How to make an impression when designing brand?


New member
Sep 26, 2012
Design brand is just one of the initial steps of the branding process and plays a very important role, it is not merely the work of the artist that is the result of synthesis of ideas and creativity.

Do you like other business owners, you are considered a symbol (logo) of the brand is the most important signs? If the brand name is considered the heart of the brand, the logo will highlight the brand through visual, especially in conditions where consumers have very little time to read the information on the goods. Therefore, you should focus more effort and investment ideas to be able to proudly say that we have a beautiful and impressive logo. But there are many other factors? Logo is only a part. A logo pretty impressed not enough to your brand to attract and appeal to customers.
So what to do? The answer in a single word: collaboration. All elements must be combined brand alive and in harmony with each other. It must convey the same message, the same style, and with an impression to customers. How the customer sees your brand anywhere, on the street, in shops, office supplies or books and magazines ... it gives them a sense of familiarity.

Of course, this does not mean necessarily that all elements of the brand are entirely consistent with each other, but there are some important factors to ensure this principle, which is:

Color: is one of the most important factors in determining the brand, because it has a huge role in memory recall of customers. Colors should be simple, easy to recognize and remember. Fairly easy to remember if the picture or pictures that only two colors, but if it is mixed by all the blue, red, purple, yellow ... it would be very difficult for customers to visualize back.

Therefore, in order to show the image of your company, it's best to use only two colors. The first color you choose in the colors that you think it best fits your company's image (the best table can reference the appropriate system colors Pantone Pantone Matching System - PMS - ask the designer in your company colors on this system if you need help).

After you have selected the color first, then use it as a dominant color to represent all the elements of the brand. The second color, you must be chosen so that it does not overwhelm the primary colors first. Pay
where represents the clearest colors are in your logo.

In addition, you also need to consider the meaning of colors when choosing color schemes. For example, you can think of the traffic signal. Green means go. Red means stop. Yellow means slow down. You need to be aware of some rules of color to influence the customer's feelings.

The elements that make up the dynamic of the brand:

The next factor that must create consistency in the brand design process, it is a symbol, shape and decorative borders. For example, a high-tech company can describe image symbolized by the bold, angular, while a clothing store can use the rounded shape, smooth.

Please select the shape simple, no frills, this will make it easier for customers to remember and easier to identify. People remember the symbols, the shape of the brand as a whole, not the individual details. Therefore a simple but unique design will be most effective.

Likewise, select an image or a separate illustration style design brand. Clear and often to design and avoid reckless disguised by color, you should design in black and white. Then transfer the color on the back.

Font: The impression of the brand to customers sometimes just arrange the letters with an appropriate font. You should only use a certain font, and including at least one font legs and a font no legs. (Fonts feet, such as Times New Roman, usually legs in tail; longer Helvetica is an example of fonts feet).

The two fonts should be used regularly. The character has legs very nice look and content when shown a relatively long, in when fonts feet should be used in the title, text in charts, short text or no text color. You should avoid using more than two fonts in the same document the same.

Messages: The brand message or slogan is copyright protection will help you convey your company image to customers. Use the same message and intonation on all marketing and advertising methods are different. For example, if you want your brand familiarity and intimacy, use the common language of communication. If it is exclusive and expensive brands? Use formal ritual language.

If you want to highlight more than one word that you think is important in the message, you can highlight it more, or easy to remember and type into the client. Your message should be short and concise.

Using the logo: Logo is a vivid image, the most basic elements of the brand. You should appear on all brands and products in the course of your work wherever, whenever possible. And the logo should appear the same size and position on a page. The expansion or shrink the size of the logo may be acceptable, but I signed on with a redesigned logo and change it. The logo image is expressed consistently, first as a very important and necessary.
You should remember that, to be acknowledged and recognized as a key to business growth. Create affinity, close all the means of advertising and marketing to customers and consumers. Do this, you will win the competition and build customer loyalty for your brand.
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New member
Dec 12, 2012
Remember that that your corporate image / logo is as important as the products and goods that your company sells.

Nancy G

Oct 1, 2017
There are a lot of factors involved in the design of a brand and/or logo. Their significant roles cannot be denied as big companies even hire professionals to make a study and to create designs for them.

The brand and/or logo serve as the unique identity for the product/service or company, enabling customers to distinguish them easily from competitors. The overall look, from the image, colors, font to layout hold special meanings to portray positive image or values. Each design has a story to tell. They convey the credibility, stability and reliability of the company, product/service leaving consumers a “feeling of pride” from the association.

I agree that totality of marketing efforts are responsible in making the products or services successful in the market as well as building the positive image. In the long run, customers will only remember the brand or logo and the good experience. Customers look for the brand/or logo to identify their preferred items. There is less hesitation to buy new releases by the same company as long as they carry the brand and logo.


New member
Nov 15, 2017
Get yourself first a good company logo that reflects what your product is, use a slogan that is catchy for me short but detailed, or you can conduct yourself a survey for a good name and slogan ask your friends for advise,

Select colors that reflects what service or product you will be selling like if fruit shakes it must be colorful if appliances a single color but serious will do.
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