Do you used to post content on your social media daily or weekly?
If so what do you guys think what are the best times to post on social media in a schedule task for tweets, facebook posts, google+ posts..etc?
The best time to post on social media is the time when your target market is online but that will depend I believe on the sleeping/waking hours of your target market as well as normal start of their activities and rest days.
Take for example for kids or teenagers at school, normally they start school early around 7a.m., home in the afternoon and sleep early around 9 or 10p.m. During school hours, they are expected not to check the sites while in class and may probably do that during lunchbreak and once they are home between 4-9p.m. On weekends, they maybe allowed to surf the internet mid morning, whole afternoon or early evening depending on family schedules.
For most working adults, they normally check on the way to work or during first hour of work (7-9a.m.), during lunchbreak (12nn -1p.m.) or late in the afternoon once work slackens or trying to rest (3-5p.m.) and then late evening before going to sleep (9-11p.m.) On weekends, schedules are open depending on commitments.
There may be studies showing best times to post on social media but that is just statistics, a guideline. More important is scheduling your posting on a regular basis (whether daily, several times during the week, weekly, month, etc.) and let that be known, so that your followers will not feel disappointed that they are seeing nothing new on your blog.