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  1. HostAwesome

    How to Reduce Stress

    For me, sports and exercise help a good deal.
  2. HostAwesome

    Best Antivirus Software for 2013 ?

    Been using Avast for years, no problems =)
  3. HostAwesome

    How many languages do you speak

    English, Spanish, Chinese, and a bit of Hindi =)
  4. HostAwesome

    Should I register my blog with BuySellAds?

    I would recommend maybe just testing it first, if it doesn't work out, you can always go back.
  5. HostAwesome

    How to decrease website Load time ?

    I would recommend checking out a cache plugin, like wp super cache, 10s is a rather long time.
  6. HostAwesome

    Please Review My Company Website

    Looks pretty nice! =)
  7. HostAwesome

    Review My Movie Preview Site

    Looks good and clean!
  8. HostAwesome

    Traffic for a TV/Movie streaming website

    You definitely need to be careful about copyright stuff. And it is very murky and unclear for a lot of things. I think for adsense, the tos states that it has to be for your own content. But you would need to double check that.
  9. HostAwesome

    Hiding IP - Is it good for Internet Marketing

    TBH, I don't think it would matter much since I don't believe most people would go and check that.
  10. HostAwesome

    What is paid links

  11. HostAwesome

    What is a Micro Job?

    I've not really offered any micro job services, but I've purchased some at fiverr. You should check out . I believe that they are the largest micro job site out there, with most jobs being offered at $5. There is quite a bit of competition for many things however, so it really...
  12. HostAwesome

    What is a Micro Job?

    Depending on the site, but it should be exactly what it sounds like. A small 'job' or task that can be completed relatively quickly in exchange for cash.
  13. HostAwesome

    What is a Micro Job?

    Yep, it sounds like how a 'gig' would be in fiverr. Only way to know for sure is to post the link to the site :) .
  14. HostAwesome

    How Old Is Your Computer?

    about 2ish years here, but the one i had before, i had for ~8-9 years - 800mhz pentium with 128mb ram lol
  15. HostAwesome

    Should I need to promote my content?

    Getting links to your site is one of the biggies, definitely aim for that.
  16. HostAwesome

    What is this Panda 2.0 effect from this may 20 2014?

    Yeah, I think it's Panda 4.0. One of my sites were hit hard due to it being a directory, but hopefully it'll climb up again as it did the last time we had a major update.
  17. HostAwesome

    Windows or Linux or Mac, Which is best?

    Mostly windows for me, but linux sometimes - more barebones and snappier for many things.
  18. HostAwesome

    Firefox vs. Chrome which loads faster?

    I think Chrome has been benchmarked as being faster. Definitely feels that way, but I use FF for functionality.
  19. HostAwesome

    How to start a new Blog from scratch?

    Hi, I meant the .com version of WordPress would be good if content is your main goal and aren't worried about being fancy with the website. In terms of promoting... it's hard to say. You could promote your posts through things like social media. Starting out is always tough, and it does take...
  20. HostAwesome

    Which is the most popular CMS ?

    On top of being the most popular, WordPress is really also the most flexible due to its wide range of supported plugins - with more being developed every day.