I don't know this will work or not if I produce a youtube video for each blog post and link back from video description to my blog post.
Will it get a little traffic from Youtube and SEO ranking?
I am curious as to whether other guys here are doing the same.
Thanks in advance
THere are a couple of things to address here:
YOuTube can be one hell of a Web 2.0 property if done right. I honestly know someone who was ranking YT vids with Link Vanna.
Don't try this anymore :chair:
I'm not sure if these still count for SEO since they are no longer DoFollow, but with PR being dead and DA, PA, CF, and TF being the main ranking factors now, I don't focus on what's nofollow and such. I've noticed a couple sites that I only have social signals and minimal backlinks get a boost recently and are steadily climbing, and only have 1,000s of backlinks from social sites.
So I would imbed the YT video in a buncha sites (there are services on the web) and then send some high quality PBNs. THen blast those PBNs with lower quality PBNs. THats right, use PBNs on PBNs.

Look for bundles of PBNs for cheap when blasting that second tier. I'm talking 1,000s. I would pay for some views if its a churn and burn and you don't care about losing the video. I've been inflating videos safey, but there's no telling when YT will update and slap me again.
Also imbed that same video into the blog post on your site that you are linking too. THe video on the page will help your bounce rate considerably!