What are the best methods to increase the number of backlinks fast?


Jul 11, 2013
What are the best methods to increase the number of backlinks fast for your website. I have worked on my blogs since some weeks ago and there are no more quality backlinks for my blogs. They are all about make money, wordpress and health niches. All your answers are welcomed.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Well you've got a few options which varies in risk from buying links, PBNs, guest articles to automated tools such as GSA etc...

If you are looking for a quick and safe way then I recommend that you spend time on developing content which could go viral e.g. infograph (with share/embed link), informative/entertaining post, quizzes such as buzzfeed on social media etc and after that try to get attention to it with resources online which are regarded as authorities within their niche - as that can provide a ton of traffic should someone think wow...

Not easy though - hence why most fall into buying links of which is high risk....


New member
Jul 15, 2015
When you say "increase the number of backlinks fast for your website" I get the impression that you want to build hundreds of links or more back to your website as fast as possible. And I question your reasoning and thought process for wanting to do so.

In most cases, of course it depends on your situation, you really don't need that many links. You need powerful links. Not lots of links. You need powerful permanent links that keep passing massive amounts of link juice to your page/website day after day pretty much forever. If you get a handful of them that are juicy enough, that is all you might need. Again it depends on your situation. If you are competing against well entrenched pages on big brand websites, then you will need more link juice than I described, maybe a lot more. Everything depends on your situation.

It also depends on how many pages are on your website, how many of them you want to rank high and how deep into your website those pages are. You need to send enough link juice (a.k.a Google PageRank) directly to the pages you want to rank well. And you do that using regular "followed" hyperlinks that hopefully use anchor text that is relevant for the keywords you want to rank for.

There are various ways you can go about getting those powerful juicy semi-permanent links. You can buy existing websites or domains that have this juice and redirect it to your website using 301 redirects or by publishing content on that site and linking back to your site. You can buy links from any number of places being careful and selective to make sure you aren't buying from a network that is about to get nuked. You can use tiered linking where you produce your own high quality page on a Web 2.0 site or a guest blog post or some other website you control and then push link juice at that page so that it passes that juice on to your page/website. You can hire an SEO service to build links for you if it is worthwhile. You could build your own network of small authority sites that you use to link back to your own websites.

Those are the easier ways. There are also harder ways that are difficult to execute well.

If you want to work your ass off and do things the white hat way then your primary form of link generation is going to be to create some form of link bait. And then promote that link bait to the people who are most likely to link to it. That link bait can take many forms including a controversial blog post, an epic tutorial blog post, an infographic, a piece of free software, a funny video, a recorded interview with a popular celebrity, a written interview with a celebrity, a published solution to a major problem that everyone faces in your industry, etc. Use your brain. Come up with something new.

If you want to make it easier to earn natural links to your websites, then start making friends with other bloggers in those fields. Bloggers link to their friends. You could create an entirely separate blog website that you use to meet other bloggers. Write lots of posts and link out to other bloggers and talk about those other blogs. Those people will like you for promoting them and some of them will feel a need to reciprocate if you promote them enough. That is how you make friends. If you have a network of friends who own blogs, then it is easier to reach out to them when you need a favor.

Inevitably, getting white hat links involves reaching out to people and talking with them one on one. It involves a lot of that. You have to do that to at least get the ball rolling. You can reach out to them however you want to. Some people use email. Some use social media. Some will visit another person's blog and comment on their blog to start a conversation with them. Use whatever means you can come up with.


New member
Mar 21, 2015
I thought to this way but have not ever tried. I am going to buy 2 expired domain in same niches with high pr and good Alexa traffic to increase backlinks to my main site but not sure which is better, using 301 redirects or by publishing content on that site and linking back to my main website?


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
It doesn't matter. If you are buying a domain for the purpose of link building based on PR or Alexa, you are probably wasting your money anyhow.

If that is your reason for buying a domain, you should be evaluating the quantity and quality of the backlinks pointing at it as well as their likelihood to stick around.

Personally, the only reason I might consider a 301 redirect is if the domain I bought happened to have links pointing at it that were relevant to my site. Otherwise, I'm going to build about 8-20 pages of content on it and turn it into a site I link off of.


New member
Jul 15, 2015
If you just want the PageRank for your primary site then you can 301 redirect. Or if the domain you are buying has links pointing to it that are relevant to your homepage, then the 301 redirect is appropriate.

If the links pointing to that domain are not relevant to your primary site, then you would only be gaining the PageRank.

If you want to create a separate site that links to your site, then you have to get hosting for the domain you buy and load content on it. Then you can create a relevant link for your primary site.
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Active member
Dec 22, 2015
Google's last PR update was back in 2013. Pagerank no longer flows from one site to another.

Google Toolbar PageRank was last updated December 6th, 2013.

