What is your approach to developing an SEO strategy?


Active member
Oct 15, 2015
The first step should be to create customer/audience profiles and determine what keywords they are searching for and what their interests are.

Use that information to perform keyword research and come up with topic ideas.

Plan your content, write, publish and schedule it. Make sure to optimize each post. Verify with Google Search Console, and Bing Webmaster Tools, and install Google Analytics on your website.
  • I'm not going to get into it here, but you should be creating micro-content based on your long-form articles. So Google Web Stories, YouTube Shorts, Facebook/IG posts, etc.
AFTER you actually have content worth sharing - start your link-building process.
  • Guest blogging - search Google for your keyword "write for us" and find blogs accepting guest posts in your niche. Read their requirements, log them in a spreadsheet, reach out to them, get a price, etc.
  • Blog commenting - don't spam. Don't put a link in the actual comment. Use your real name and make real thoughtful comments on blog posts relevant to your niche. Log them all in a spreadsheet (DM me for a free template I use - it's very basic but it works)
  • Infographic backlinks - create your own using Canva or hire someone to make an infographic or two. Make sure it's something your target audience will get value from. Submit to infographic directories and of course, share on social media.
After a month: Analyze the data, come up with fresh topics, and repeat.

THE STRATEGY IS TO REMAIN CONSISTENT, CONSTANTLY ADAPT, AND FIND WAYS TO USE SEO TO REMAIN RELEVANT IN A WORLD WHERE EVERYONE HAS A 30-SECOND ATTENTION SPAN. Cater your strategy to how much you can afford to do in a month. How many articles can you create for guest blog posts each month? Where to allocate your time and resources is important, but it takes learning from data (GSC, Google Trends, and Analytics) to determine where your time and money are best spent.

Sounds simple, because it is. Getting it all done without help is incredibly time-consuming, but it's possible. Doing it all for free is also possible.


Active member
Jul 24, 2021
Have a strategic plan. Before developing any SEO strategy, is to make sure to have a clear idea of what you want your site to accomplish. Potential customers to find when they Google your business? Once you have a goal in mind, start developing specific strategies to achieve it.

Include keyword research, on-page optimization, backlinking, and link building. To start your SEO strategy, it's important to understand the different elements involved. Here's a look at each:

On-page optimization: This includes improving the content of a website's pages to make them more search engine friendly. This may include fixing grammar mistakes, adding appropriate keywords, and removing duplicate or irrelevant content.

Link building: Link building involves acquiring links from high-quality websites to improve a website's ranking on Google.

Keep your site clean and organized. Your visitors will appreciate sites that are easy to navigate and look well-maintained. Ensure all your content is well-written and keyword-rich, and place keyword links throughout your site.

Analyze your competition. Knowing what other businesses are doing to optimize their sites can help you stay ahead of the curve.

SEO isn't something that can be done overnight - it takes time and effort to see results. However, your website will soon look its best with the right strategy!


New member
Jul 13, 2022
I would say that the first and most important step is to do a thorough analysis of your website and your competitors' websites. This will help you to identify the keywords that you should be targeting, as well as the strategies that your competitors are using to optimize their websites.

Once you have a good understanding of your target keywords and your competitor's strengths and weaknesses, you can begin developing a strategy for optimizing your website. This may include optimizing your website content, developing backlinks, and using other SEO techniques.

However, some general tips that can help you improve your website's SEO include:

1. Performing keyword research to identify the keywords and phrases that are most relevant to your business and target audience.

2. Optimizing your website content for those keywords, using them throughout the text and in the titles and metatags of your pages.

3. Building links back to your website from other high-quality websites.

4. Monitoring your website's search engine rankings and analyzing competitor websites to see what techniques they are using

Remember that SEO is an ongoing process, so it's important to continually monitor your website and make adjustments as needed.

Proved SEO

New member
Sep 17, 2022
To start, compile a list of about 10 words and terms associated with your product or service. Use an SEO tool ( Google's Keyword Tool, Ahrefs , SEMRush or GrowthBar just to name a few) to research these words, identify their search volume, and come up with variations that make sense for your business.


Oct 13, 2018
Hi friends
What is your approach to developing an SEO strategy?
The first step in any SEO strategy is to conduct a thorough analysis of the website in question. This analysis should include an assessment of the website's current search engine ranking, as well as an evaluation of the competition.

Once the analysis is complete, the next step is to develop a plan that will help to improve the website's search engine ranking. The plan should include both on-page and off-page optimization techniques, as well as a schedule for implementing these techniques.

Finally, it's important to track the results of the SEO strategy in order to gauge its effectiveness and make necessary adjustments accordingly.


