3 types of business management software products that work for your company


Mar 7, 2015
There are different types of programs for companies that can be very beneficial for SMEs. Since ERP systems (ERP) to CRM (management customer relationship), through various programs for accounting and billing, as well as POS terminals , of which we have spoken on several occasions .

In this thread I want to talk to some types of management software for companies that you can use, both free or paid for the management of the company on the internet.

Billing and accounting programs for business
In the network there have been all kinds of proposals for programs to bring the turnover of the company. This is a great help to customize the layout of invoices, shipping automate your month to month fixed data such as customers or know what bills have been paid and which are not.

Some software also allows complex billing linked to online stores, so that is also a way to unify the company accounts with online check-in product sales.

Resource planning programs
The product management and coordination of the various employees is critical to the smooth running of the business. But we also know which products sell more and which less, which involve a high risk because of the time factor and what long lead unsold.

All these aspects can be visible employer through an online ERP program in which they are listed all its business operations. Thus, the employer may become aware of where you should concentrate your investment, or what areas of logistics can be improved, or if you need to hire an employee.

Managing customer relationships programs (CRM)
The abbreviations refer to CRM (Customer Relationship Management), or what is the same, the management of the relationship with consumers. Although initially these programs are more typical of large companies, the large volume of customers who can have a small company focused on the commercial area may require its use among SMEs.

A good CRM can store customer data, do market segmentation, manage leads, manage teams and sales reports. A company that works with various trade and is scheduled sales targets should take advantage of this type of software.

What kind of software you're using to manage your online business? Share if you have some programs working for your company!

Tom media

New member
Mar 12, 2015
Hey mate, nice post!

My personal opinion is Billing and accounting programs for business. In the network there have been all kinds of proposals for programs to bring the turnover of the company. This is a great help to customize the layout of invoices, shipping automate your month to month fixed data such as customers or know what bills have been paid and which are not.

Some software also allows complex billing linked to online stores, so that is also a way to unify the company accounts with online check-in product sales.


New member
Apr 25, 2023
Hi, very interesting post!

In my opinion, for all the product based businesses, logistics and distribution plays a crucial role in implementation as that is one area where customer is directly impacted. A channelized logistics solution can increase customer's trust towards the brand and that will bring repeat purchase.
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