That means all those high PR links you bought might not actually be high PR sites at all. You're going off of stale data from years ago.

PageRank became leverage for spammers, and Google knows it.

PR HAS been stopped, as far as front-end users like me and you are concerned.

They "probably" still use it (not guaranteed) for internal reasons but no longer will share that data with end-users to make it harder for people to manipulate the Search Engines.

Kind of like how they disabled what keywords your searchers show in Analytics.

Pagerank was never intended as a long term solution to rank websites with anyway. Larry Page only created it as a temporary solution to a long term problem.

These days its all about your Trust Flow and Citation Flow. Relying on the Toolbar PR metric that hasnt been updated since Dec 2013 isnt smart SEO.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
No! No! No!

I am sorry, but you are a bit misinformed here.

They DID NOT stop PR from flowing through links. They did nothing of the sort. In fact, they never changed anything with how they use PR.

The ONLY thing Google changed was that they stopped updating the public data that you can see in the PR Toolbar. That is it. They still use it internally just like they always did. They just no longer share any PR data publicly.

And using third party metrics like Trust Flow and Citation Flow is not all that smart of SEO to be honest. Those metrics have NOTHING to do with how Google views your site. They can be a guide perhaps, but if you are basing decisions around Trust Flow and/or Citation Flow, you are probably making a lot of bad decisions.


New member
Jul 15, 2015
Don't know what to tell you here other than you are just plain wrong. It works the exact opposite of what you just said. I'm not even sure where you could get that misinformation from.

And you are advertising SEO clerks.... :bash:


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
I'm not an "SEO Expert" and I don't claim or pretend to be like some people do. Advertising SEOClerks has nothing to do with whether I know a lot or little about SEO or not. :bash:

I stand by my statement. Because externally, PR would not be updated for the end-user. My point was that basing SEO based on old stale data is a bad thing to do.

You don't need to be an SEO guru to know that!


New member
Oct 3, 2015
Nice informative post guys thanks for the information!

Ben Hartsuff

New member
Oct 8, 2015
I outsource a lot of my link building. You have to be careful depending on how old your domain is. I only purchase domains that are more than 8 years old and you can send a lot of backlinks to the domain without throwing up to many red flags with google. Fiverr is a good place to find people to help you backlink.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
I don't think domain old is important in this case, the content on that domain is more content where you will get backlinks to your site. Fiverr is not a good to help backlinks for your site because they can provide you thousands of links just a day without caring about its quality.

Ben Hartsuff

New member
Oct 8, 2015
Ben Hartsuff
I have noticed that aged domains carry more authority with google. So when you send a lot of backlinks to an older domain it doesn't look the same as if you sent a mass amount of backlins to a brand new fresh domain. Also, if you are able to purchase your domain for more than one year at a time this has also been proven to help your rankings. I have had really good success with fiverr you just have to use the right people to do the job not all fiverr gig's are created equal. If you have access to any SEO research software look at the age of all the ranking sites and you will see that they almost exclusively are older than 8 years of age.

Christopher II

New member
Oct 3, 2015
Manually establish business citations.


New member
Oct 5, 2015
Quality expired domains (that have a clean history profile) that you build out as a relevant site and post a backlink to your money site will help. Just make sure you don't allow any footprints, and treat this site as if where a real site. Depending on the domain you could potentially get tremondous amounts of link juice back to your money site.

Also quality blog commenting along with guest posts on relevant sites are proven to be effective.
Hope this helps.


New member
Oct 14, 2015
The key element in terms of 301 redirect and expired domains is to ensure that the expired domain has not been penalised, check it with archive, way back machine as well to see what its original content was. Ideally try to find one that is related to your niche, although i have heard and experienced good results with unrelated niche expired domains as well.

adrian garrigos

New member
Nov 4, 2015
There's one valid, make good content while waiting

What are the best methods to increase the number of backlinks fast for your website. I have worked on my blogs since some weeks ago and there are no more quality backlinks for my blogs. They are all about make money, wordpress and health niches. All your answers are welcomed.
As far as i am concerned, backlinking is a big stone in my shoe. I have tried to do all the bad stuff to gain those precious links. I've paid enough and now, i am sure Google's algos are stronger than me in this battle. So, no more dirty tricks. I am going crazy because of the time i had to wait to get those backlinks. Now I work twice as hard and a make better content and so on... Don't fool yourself, one day or another, you will have to pay for it when you mess with algos...


