Benefits when pressing Fetch as Google in Google WMT


New member
Apr 16, 2015
I want to know what are the benefits when I apply "Fetch as Google" for my site in google webmaster tool, include both versions mobile and desktop?
will google bot visit my site immediately and starting crawl pages?


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
As I understand Google will visit/crawl your website more or less immediately when you apply "Fetch as Google".. However that does not mean the changes will be shown on the search results immediately... further once Google has crawled your site there is nothing else you can do but to wait for when the data is displayed within the search results... In addition this covers both mobile and desktop... Keep in mind mobile is just one factor out of many others which G examines...

Personally I never bother with using the "fetch"... In fact for a lot of my sites such as PBNs - I do not use Google tools such as WMT, Analytics etc in order to minimize footprints etc... I really do not concern myself when G will visit... You can be sure of one thing they will visit...

BTW - you can check the last G visit date by checking your server log files or by clicking on the green down arrow next to the website URL and selecting "cached" which provides the last date/time of crawl and how the website then looked....

In my opinion a better way to get G crawling your site is when you create new backlinks to it... e.g. forum sig link, youtube video, guest article etc... Those crawlers will come rushing in...

Hope that helps! Best of luck ;-)


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
This next question may be a little off topic, but when you build your PBNs, do you submit a sitemap or anything?

Does this protect you and allow you to build multiple links with less worry of a penalty?

Cheers and you are the man Elci!


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Hiya Eric Buddy! When I build PBNs I personally never bother to submit sitemaps as well as using any tools provided by Google...

The main reason for that is to make sure that they do not detect my IP address which they could use to associate primary site to PBNs... The obvious link would be the gmail account with using adwords, adsense, analytics etc as those leave a very obvious footprint within the code... However I take it one step further with being real careful with my IP address as that too leaves a footprint... For example lets say you create multiple gmail accounts one for your money site the other for your PBNs... I am sure G keeps a record of your IP and can associate the two...

Hence - If you really want to use Google products then I strongly advice that you of course use a different gmail account which is always accessed via a proxy.... Doing that can be a pain in the backside as it can be real slow lol....

The other thing I am sure off is that G looks at other footprints e.g. combination of plugins, themes, platforms as well as the obvious domain registrar and hosting etc.. Its all used as part of detecting PBNs... Lets say you use wordpress on your money site with the same 10 or so plugins which also is on your PBNs then I am sure that will raise a flag when G follows through on links with pattern detection of providing site and receiving site... What are the odds of a website which provides a backlink having the exact same technical setup with the same plugins etc?? Best to be real careful hence for PBNs in the most part I mix up the platform e.g. Joomla, HTML etc... In addition to mixing up tracking tools e.g. instead of analytics use a script or plugin etc...

With a programming background I can for sure state that its real easy to detect such patterns which can raise an algo flag...

With the above measures it best to be paranoid to the extent of even making sure IPs dont get crossed referenced as that helps ensures that you keep your PBN undetected and above all private ;-) G after all is doing what it can to detect PBNs ... and in reciprocation we need to do everything we can in order to keep under the radar ;-)

Hope that helps!!!
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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
Thanks man I've been wondering about a lot of this for a while. I have a solid provider I usually go to, and now that I look at his PBNs, they could be better. He gets great ranking and I've checked out the link profiles of the PBNs. The majority of his link juice comes from Web 2.0s that he blasts to the mighty heavens with decent quality spam links. Something anyone with GSA could do, I'm sure. If you have PBNs in the health niche that I can submit a Cancer center link to, let me know ;)


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Nice one ;-) .... Its been sometime since I last used GSA.. Its still sitting on my VPN gathering dust... For sure need to get it out and run some experiments in the near future... Nothing beats blasting the sh** out of G with gaming the serps lol....

Sounds like to me that your provider is using tiered link building.... I personally don't refer to that as a PBN although indeed you are building a private network... Its very subtle but worth noting... The reason for that is the approach which I feel needs to be delineated in my mind due to different levels of risk as well as implementation... For example:

1) Buying domains/websites incl. expired ones which are still within the grace period, resurrecting content and using that for backlinks is what I regard as a PBN... Its less risky than tiered backlinking, given if you have done your homework right then one can assume you have purchased a legitimate site which has natural backlinks and has a level of trust gained with G i.e. MOZ DA/PA, Majestic CF/TF indicators can help with assessment.... These days this is my recommended approach... When done right its almost impossible for G to detect and further the links from these sites look extremely natural and different with every site which is used for creating your backlinks...

2) With using tools like GSA, SENuke, Xrumer etc - You are basically creating new web properties, posting content and then backlinks to it and thereafter rinse and repeated as your step through the tiers... The problem here is that these are newly created properties which carry zero authority as its new... It has no history etc... On my part I've seen rankings increase but overtime it doesn't hold, most likely due to many of the created links being removed or that G crawls through the tiers and overtime discounts the links from the lowest tiers going up... Therefore make sure to really mix up the OBL profiles of each tier in order to avoid a penalty... Further incase of sh** hitting the fan make sure to keep logons for all first tiers so that you can remove links to money site should you get hit by penguin.... As mentioned I'm keen to give GSA another go as I have few experiments in mind and is a lot of fun to use when its in action with blasting links!

With the cancer center link - I reckon you could get a ton of links though guest posting given the emotional factor ;-) Who could refuse such an offer!!! For sure I'll get back to you on that ;-) ... I'm planning on expanding PBNs - so much more on the horizon as I'm thinking of perhaps leveraging a part of that as an exclusive service... That's after I've relaunched my current project which involves a ton of software development.... Everything seems to on hold until I can get this beast sorted lol.... :beernow:

RDO Servers

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Apr 3, 2015
The Fetch as Google utility is simply a tool to allow you to see exactly what Google bot see's. It will not force Google to crawl and index your site.
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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Not according to this [URLnf=""]article[/URLnf] and many others ;-) As clear as daylight you can see that it can help with getting your site indexed... There is even a button labelled "submit to index"....

From reading the article there are some very good reasons presented with using the fetch as google for indexing, especially with mitigating against bigger sites which get crawled more often from stealing and getting credit for content which is not theirs...

If you want to see how a web crawler sees your website then you use a different user agent on your browser which you can set e.g. googlebot etc.. You can set that on firefox... Not sure about the others...

As mentioned I dont use it... I just logged into WMT and noticed it looks different from when I last looked at it - as back then it had a monthly quota of some kind...
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RDO Servers

New member
Apr 3, 2015
RDO Servers
True, however this article (Google's own Help section) states:
"Fetch as Google is a diagnostic tool that allows you to simulate how Google crawls or renders a URL on your site."

...."It’s a small-scale simulation of the real deal."

Now the "submit to index" button does have some benefit, but it is not a "magic button" that will cause google to crawl and re-index your site right away, like the other article states.

Google says:
"This function allows you to ask Google to crawl and index your URL."

"Once you submit your URL, you might need to wait some time for Google to process your request as well as crawl and index the page. Also, understand that we can't guarantee that Google will index all your changes as Google relies on a complex algorithm to update indexed materials."


New member
Mar 28, 2015
Its a simple step of requesting Google webmaster crawler to crawl your site or content. So your content show up in the SERPs as soon.
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