
  1. switchelephant

    Hello everyone

    Hello everyone! I'm excited to introduce myself to the community... I'm a server administrator with 10+ years of experience. I'm looking forward to expanding my knowledge about servers, hosting, and system infrastructure. I want to share my experience here.
  2. christax

    Need guidance on learning to manage your own hosting server?

    Hello, I have a keen interest in managing a server hosting by myself, handling everything from installations and setups to configuring websites and emails online. I'm eager to learn the necessary skills to achieve this level of independence. Can anyone provide guidance on what specific areas I...
  3. freds86

    How to Migrate 60 Sites from One cPanel Server to Another with Cloudflare DNS?

    Hello, I find myself in a situation where I need to migrate approximately 60 websites from one cPanel server to another. These sites are currently using Cloudflare DNS, and I want to ensure a smooth and efficient migration process. I'd greatly appreciate your expertise and advice on how to...
  4. HostSailor

    How To Secure Your Dedicated Server?

    Cyber-attacks have always been a problem. Moreover, they have increased a lot since the start of the COVID 19 pandemic. All sorts of cyberattacks have increased. Including, phishing attacks, DDoS and malware attacks. In addition, the numbers are even more distressing. As because the pandemic has...
  5. Marc van Leeuwen

    How to Open / Close a Port and how to check which ports are opening in my Linux server?

    I want to check which ports are opening in Linux or how to close or open a port? is there way or commands to do this? please share your ways.
  6. Gerbilator

    Own or rented server?

    Can you help me to figure out what is best own or rented server? Actually, I don't understand why to rent. In which cases it's the most benefit practice?
  7. Nemanja

    How can I use an .htaccess file in Nginx?

    I am currently using Nginx as my web server and I am in need of advice on how to redirect URLs without using an .htaccess file. As .htaccess is not supported by Nginx, I'm curious to know if there are any alternatives that I can use to achieve the same result. I am open to any suggestions or...
  8. nafaulalam

    what is the best email server? on email merkating ?

    what is the best email server? on email marketing?
  9. wisesolutions

    Does your webhosting provider really provides security for your server?

    Hello Mates, Today, I would request all our mates to through some light about our server security, our webhosting providers promise us to provide security for our servers but do they really provide the same? please elaborate. Thanks
  10. Marc van Leeuwen

    Should I change dedicated server after 3 years used?

    I have bought a dedicated server with 32GB of RAM since 3 years ago and still using till now, at the time I bought, its price is $35 / month, but now its about $42, my question is, at this price, I should buy a new server for better?
  11. Dopani

    Backup and restore a website from a server on another server?

    I am using cPanel, i want to move a website from a server to another server in a quickest way. Is there a simple way to backup and restore a website on a new hosting?
  12. Marc van Leeuwen

    Detect email spams on your server?

    Is there a way to detect email spams on your server like where did it send from? or which website did it send from?...ect. Normally I used to get this notice from my hosting provider but I wanted to get them directly from my web hosting server. Is that possible?
  13. hoangvu

    Overview of MySQL Workbench

    Hello guys, MySQL is never in question to be the most popular open-source database tool. Going deeper into the digging of this very useful tool, means encountering something about server administration. Then finding this term MySQL Workbench. Can anybody here give me an overview of what this...