Tips for Working From Home Effectively


New member
Jan 10, 2013
Hi...I'm looking for more jobs online to earn extra money but honestly I'm have no experience on this field and I went wrong ways when I earn $5 a day average. I couldn't manage my time effectively while I spent too much time on work but get less money from them. Have you ever worked online from home and got any successes, give me an advice.


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Jan 24, 2015
Have you looked into search engine quality rater jobs? I haven't done any of this type of work myself but it looks like these jobs pay quite well for being temporary, part-time positions.
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Jan 10, 2013
of course, i searched and found tons of big sites about jobs like that, it makes me mess up everything and i need tips to work with sites i found. Also, experice for earning more from home. it will be first steps for me to suceeed with work online from home


New member
Mar 9, 2015
Here if you needed money quick Ill give you short list of some sites. (Do these until you have enough money to invest in other things)



New member
Mar 7, 2015
i suggest you go for niche that you find passsion in it first.
then if you have the writing skill, have your own blog (use wordpress or blogspot for starting if you have tight budget).
why i suggest blogging? because you can build your credibility & branding for your niche. also, blogging have high potential if you keep doing it well.

where to get traffic?
It fast, free & converting!

what else important?
i always pressed on this subject in my writing.
my life (and many others) start to change after we have profitable mailing list!
thanks God!

as for the product to promote,
you have 2 options. if you have your own product, just promote it using your blog & mailing list.
if you dont have product, you can promote other people product by being their affiliate.
that's they way to do it.
you can skip the blogging part if it's not interest you.
But you CAN'T skip the "building your mailing list" part.
Because it the KEY for making money online.

Cameron Hill

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Sep 1, 2016
Cameron Hill
Adenan has laid it out really well there. To give you a little more detail on email list building to help you understand it, I'll paste another post I just wrote below.

Also as far as productivity goes for working at home, setting clear tasks with clear goals is an important one for me, and then even using something like the pomodoro technique (plural pomodori). You can get timers on the app store, you work for 25 mins on, and 5 mins off. I'd also recommend reading "The ONE Thing" by Gary Keller, he talks about doing the most important thing first, and hammering it for 4 hours (minimum), no breaks, no interruptions, no nothing. So you could 8 pomodori as soon as you finish breakfast and have a shower/any other morning routines you have.

Also, meditation has helped me massively with increasing my concentration, but I understand it's not for everyone. :)

Details on email list building:

The basic idea (the way that I do it, and that I'd recommend) is to build an email list, that is, a list of email addresses.

You do this by driving traffic to a "squeeze" page you create to do with a certain niche. You offer an ebook, a video course etc.. a FREE gift, and then they put in their email address so you can send it to them.

Then, you build a relationship with them (optional but I recommend it), and then you send them good products that other people have made, usually in a series of emails, they click on your links and you get a cut.

So steps for you:

1. pick a niche
2. find an autoresponder, eg aweber, getresponse, sendlane
3. build a squeeze page (don't worry if you don't have tech skills, there are ways around that)
4. set up a series of autoresponder emails that automatically send to the email address when obtained (with your affiliate links inside)
4.5 drive people to this squeeze page (called "traffic") via paid advertising (eg paid clicks, facebook ads, etc.) or free advertising (eg. blog, YouTube, podcasts) or a combination of both.
5. also do this with broadcasts, which you send out every day/ a couple times a week.
6. Make 200$/month (quite easy, you can scale this up a lot and make a lot more, as others have said!)

That's the basic process in my eyes. As you can see it's really quite simple. What helped me big time was finding mentors and investing in courses.


New member
Mar 19, 2015
The biggest problem working from home is productivity. Go to and follow their daily training. Within a couple of weeks you will be astonished how much you are getting done in a very short space of time. There is a paid version but the free version is fine until you start earning. Just do it every day.

If you want a shortcut find the top 3 people in your niche and interact with them on their blog. Set up a feed so you see all their posts as soon as they are done and contribute a useful comment.

Spend a couple of month doing research and create a good report that is worth around the $17 mark. Offer it to one of the people you have been building a relationship with. Offer them exclusive rights to promote it giving them 100% on the front end and a 25% second tier commission on any affiliates they recruit. Pay other affiliates 75%. Be honest tell the person you need to build a list, hence your offer. That is easy to set up on JVZoo and it's all instant' so it's a very attractive offer.

Unique content is always in demand so as long as it's good enough for them to put their name to it your chances of one of them taking you up on it are good. Overnight you have a list of buyers in your niche. I did it and got 1124 people in 24 hours. The person I took the technique from has managed over 7000 in a weekend.

