How to grow your Youtube chanel

James Hailey

New member
Oct 11, 2013
I have a YT channel but number of subscribers are very less, does any one know any ways on how to grow my Youtube channel?
I wanna increase traffic and earn money from YT.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
First, forget about making money with youtube. I'm not saying don't monetize your channel, do that but never rely on that alone you need to diversify because they pay pennies. It's not a reliable income source even for popular channels.

To grow your youtube channel, you'll need to do some proper keyword research. Once you have all the keywords you want to rank for then you can create videos for those keywords. But always do some proper research before creating videos.

Metadata Tips:

Title: Don't rely on your main keyword only for the title, include related keywords as well. But make sure it makes sense and reads naturally without spamming. It should also be something that is in the video don't mislead people.

Description: I've tested this and it doesn't matter how long your description is, if you want to have a 500 words article then go ahead and do it. But even the video that only have 50 words will rank high, just make sure you can fit your main keyword and related keywords withing the first paragraph, again don't spam make everything read naturally. You can also link to some of your videos within the description, but I use the description to link back to my channel.

Tags: Do a search on youtube for your main keyword (you're going to do this for each video you upload) then click on the first 5 videos to check what tags their using. Simply right click then select "view page source" on each video to get the meta keywords. Choose the ones that are related to your video and include related keywords that you can think of.

That's what I do for metadata. Also use annotations and youtube has just added a new feature called cards you can use those for your call to action.

Make sure you're videos offer valuable content which will keep people watching till the end. Nothing beats high quality content that is worth sharing, if people share and embed your video online then you'll get good organic backlinks which will help your video rank high on search. Also create your own backlinks as well to improve rankings.

Use custom thumbnails to grab more attention and increase click through rate. Encourage people to like, comment, share and subscribe at the end of each video. Share your video on your social accounts, email subscribers and blog as well.

Create a google+ account/page for your channel and share your video on google+. Join communities that are related to your niche and post your videos but don't spam, engage with the community and offer value. Add people in your circles and most will return the favor and if they see you also have a channel they will watch your videos and even subscribe.

These days, most of my youtube subscribers come from google+, it's really easy to promote your channel on google plus.

Look for forums that are related to your niche, most forums will allow you to create a thread and embed your video with a short article explaining what your video is all about. But don't abuse this, do this maybe once in a month because forums hate self promotion and never promote anything just offer value and let the forum members decide whether they want more from you or not.

Join facebook groups, you can also look for skype and linkedin groups as well. Engage in those communities and post your videos once in a while.

Join the youtube community, youtube itself has a large community. For everyone who subscribes to your channel, go to their channel and post a comment in the discussions to thank them for subscribing. This is a free backlink and most people who visit those channels may see your comment and visit your channel as well.

If they respond to your comment or like it, it will show up in their activities so everyone who subscribed to their channel will see that and might check out your channel.

If you have a schedule for uploading your videos then let them know on each video when you're going to upload the next and tell them to subscribe so that they don't miss out...

Contact other video creators in your niche to find out if they can be able to feature your channel on theirs and tell them you'll do the same. But the best way is to add their channel first and let them know you have their channel featured on yours then ask them to return the favor. If they don't respond you simply remove their channel and move on to the next guy.

Collaboration videos are becoming popular on youtube, whereby you exchange videos, more like guest blogging. Find people who're interested in collaborations and if your videos offer a lot of value then most people will say yes to your offer.

Don't spam by promoting your business each and every minute of the video, offer value and promote yourself at the end of the video and add a small call to action. But respect other people's channels and audience.

Most importantly, track your stats so that you can be able to see where you need to spend your time and effort to improve your channel. Hope that helps :)


New member
Apr 30, 2015
May I ask where you get that information from? There are channels out there that make money solely from Youtube. LevelCap is a perfect example of this. So are full time Youtubers who do it as a job. I currently watch a group of people, most of whom work full time making videos. No, they aren't making a lot, but they're making enough to live off of.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
I don't think I need to answer your question because you did answer yourself at the end of your question. You said they aren't making a lot, that's exactly what I mean and if they're happy with that then cool. Let them keep doing it but they could make a lot if they diversify.

When you say "not a lot" to me it means it's not a reliable income source.


New member
Apr 30, 2015
That's not what it means. It's a reliable income source if it's their only job and they're still managing to pay bills, pay for food, etc. I can link to several of them that succeed with just the little Youtube money they get. Are they going on fancy trips and buying thousands and thousands of nice things? No, but considering AnderZel can spend hundreds on CSGO items and not be hurting for money (granted, he gets donations during live streams), I'd say Youtube can be very reliable for income. It just depends on your success.


Oct 12, 2014
I agree with using a attractive thumbnail can grab more attentions from viewers but about comments, should I disable it because if I have good comments, then good... but some negative comments can affect to my videos, right?


New member
Apr 30, 2015
You can just delete the negative comments if they're rude or abusive, but the ones that offer constructive criticism will not affect the videos. It's actually vital to have comments enabled (this does depend on what your channel focuses on). If comments are not enabled, and there's a chance for discussions to be had regarding the video, it'll turn people off from wanting to stay on your channel.

Negative comments don't really affect channels, for the most part. Yes, there are cases where someone may read "this channel sucks" and they won't subscribe, but it's not a major issue to worry about. Most people ignore those comments and play it off as a hater.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
No need to switch off the comments, they can really help you improve your future videos. Use those negative comments to improve the quality of your content and videos.

The only thing you need to do is to never reply to negative comments (no matter how tempting it can be), reply to all positive ones and when people read the comments they'll see that person as a hater.

Negative comments don't affect your videos, rankings or channel and youtube doesn't know whether the comment is negative or positive unless they do a manual review. Negative stuff just makes you stronger, but that's if you keep going, you'll know what to avoid in the future to make sure most people are happy.

People are just negative, you can get dislikes on a video that shows people how to create a facebook account, activate it and login. Do you think something like that needs a dislike? I laughed after seeing dislikes on a video that shows how to change a youtube username and link it with Google plus haha...

Who dislikes that? :DD: so people just have problems and youtube understands that. Because the video I'm talking about has a lot of dislikes but it ranks well in youtube search.

The point is don't switch them off, and never reply to negative people.


Apr 16, 2015
have entertaining videos so people will be excited to watch what are you putting out. This will help you greatly.


New member
May 2, 2015
There are not really many fast track ways to grow your YouTube channel and have genuine subscribers. I know it is a very common thing to read but people will subscribe to your channel if you post good content and it is informational. Try not to purge too many hateful comments because they will keep coming back and keep trying to ruin your channel. Self Advertising on someone else's comment section is frowned upon but it can be helpful. Try to just give subtle hints for people to visit your YouTube channel.


New member
Apr 30, 2015
Try not to purge too many hateful comments because they will keep coming back and keep trying to ruin your channel.
I would not advise what you're telling him to do. You can ban them from your channel, which will prevent them from replying. Unless they're that immature, they are not going to create a new account just to be rude. If you don't purge the rude and abusive people, it'll send a message that this channel allows it.

Self Advertising on someone else's comment section is frowned upon but it can be helpful.
Keyword, frowned upon, so don't do it. I despise people that do this, and will never visit someone's channel if they're doing this, I don't care how good their content is. Advertising in other people's comment sections is a cheap, desperate, and sad tactic.


New member
Jul 27, 2015
Another way to increase traffic to your YouTube channel would be to upload videos to multiple video hosting platforms and not just YouTube. This will increase the SEO ranks of your videos and titles and provide which will ultimately end up in more free traffic users watching your videos on YouTube solely because it is the most popular viewing platform these days.
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