New member
Sep 19, 2022
Competitor analysis is the best strategy and if you know how to outrank competitor, you can do wonders.


New member
Nov 25, 2022
Hi friends
What is your approach to developing an SEO strategy?
It's the same everytime because I'm very knowledgable in SEO. I start from the ground up with technical SEO, then move on to On-page SEO, then to Off-page SEO and if needed backlinks are last on the list.

Usually, I don't need to do manual backlinking because most competitors overlook the technical aspect and/or not as well optimized with on-page as well as they should be. For highly competitive niches such as Finance/Health you will come up against high level SEO's and backlinks are necessary. When competitors are lacking in overall SEO, they will need far more backlinks than you to compete.

When you're thorough in SEO, "keyword difficulty" also becomes less of a factor. There are thousands of ranking factors with varying weightings/importance. The more factors you include in your strategy, the better/easier you'll rank.


May 25, 2017
You need to consider several factors when developing your SEO strategy, including the keywords that are important to your business, the type of content you produce, and where you want your website to rank.
Once you have identified these key indicators, you must begin researching to optimize your site for search engines. This can involve using keyword research tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs and creating effective backlinks with high-quality domains. It would help if you also ensured that all aspects of your website - from design to copywriting - are optimized for search engine visibility.


New member
May 2, 2023
In terms of marketing and SEO, I use a variety of tools to help us optimize our website and drive traffic. These include Google Analytics and Google Search Console for tracking our website's performance, Ahrefs for keyword research and competitive analysis, and SEMrush for analyzing our website's backlinks and identifying areas for improvement. In particular, we prioritize link building as an effective strategy for promoting our website in search engines. We've found that building relationships with other websites and creating high-quality, linkable content is crucial for driving organic traffic and improving our website's ranking.


New member
May 11, 2023
Developing an SEO strategy can be a tricky task, but there are a few things you can do to make it easier.
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Oct 11, 2018
Hi friends
What is your approach to developing an SEO strategy?
It is very important to have a good onpage when it comes to ranking in search engines. Your website will rank easily if your onpage is good. Link building with quality links will not only help us get a good DA, but will also improve our ranking.


New member
May 16, 2023
You should audit, list and solve the technical issues.
Then, depends on your customer but sometimes a local approach is enough. Try Partoo for example.
If the market is national or more, then try to select the long trail keywords strategy first.
If your customer 's website is well optimized, try to place backlinks on the same semantic topic, look after good forums, or directories used by competitors


New member
May 24, 2020
So, my approach to SEO strategy starts with keyword research. Understanding what folks are searching for is truly the key.

Then, I dive into optimizing my content. I tweak meta descriptions, titles, URL structure, and such - basically, anything to keep Google happy.

Now, here's a little insider tip: the website seo analysis tool. As an SEO enthusiast, I've found this tool to be a game-changer for audits. It points out where I'm lacking and helps me optimize accordingly.

I've seen genuine progress since incorporating this tool. But, let's remember, SEO is more marathon than sprint. Take your time, adjust, and readjust. Good luck out there!
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Premium Member
Nov 23, 2012
Your SEO strategy approach seems solid. Starting with thorough keyword research is crucial to target the right audience and improve your website's visibility. Optimizing your content with well-crafted meta descriptions, titles, and URL structures is a smart move to please search engines like Google and enhance your chances of ranking higher in search results. Keep up the good work!


New member
Oct 20, 2022
To develop SEO strategy, we need to build strong on page seo , link building, technical seo is very important in order to rank in first position in SERP.

Marc van Leeuwen

Premium Member
May 29, 2016
What is your approach to developing an SEO strategy?
Developing an effective SEO strategy requires a comprehensive and systematic approach. Begin by conducting in-depth keyword research to identify relevant and high-traffic search terms that align with your website's content and target audience. Next, focus on on-page optimization, ensuring that meta tags, titles, headings, and URL structures incorporate the selected keywords organically. Create high-quality, engaging content that fulfills users' search intent to enhance the website's visibility and authority. Building a strong backlink profile is crucial; consider outreach, guest posting, and creating shareable content to improve your site's reputation in search engine rankings. Don't overlook technical SEO aspects, such as optimizing site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and fixing crawl errors to enhance overall website performance. Implementing structured data markup can also help search engines better understand your content, potentially leading to featured snippets or rich results. Continuously monitor and analyze website performance using web analytics tools to track progress and make data-driven decisions for ongoing improvement. Finally, stay updated with the latest SEO trends, algorithm changes, and industry best practices to adapt your strategy as needed and achieve lasting success in organic search rankings.
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