How to succeed in multi level marketing

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New member
Sep 18, 2014
Anyone has experience in multi level marketing, can you share me any tips on how to succeed with it?



New member
Jun 18, 2015
I can share a lot of tips with you. I have thousands of dollars worth of the best recorded training's by some of my mentors and have permission to share and teach the content to others. I believe it's against forum rules to place a link in this post so I'll PM it to you. I'm sending you a 75 minute slide show video that revels why some people earn millions while others who started at the same time, with the same company and products, in the same town, with the same sponsor end up failing by quitting. This is generic training... no - optin required. It's not a sales pitch to another product and does not send you to a squeeze page. This training will teach you how to get people to ask you to give them your sales presentation!
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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Anyone has experience in multi level marketing, can you share me any tips on how to succeed with it?
There is a very fine line between MLM and illegal pyramid schemes.... In fact most of the MLM crap out there online falls into the BS illegal schemes whereby there is no product other than the scheme... The way people make money is to spread lies and misinformation on promises of making thousands in order to recruit... The people whom are recruited then go onto do the same thing or quit... It robs you of your money, time and effort... Seriously my best advice is to stay away from all MLM schemes.... Its all BS...

Check out the [URLnf=""]wiki [/URLnf]on this topic. As quoted:
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) states "Steer clear of multilevel marketing plans that pay commissions for recruiting new distributors. They're actually illegal pyramid schemes. Why is pyramiding dangerous? Because plans that pay commissions for recruiting new distributors inevitably collapse when no new distributors can be recruited. And when a plan collapses, most people—except perhaps those at the very top of the pyramid—end up empty-handed."[37]
For further reading check out:

[URLnf=",4534,7-164-17337_20942-208400--,00.html"]Multi-Level Marketing or Illegal Pyramid Scheme?[/URLnf]
[URLnf=""]What's Wrong With Multi-Level Marketing?[/URLnf]

Generally speaking MLM follows this BS approach:

In fact you dont need to go very far down the pyramid levels for it to become impossible to sustain:

So to recap:

Its all BS... Even the ones which claim they have a product... You end up paying hundreds if not thousands for ebooks, vids which are all crap on internet marketing training etc as a smokescreen but the intent is always to recruit people to join the pyramid...

In my opinion these are the worst type of marketers.... They spam the web with BS lies, false promises, steal your cash and hard work and then rinse and repeat until it all collapses and then start again....

Best advice - stay away!!!


New member
Jun 18, 2015
Network Marketing works for a lot of people who take the time to learn and master the proper skills. A big problem is most people get recruited by a friend who was recruited by a friend who was recruited by a friend and none of them know what they are doing. They may look upline for a leader until they find someone who is making a six-figure income but that person doesn't know how to teach what they do so others can duplicate it. Before you join any MLM or say it doesn't work... take the time to learn some skills.

Lot's of Skill-less mis-informed people go around saying Network Marketing is a scam when the facts are many people with skill succeed but the clueless blames the company, the products, their upline or anything or anyone else rather than improve their skill.

Only in Network Marketing do quitters blame the industry instead of admitting they didn't acquire the right skills. Most people fail in Real Estate, Most people fail in the Insurance Industry but they don't cry that real estate or insurance is a scam. They just admit they suck at marketing, then they go join a MLM, quit before they discover the skills and blame it on a compensation plan.

And that's all MLM is.... it's a compensation plan for moving products and building networks. But doing that takes a certain mindset and a certain skillset that most never learn or even become aware exist.

Anyone who wants to know what these skills are.... [Removed by moderator due to self promo violation.]..

You didn't fail in MLM and MLM didn't fail you, you just haven't learned the proper skills yet.


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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Network Marketing works for a lot of people who take the time to learn and master the proper skills. A big problem is most people get recruited by a friend who was recruited by a friend who was recruited by a friend and none of them know what they are doing. They may look upline for a leader until they find someone who is making a six-figure income but that person doesn't know how to teach what they do so others can duplicate it. Before you join any MLM or say it doesn't work... take the time to learn some skills.
This is all BS... Everyone please be aware that such ponzi schemes are in fact highly illegal in many countries...

The following is from [URLnf=""]wikipedia [/URLnf]

The network marketing or multi-level marketing (MLM) business has become associated with pyramid schemes. According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, many MLM schemes "simply use the product to hide their pyramid structure".[6] While some people call MLMs in general "pyramid selling,"[7][8][9][10][11] others use the term to denote an illegal pyramid scheme masquerading as an MLM.[12]

The Federal Trade Commission warns, "It’s best not to get involved in plans where the money you make is based primarily on the number of distributors you recruit and your sales to them, rather than on your sales to people outside the plan who intend to use the products."[13] It states that research is your best tool and gives eight steps to follow: ...
Franchise fraud is defined by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation as a pyramid scheme. The FBI website states:

Pyramid schemes—also referred to as franchise fraud or chain referral schemes—are marketing and investment frauds in which an individual is offered a distributorship or franchise to market a particular product. The real profit is earned, not by the sale of the product, but by the sale of new distributorships. Emphasis on selling franchises rather than the product eventually leads to a point where the supply of potential investors is exhausted and the pyramid collapses.[39]


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
I would say that about 99% of multi-level marketing companies represent the absolute bottom of the barrel of marketers. Nothing but snakeoil salespeople preying on people's hopes and dreams.

There is a real simple test. If you make more money by recruiting people and getting them to recruit people versus selling an actual product, than the MLM you are a part of is a piece of trash. You should be ashamed to recruit people into any such program.

There are exceptions out there. I know a woman doing great with a company called Posh. She actually sells products though, and that is where the majority of her income through them comes from.

