?Hostlumina i dont think so you even visit Tier IV datacenter i believe on results rather than argument you offer me lets contract i will provide you 100% uptime how thats my responsibility.
Credit shall not be provided to YOU in the event that you have any outage resulting from:
- scheduled maintenance as posted from time to time at PostPayHost Inc,
- your behavior or the performance or failure of your equipment, facilities or applications,
- circumstances beyond PostPayHost Inc's reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of any governmental body, war, insurrection, sabotage, embargo, fire, flood, strike or other labor disturbance, interruption of or delay in transportation, unavailability of interruption or delay in telecommunications or third party services, including DNS propagation, domain name registration/transfer, failure of third party software or hardware or inability to obtain raw materials, supplies, or power used in or equipment needed for provision of your web site,
- YOU breaking any agreement policy in PostPayHost Inc's "Terms & Conditions and AUP" causing a machine to fail as a result.
:afro1:100% uptime is possible when we have acquired the level of knowledge required to create a space that is outside the regular time-space continuum. This space would be void of anything except things that are needed to run the datacenter, that way, no external factors "could" happen to the datacenter physically.
We also need to device a way to perpetually feed this space with energy required to run the datacenter, and a way for the datacenter to available for you no matter where you are. And to do so, we need this space to be omnipresent across the universe, and intelligent, so it can gather energy by opening wormholes near the billions of stars out there to feed its energy needs. Being omnipresent also means this hypothetical datacenter can detect where data access are being requested, and open up mini wormholes to accomodate them.
This datacenter would be maintained by AI's that are infinitely smarter than human beings, which of course will upgrade themselves as time goes on.
In no time, they will be godlike beings who are omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent - that still provide us our puny little 100% uptime datacenter because they don't see the need to shut it down, considering how of little significance it is to them.
I am going with Sonny from i.robot.Maybe thats just what Hassan has done.
Seems fitting considering his avitar.....
Hassan, are you a Cylon?
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