
  1. escale4176

    Review my site and give on-page SEO suggestions

    Hi guys, I'm doing SEO for my site: Please review or audit my site and provide your thoughts/suggestions for improving on-page SEO for this site. Does anybody tell me the sites which can do free SEO audit? Waiting for your responses... Thanks,
  2. AyoAjayi

    Charging for SEO, Per month or per project? And what is the minimum?

    A friend of mine is having problem with how he will charge a customer. I would really appreciate your contribution. ASAP. Thanks
  3. makemywebsite

    How Blogging Plays An Important Role In Your Website’s Growth?

    Maintaining a blog is no longer just an artist’s passion; in fact, it has become an essential tool for every business today as by curating quality content on your website, you can empower your website’s SEO as well.
  4. ethelglover

    What is Broad keyword

    Hi friends, Let's share your thought on what is the broad keyword? Expert opinion, please. Thanks regards
  5. nilpotter

    Best Keyword Ranking Report Tool

    Hi all, I'm looking forward keyword ranking report tool. Can you suggest some best keyword ranking report tools?
  6. susanburling

    How to diversify Heading tags with the same keyword?

    Hi, How to diversify Heading tags with the same keyword in H1, H2, H3, etc? If you know a website for an example please share
  7. susanburling

    How to gain an extra advantage of anchor text in SEO?

    Hello Guys, Anybody has any Idea to take extra benefit of backlinks? Please share your unique way..
  8. susanburling

    How to exclude duplicate content from being indexed by Google?

    Hello experts, If we found a duplicate content on a website what should we do to not get penalized? Can we stop them from being indexed in Google?
  9. escale4176

    What are the SEO Interview Questions and Answers for 2020-21?

    Hi, Can anyone provide me the list of SEO questions and answers that are and will be mostly-asked in SEO interviews in 2020-21? Thanks!
  10. Jomi


    Hi everyone. It's nice to meet you all.
  11. escale4176

    Are paid SEO tools neccessary for result-oriented SEO campaigns?

    Hi, I'm not sure about this. Do we need to buy a paid SEO tool to rank our keywords on the top page of Google? Can't we use free SEO tools available on the web to get the desired results? Please advice!
  12. escale4176

    How can I bring traffic to my webpage titled "Write for Us - Free Guest Post"?

    Hi Guys, Recently, we have introduced a Guest post concept on our official site "Escale Solutions". Currently, we are accepting well-written guest post articles on topics like web design, web development, digital marketing, SEO, online business, etc. with a Do-follow link in the author bio...
  13. Melinda123

    New Member

    Hi Buddies, Here I'm a new member. To join this group, feel good..
  14. susanburling

    Is it worth paying for guest blogs with backlinks on high authority sites or is it against Google algorithm?

    Hi everyone, Is it worth paying for guest blogs with backlinks on high authority sites or is it against Google algorithm?
  15. nilpotter

    Black hat SEO Vs White hat SEO

    Hey all Please share yours though, What is the main difference between black hat SEO and white hat SEO? Expert opinion please.
  16. Balendu

    Best SEO Strategy in 2020

    What is the best SEO strategy in 2020 to rank higher?
  17. Bitclu

    Difference between Amazon SEO and Google SEO

    Hello I have used Google SEO for website ranking. And now I am planning to sell my products on Amazon. Does Google and Amazon SEO are similar or there any differences?
  18. harrygreen90

    What is the difference between guest posting and blog posting?

    I am confusing about this and needing an explanation on what is the difference between guest posting and blog posting?
  19. harrygreen90

    Do social networks help SEO?

    Promoting and working on social networks like sharing links, make connections, marketing your websites or services on social networks as Facebook, Twtiter, Linkedin...etc will help SEO for your website better? what is your opinion? if yes then why?