Ezine Article is no-follow even you can get direct traffic from it. And it is one kind of most powerful method to get traffic.
By the way, You need some other method to get back-links. Fine, I think Forum can read your mind properly but you should write on forums related to your niche.
Comment Posting on related topic is a good way to get backlinks. But just aware to find popular website or blog to comment on them.
Friend, did you hear about photo, design, audio, video sharing sites? Yes these are most popular and common things now in this time to get or make back-links.
Share your design, picture, info graphics, video through them.
As I know, Jing, MS PowerPoint, and so on could help you to make video without any cost.
Social Media Websites, Dont forget about them even maximum of them are No-follow so what! I said about traffic.
Broken Link-Building. Oh! a great and worthwhile way to get back-links. Just need your time and creative thinking to earn it.
Be Happy with them...