3 reasons why most websites fail


New member
Mar 20, 2015
Hey guys I have been pondering on this question in my head over and over again and I wanted to share my thoughts on why most websites fail nowadays. By fail I mean failing to get traffic and failing to make any revenue.

1. Lack of direction or purpose: Most beginners who are starting find low level affiliate marketing courses which are far and beyond and teaches them the basic way on how to set up a wordpress site and promote products. To be honest I think most of these so called make money online courses tend to be written by people who do not really care about the customer and are looking to make a quick buck.

Therefore as a result of this most beginners put up a spammy looking site which offers no real benefit to the end user. The best way to lay the foundations of a new website is find out what the purpose of the site is. E.g to help people cook, to help people learn how to play a guitar. Once you have a direction and a purpose 50% of the work is done.

2. Too many competitive keywords: I learned the hard way from this mistake over and over again. My first website was a jewelry website, and was filled with keywords I thought could rank #1 in Google. Keywords like Gold necklace, Diamond ring. Little did I know I was in for an epic 3 month of wasting my time only to realize most of the keywords I was building back links too weren't even on page 100 of Google.

With SEO it is so important that you find keywords which are both profitable, but as low as competition as possible. My favorite trick is to go into the Google keyword planner, and find low hanging fruit keywords, and then type them into Google and if it has 1000000 results or less with few competitive sites targeting the keyword. So always make sure that you are going for keywords that are a) profitable, and b) low competition.

3.Crap content- A lot of people think that throwing up a website with keywords all over the place with no real useful or valuable content is going to get their site ranked high in the search engine, and generate sales. This is a bad approach because a) Google will see your site and take it down, and b) This looks bad to your visitor and will most likely leave your site as soon as possible. It is always important to always offer good useful and valuable content to your visitors.

Yes you want to get traffic for your keywords but at the same time, you want to help your visitor solve a problem. Why? Because this keeps them more engaged to your site and are more likely to click the affiliate links you are promoting. Not only that, they will come again and again to your site to learn more from you.
These are the 3 main reasons I think most websites nowadays even before promotion of the site has begun. Now of course the quantity and quality of the backlinks do matter a lot but a lot of newbies fail to realize that in order to have a successful website which grows and grows, you will need to offer something of value for your visitors.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
2. Too many competitive keywords: I learned the hard way from this mistake over and over again. My first website was a jewelry website, and was filled with keywords I thought could rank #1 in Google. Keywords like Gold necklace, Diamond ring. Little did I know I was in for an epic 3 month of wasting my time only to realize most of the keywords I was building back links too weren't even on page 100 of Google.

With SEO it is so important that you find keywords which are both profitable, but as low as competition as possible. My favorite trick is to go into the Google keyword planner, and find low hanging fruit keywords, and then type them into Google and if it has 1000000 results or less with few competitive sites targeting the keyword. So always make sure that you are going for keywords that are a) profitable, and b) low competition.
This is just horrible, horrible advice that nobody should ever listen to. I won't go into all the details of why building a site around smaller easier keywords is a terrible idea, but the basic gist of it is that you have a better chance of ranking those easier keywords by giving your site a bigger focus. Go after those difficult keyword with silo landing pages. You may not rank highly for them, but it will make ranking for easier keywords within that silo a lot easier. Trust me.

Second, anyone who says you can determine the level of competition in a SERP by seeing how many results show up when you search for a keyword has no idea whatsoever of what they are talking about. This is the dumbest strategy I have seen in keyword research and people just keep repeating it over and over again. It means absolutely nothing.

When I do a Google search for 'gigantic elephants with tiny pink balls' Google show over 80 million webpages in the SERP result.


Do you really think 80 million pages are trying to rank for that insanely stupid phrase?

I do not care what your keyword is. You have the same number of competitors for every single keyword. 3!

That's it. You need to out rank the sites in the top 3. #4 through 80 million do not matter. You just need to be able to beat #3.


New member
Mar 20, 2015
Great advice SEOPub, you have a great point:) although its just an opinion. Well said though mate :)


New member
Mar 20, 2015
Thanks for you input SEOPub, you are too kind :)

For everyone else,a 4th reason why most websites fail came into my mind this morning:

4. Plagiarism- I don't mean copying everything another website in your niche does but too often I find new marketers today copying 90% of what a similar website in their niche says and does. I think that it is better that you look at what these websites are saying about your keyword and get some inspiration there. From the research you can find out what information is not being shared.

The point is that it is better to provide information that people are looking for that no one else has provided than to provide information that another website has already.
Hope that helped :)
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