyword planner and lets select a keyword. Feeling bold? Pick something with a ton of monthly searches like I did. My keyword and variations of gets 1,000 - 100,000 monthly searches. Not feeling so bold? Go with something easy like 1,000 monthly searches. Either way the Pinterest traffic is what matters. So my word is "birthstone jewelry", my words I want to target on my site are going to be "[month] birthstone jewelry" because these get the most searches.

Pick A domain​

I recommend namecheap

Pick hosting​

You are on your own for this one. Pick someone that's not owned by EIG. Do your research. I recommend Site5 because that's who I use. Their platform is easily navigated and support is awesome.

Sign up for Amazon Associates​

To start you out, you will want to utilize Amazon associates. As you build traffic and a reputation online you can start to apply to other networks, but for now Amazon accepts anyone. If you can find some way to incorporate other affiliate products into your site, by all means do.

Build a Wordpress site​

Install a wordpress script and then go to Elegant themes (or pick a free theme) and grab the Divi theme. i use it for all of my churn and burn sites and have enven used it for a couple of big clients I have. It's clean and easy to use. If you are not savvy with Wordpress, it's ABSOLUTELY worth the $35 or whatever they charge. I pay for the membership to get access to all themes, although DIVI is all I use from Elegant.

Surely you can have a site up in an hour with Divi. I did as a beginner with it. It's really that easy to use it.

Head over to dollarphotoclub[dot]com if you need high quality images for cheap.

Add a header image, a little content, and some styling with the colors and fonts.

Use the store layout in Divi and setup a simple ecommerce store with the woocommerce plugin. It will automatically setup everything for you (outside of the styling of your site).

Load up your products. I start with 40. Then add one a day for 3 months. I use WordAI to spin product descriptions. But a lot of the time I write a quick one in about 15 minutes anyway. But you can always spin and knock em' out quick.

Build a Pinterest Folowing​

Start you Pinterest following by first creating a profile named something close to your domain name. Then verify the website with Pinterest to drive more traffic. There is a Pinterest Verification plugin for Wordpress that makes this process easy.

Build your profile by creating boards. For me I would create boards similar to my website. I would create a board for all of the months of the year and categorize the birthstone jewelery. After building about 8 boards filled with pins from my site, I would then follow 200 people a day. Do this by typing your niche into the search bar and then clicking the tab "Pinners" at the top. Find the "Pinner" with the most followers and follow their followers. People on pinterest follow back! 30-40% of the people you follow will follow you back if your boards are cool.

PS: you can always run a Pinterest bot on a private proxy so that you don't have any work. The one in my signature is awesome!

Everyday pin stuff from all over the web in your niche.

Here's a secret: After you pin something from the web, you can edit the URL once it's pinned. So you can change all of the URLs no matter where they are pinned from, to your URL. So pin as much as you want and change those URLs. I've heard people say this is frowned upon, but I've never had a problem.

Keep pinning, changing the URL, and follow 200 people a day. Don't stop. Just keep going until your making a few hundred a month. Then rinse and repeat.

I always do extra and go all out with ALL social networks, but Pinterest traffic is easiest to convert. In fact most of my traffic doesnt even buy anything on the site hardly, but most of my commissions come from the 24-hour cookie installed when someone clicks my aff link.

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Apr 16, 2015
What a great read. This really will help some make money off these sites. Much thanks!


New member
May 14, 2015
Really nice read,I have enjoyed every word,it is not easy but is achievable if you work hard enough you will start seeing some $ rolling into bank :) Thx OP for alot of useful tips


New member
Apr 22, 2013
Go with something easy like 1,000 monthly searches
Why should choose 1,000 monthly searches, should choose keywords with higher volume or more competitive?


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
Like I said it's Pinterest, so it doesn't matter too much with this method. I just suggested a keyword analysis for the future aspect of this and picking your domain name.

Although, it really doesn't matter when talking about monthly searches and profitability either. You could have 20 monthly searches for an item that goes for $100k and rank in the first place spot and bank. But if you're comp has been on the web for 15 years.........

But with Pinterest you're not going to be pinning "high-end" goods, so all in all its smarter to go for keywords that get a ton of searches.

In the OP, I did suggest, and also say that I used KWs with 1,000-100,000 monthly searches.

Right now I am testing a niche that gets 5,000 for the main keyword and gets searched minimally for relevant. Want to see how fast I can rank it with just manual SEO. Also incorporating the Pinterest method to boost my social signals.

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