This game is all about working smart not hard. There is nothing to stop you building a sales funnel out from that product and only paying 50% commission on the upsell, perhaps with a 10% second tier for the person doing all the promotion. That way you make a wee bit of profit initially and then you have a buyers list to promote your backend products to.

Don't blow it by sending promotion after promotion. Your emails should be daily and be 3 content to one promotion.

Extra benefit is the 2 months research you have done should make you bit of an expert and allow you to build out from it. You could always outsource it. You could get a high quality report for less than $1000, the problem though is that without the research you wouldn't be able to judge how good the report was.


Apr 16, 2015
I can tell you to stay on task. maybe set an hour each day to only doing work for this, and do not get distracted by other things such as your phone or facebook.


New member
Jul 15, 2016
Article writing can still be a great way to earn money online as a content writer. I have written thousands of them. Articles are one of my favourite types of writing. But, every perfect article starts with a great idea. So, how do you come up with good article writing ideas? If you are good with words and writing interests, it might be possible for you to earn money online through writing.


New member
Aug 27, 2016
Hi...I'm looking for more jobs online to earn extra money but honestly I'm have no experience on this field and I went wrong ways when I earn $5 a day average. I couldn't manage my time effectively while I spent too much time on work but get less money from them. Have you ever worked online from home and got any successes, give me an advice.
When working online, your main concern should be to work less and make more money. That is what I kept in my mind when I started working online. After a lot of struggle and searching around, I have finally figured out a way to work less and make enough to quit my day job. And everyone can do that. You just have to keep working around internet and never give up. Good Luck to everyone.


New member
Aug 29, 2016
The advice I see in this thread is pretty solid, however a writing gig for Shirley_Sharp might not be the best approach. Although we can relate and understand where she is coming from, her English skills leave alot to be desired. As we all know, proper use of the English language is pretty much a prerequisite for writing content.

What else are you good at or have a passion for? Are you willing to learn a new skill or perfect one that you currently have? Is there a need for that particular skill in the marketplace?
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New member
Nov 25, 2015
Good advice BB. It is always good to do something for work/income that a person has a passion for or is good at!

She could however do some writing for the foreign blogging market. I have seen MANY blogs that have articles and posts that were not written with completely (or sometimes close to) perfect English.

Some of these do very well. Shoutmeloud is one such blog. There is a lot of good information but you can tell that English is not the primary language of most if not all writers. Some of the foreign markets have a higher tolerance for writing that is not perfect.

She could still do well as a writer but she just needs to market herself to the proper customers/clients. ;)


New member
Aug 24, 2016
If I read your question correctly, it is not necessarily about what
your work is, but how you managed your time when doing that work.
You may have also attempted to do work for which you were not ready.

If you do any writing, you need to get jobs that need writing done
in your native language. It will be easier for you.

If you want to get ideas, I suggest Fivver to see what others are doing.
I don't necessarily suggest that path, but you may find an idea or two.

Evaluate yourself and decide what you can do, and want to do,
then create a plan for yourself to use your strengths.

The main thing that you want to remember is that you want
to help people in some way. Keeping that in mind will go a
long way toward being successful.

Contrary to much of the marketing out there, it is not that
easy to make instant money online. It takes a little time
to cultivate trust and interest.

One more thought . . .
If you need money quickly, and have something around
your place that you are not using and don't need anymore,
there is always Ebay that can provide you with a few dollars
fairly quickly.


New member
Sep 28, 2016
Hi Shirley. I was able to read your message and I'm willing to help. There are actually a lot of ways to earn money online. I for myself have tried a handful of them like writing articles, creating/curating a website, managing a blog, and even selling stuff and started out with no prior experience. You can actually make money from these things. What's important is you have to love what you are doing. If you are not passionate about it and simply work just for money, then you'll simply wasting your time. Have you think of an online career where you want to focus into? I suggest you choose the one that you'll love doing...:)

You also mentioned that you could manage time properly. I guess you have to change this habit since apart from passion and hardwork you are also expected to manage your time properly even if you're working at the comforts of your own home. Yes you are your own boss and you work at your own time for most of the time, but you also have to take responsibility of watching your own time if you want to succeed working online...:)

I sincerely hope my advice is helpful enough. If you need more assistance, please don't hesitate to leave a message.:)


New member
Sep 27, 2016
Hi...I'm looking for more jobs online to earn extra money but honestly I'm have no experience on this field and I went wrong ways when I earn $5 a day average. I couldn't manage my time effectively while I spent too much time on work but get less money from them. Have you ever worked online from home and got any successes, give me an advice.
If you have any skilled.You can try with fiverr.That's enough..........I think so.
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