The easiest way to create a really professional looking
video is, well, hire a professional.
However, since you're here on WS asking about it, I'm
going to assume you do not have the financial means
to do so (who does, right?)... So, allow me to say this:
Because of the rave of videos now a days, your video
does not have to look or feel as professional as you'd
think it would.
As long as your video includes the content people are
looking for, in a manner that they can understand and
relate to, THAT is what is really important.
I've seen many of videos which are being done by KIDS,
literal 10 and 12 year olds, and they have hundreds and
thousands of followers (subscribers), millions even.
What you really need to concentrate on is providing
high quality information more than anything as that
is what will draw the crowds in and that is what will
keep them coming back for more...
Once you have a good following, you can then start
to earn revenue (or revenue share) from YT and once
you start making some decent moulah, then you can
worry about the actual look of the videos.
I know many will say "content will only get you so far"
and although the appearance IS importance, they key
saying of "CONTENT IS KING" still holds true, even and
especially, for videos and video sites.
You COULD have the ugliest site/video in the world, BUT,
if you're providing the information people need/want, in
a way they can understand and/or relate with, the look
of the video will not be a major concern of theirs.