New member
Nov 17, 2015
High quality backlinks?
There are many ways for beginners to get backlinks. For example, buying text links, banner exchange with text links, blog comments, etc. Select a site with a high page rank, and the content of which must be related to the theme of your site, placing reciprocal links on this site will improve the SEO of your site.
The best way to get free high quality backlinks - is to publish his article with a hyperlink to your website, on the known sites. When the article is published, you will get not only a good back link, but also a large number of client visits.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
By performing Off-Site SEO Techniques such as creating Forum profile, Web 2.0 profile, Article submission, directory submissions, Blog posting, Blog Commenting, social bookmarking etc you can increase backlinks. Its important that no follow backlink is better than do follow backlinks and 1 High PR backlink is greater than 1000s low pr backlinks and. You also may depend on the [Mod Note: Linked Removed - User Banned] who provides quality backlinks.
Lol. I think Google is going to be a bit pissed off that you are using their brand name in your domain name. I hope you have a backup of your site, because you will likely have that domain taken from you at some point.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Though I don't do enough of it, as already mentioned, building relationships with other bloggers can lead to alot. If you blog. Links, roundups, guest posts and most important, people that share your new content just about every time. And it can compound, one guest post leads to another, and another.

Course, it's too slow and time consuming for most folks. Easier to buy in. :)


New member
Feb 4, 2014
Best methods to increase number of back links are:

• Get a "Link To Us Page" or Section
• Social Media Sites
• Relationship Blogging
• Release your earning report
• Create a unique and helpful tool that comes handy for your industry
• Conduct a massive blogger outreach and a post on what they say on a topic
• Broken Link Checking
• Creating graphics, media that can be reused
• Alexa ranking
• Profile links
• Guest Posting
• Be newsworthy
• Earn links from more sites
• Start marketing your content
• Off page SEO
• Social Media Optimization
• Increase user friendliness of your site
• Have patience, let your domain grow
• Have a keyword rich domain
• Get involved in social bookmarking
• Comment on other blogs
• Get involved in social media
• Write list articles
• Ensure that your technical SEO is in place
• Create lots of link-able content
• Develop strong internal linking


New member
Dec 24, 2015
As I'm sure is said many times in this topic, the best idea is quality of the links and not quantity as long as the links are powerful enough to push the traffic to your content. There are many ways to get that link juice and most have already been suggested so rehashing it would be redundant, but do remember if you simply place a link somewhere to content that visitors can find just about anywhere it can and will also have an affect on your bounce rate.

Create content that only you would think of and know about, I mean after all no two brains think alike so if your really put your mind to it and come up with really unique content and link to it with a creative and strong message you will get traffic and possibly even more backlinks from it. And thats only from one quality link, imagine 10...


New member
Dec 20, 2015
What are the best methods to increase the number of backlinks fast for your website. I have worked on my blogs since some weeks ago and there are no more quality backlinks for my blogs. They are all about make money, wordpress and health niches. All your answers are welcomed.
If you are talking about quality backlinks then I will suggest to create relationship with niche bloggers. This is the best and fast way to gain traffic and rank. But low quality backlinks dont work these days even it is large in number.


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
They DID NOT stop PR from flowing through links. They did nothing of the sort. In fact, they never changed anything with how they use PR.
My point is that relying on PR as a way to decide whether the site is worth a backlink from or not is bad SEO. It's old stale data and it cannot be relied on.
The ONLY thing Google changed was that they stopped updating the public data that you can see in the PR Toolbar. That is it. They still use it internally just like they always did. They just no longer share any PR data publicly.
That's basically exactly what I just said lol :p
And using third party metrics like Trust Flow and Citation Flow is not all that smart of SEO to be honest. Those metrics have NOTHING to do with how Google views your site.
How do you know that? Do you work at Google? Its pure here-say!
They can be a guide perhaps, but if you are basing decisions around Trust Flow and/or Citation Flow, you are probably making a lot of bad decisions.
A guide? With the extinction of Google PageRank, the secondary metrics matters a lot. Metrics like Domain authority, Trust flow, and Citation Flow are becoming the ranking factors in Google. The sites like Moz and MajesticSEO are great at ranking and determining the authority of the sites or blogs. You cant just easily trick these metrics, like that of Google PageRank. The flow metrics update every day, so they are more accurate. You can accurately determine the trust of the site with them. The job of ranking of sites has become much easier for Google with the introduction of trust and citation flow metrics. Now that PR is done, next to PA/DA + mozRank/Ahrefs and using Majestic. (Moz, Majestic, and Ahrefs have all done a pretty decent job in mimicking the PageRank algorithm.) There is nothing else you can use to make a decision on what is a good site or not to get a link from.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
No it is not what you said. You said PageRank no longer flows which is not true. PageRank works just like it always did. We just do not know what the PageRank of any page is anymore.

Again, TF, CF, DA, and PA are not used by Google. They are inaccurate.

Those metrics do not "matter a lot". They are not ranking factors. As simple as that.

And that "surprise" update to PageRank was on December 6th... of 2013.


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
Ah there you go see. Like I said, I'm not an "SEO expert" and I don't personally think you are either. Making statements like they are fact when you don't actually know because you don't work for Google is just pure guessumptions.