Most MLM's though are total trash. There is a reason that sites like Facebook ban promotion of some of the larger MLM's out there like Empower Network (one of the worst companies out there).


New member
Jun 18, 2015
I don't appreciate the mods of this board insinuating that I'm a bottom of the barrel marketer or am doing anything illegal.

Network Marketing is legal. It's a compensation model for moving products from the company to the end user. If the comp plan pays only on the first level of sales it's called affiliate marketing. No one complains about that. But if the comp plan pays on multiple levels then it gets attacked by those who are just plain ignorant of the facts.

I build my business by giving away free samples of the product. This makes me a lot of retail profits. People would not continue to buy it if it did not work or was overpriced. And some of those who purchase product from me at retail will later on decide to become distributors. As their retail customers also decide to upgrade to distributor status it creates leverage and of course that results in most of my income coming not from my own personal sales but from the sales over-rides on the entire network.

In my particular company it's a one time cost of $30 to become a distributor. That gets the distributor their website, mobile apps and training. I make absolutely nothing from someone becoming a distributor. I only earn a commission from the sales of products. Nothing else.

Don't take advice from someone who has never built a successful Network Marketing business folks. They like to voice their personal opinions but they can't teach you how to succeed. They can only advise how they think it's a scam and belittle those who are succeeding in the business. It's my personal opinion that most are just jealous of those who are doing it so they try to tear them down.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
I'm becoming absolutely fed up with this... and how you are touting the BS crap "unlimited riches" by Robert Hollis... Its total BS MLM pyramid scam... No amount of makeup is going to hide that... I've given sufficient references which proves such MLM pyramid schemes are unethical and illegal... In simple terms it preys on peoples hopes and dreams and robs them of their money...

As a mod I have a right to inform our readership of such things... and you should also note that advertising such MLM schemes is not allowed on this forum.

Further should you continue with attempts to promote this I will take necessary actions to issue an infraction or a ban.


New member
Jun 18, 2015
First Unlimited Profits by Robert Hollis is Affiliate Marketing, not Network Marketing. I do not advise people to join their affiliate program because they can take advantage of the training for free. No need to become an affiliate re-seller. And my primary company sells Skin care products. So does that make Avon. MaryKay, Posh and Juenesse all illegal pyramids? Or perhaps that's just your opinion. As far as advertising ... well this forum didn't have a problem taking my money to advertise Robert Hollis free content.... I just read the rules again and there is no mention of MLM or Network Marketing but there is this: "We reserve the right to modify these rules at any time"

That gives you the ability to change the rules whenever you want. You are getting awfully upset over your personal opinion being challenge by the facts so you resort to threats. Change the rules to: Post anything you want as long as it's legal, does not offend, attack or threaten someone and provided it does not conflict with the personal opinion of any of the mods.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Here is a quote from one of those videos on your website: "show me the money - 51% on all personal upfront and residual 100% matching on your top producers on building a group" ... Its all pyramid marketing talk ...

Further Robert Hollis claims that he learned what he teaches in Unlimited Profits from a billionaire - Strangely enough, the billionaire’s name is never mentioned anywhere (according to actual review sources online)...

Regarding your ad - it was not known at the time as its not clear... But its as clear as day light now... and as such the issue has been discussed with the team with measures in place to be more vigilant in future...


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
It's a rare day that I see elci get pissed lol.

But not all MLMs are illegal if there is a real product involved. The BIG problem with MLM is that it is inevitable that the bottom WILL fall out of your pyramid. Your income is reliant upon your downline. Well what happens if a few members in your 5th tier drop off. Eventually who ever invited them in the 4th tier will fall off, and so on. The pyramid cant go on for ever and thats where the problem occurs.

Its just like any industry that eventually gets saturated, except with MLM there is no foundation. You build from the top down so your foundation is your weakest sales people. I know a few people that are heavily involved with Visalis (in no way shape or for do I promote, vouche, or recommend anyone to join Visalis and will say they were sued for HerbaLife) and are even very close to the owner. They jump from product to product because the bottom ALWAYS falls out. Always!

Some of the biggest guys in these MLM companies are making a measely $4k a month and the company buys them a BMW. Because Vi knows that the BMW is going to make it look as though that person is making more than $4k a month. It makes them look rich and they get more referrals that way. Budget marketing. But these are their TOP guys! $4k a month???? Seriously? What do you think the Avg guys are making? Peanuts!

MLMs are for the weak minded and the freakin MLMs suck the life out of them. YOu destroy your relationships and in the end you still made someone else rich. Might as well go work for corporate America mate!


New member
Jun 18, 2015
Don't turn this into something it's not... My primary MLM sells Skin Care, Nutritionals and Weight Loss products . Unlimited Profits is digital content and it gives away a lot of free content. The affiliate plan is optional and I advise people not to join that part of it.

[Moderator Note: Removed a copyright violation, comments which have nothing to do with this discussion as well as self promo related ones.]....
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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
What a load of rubbish... You place ads and spend money to promote a product that in the end you tell people not to buy.... What a wonderful u-turn and effort to cover your tracks... Don't they call that lying???

Why dont you take that green mlm pyramid from your avatar and shove it in a place where the sun don't shine...

As for the rest.... I'm not impressed by your efforts of an attempted smokescreen on what you really do and promote... Even your avatar does a wonderful job of telling us that even though now you are changing your tune...


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
This discussion is going no where. As for the OP - I encourage you to do your research on MLM and to be weary of the many scam artists who use this as a proxy for selling illegal pyramid schemes. Also note there is a difference between Network marketing and MLM. The key here is to make sure that the real profit of a business is through the sale of the product and not the distributorship...

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