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
Your surprise update is from 2013 there genius.
Exactly! Google hasn't updated PR since 2013 and you're going around telling people to use it as a ranking factor?

Saying things like
PR has not been stopped. It is still the backbone of the entire ranking algorithm in Google.
So you work at Google do you? You know how their Algorithm works do you?

You state things like they are God solid truths but I see this all the time by people who want to look like something they are not. It's just pure guesswork and assumptions.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
Where did I tell anyone to use PR as a ranking factor? Where? I said no such thing. I said that it has always been a part of the Google algorithm and likely always will be. I did not say to use the publicly displayed PageRank data for anything though. It's over 2 years old. That would be stupid.

Their entire algorithm largely revolves around links. Nothing about that has changed. What did change was that Google stopped updating the data publicly. Even when they did update the data publicly it was always old data though. It was never instant or up to date.

I also said that CF, TF, PA, and DA are not that useful to an SEO because they are third-party metrics. Google does not use third-party metrics. At best, they are a guess of how Google MIGHT interpret a webpage. Nothing more than an attempt at an educated guess though. When PR was updated regularly, you could compare these metrics to PR and see just how inaccurate they often were.

If I was going to look at ANY third-party metric, I would probably look at MozRank. They attempted to emulate PR. It is not completely accurate though, largely because it is based on Moz's link database which is nowhere near as complete as Google's. It is a far better interpretation of how Google feels about a webpage than DA, PA, TF, or CF though.

Honestly though, the good SEO's have long ago moved away from using any third-party metrics.


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
I never said you did. I quoted what you said and put it in bold. That you said "TF, CF, DA, and PA are not used by Google" like its gospel fact. But unless you work for Google its pure guesswork! That's my only point here. People like to assume that they know the truth about what Google definitely does and doesn't use as a ranking factor. Does Google use Pinterest and Reddit as a ranking factor? Probably, maybe, yes and no. Nobody really knows accept the engineers at Google web spam team or whatever dept it is that controls and twiddles with all the mathematics of their Algorithm.

Personally I think they have created a wild beast that they cannot tame. Web spam is still rife, honest webmasters are still being punished and SERP's are still not providing "quality results". It's getting a little better but things change so quickly on the Internet that they have to keep making updates and rewrites, keep going back to the drawing board and rolling out some other animal name.

Thanks for the information though. I'm definitely learning new things here and you guys have been so great and helpful. Not at all condescending. :)


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
I will freely stand up and say I don't know much about SEO. And I don't really think anyone is an "SEO master" either because I know enough about SEO to know that its a constantly changing thing.

What worked last year probably wont work this year. What worked a month ago might not work this month. What worked yesterday may not work today.

What worked for one site perfectly, might not work for another site even if that site is virtually the same in appearance and content and backlinks etc.

What I do know is that there are a LOT of people out there that claim to know a lot about SEO but all that they know is moot because the game keeps changing.

Its a constant cat-and-mouse game where Google is the mouse and the webmaster is the cat.

Webmaster chases after the mouse but the cat changes its route and mode of operandus.

What you'll never see from me is myself making statements like they are true and gospel and rock solid facts because I don't work at Google so I will not do that.

I can only go by what I have learned from others and read on SEO blogs/forums etc etc and most of that information is pure tripe!

There's a saying I read once that I like to go by.

Never believe anything you read, and only believe half of what you can see. :)


New member
Jul 15, 2015
Then don't spread misinformation about SEO on public forums. Stick to offering advice about things you are knowledgeable about. Or if you want to voice your opinion, then just state that it is an opinion and not fact.

PageRank is still one of the most important core ranking algorithms that Google uses. Google has done nothing to suggest otherwise. The whole reason they stopped updating PageRank publicly is because it helps knowledgeable people manipulate rankings.

If you were knowledgeable about SEO and you had been working in the SEO industry for years, you would know all of this.
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Active member
Dec 22, 2015
I have not spread any "misinformation". I simply replied to the misinformation that was already said by saying "It wouldn't work. PR has been stopped. So no more PR would flow into his site from the redirect." My point was that EXTERNALLY PR would not be updated and no longer show. Which is EXACTLY what has been said here now anyway.

Now then, saying something like "Again, TF, CF, DA, and PA are not used by Google. They are inaccurate" when they are not inaccurate and when nobody really knows what Google uses anyway is definitely not misinformation no?

I see a double standard here.

The thing is, I've got the balls to stand up and admit. But other people like to pretend they are something they really aren't.

If you was an SEO expert. You probably wouldn't be on this forum. You wouldn't have the time or need for it because you'd be spending your money on things like Hawker Lear jets. :D


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
Okay since you just want to keep arguing about this nonsense, let's look at it from a purely logical and business standpoint.

First of all, why would they use any of these metrics? These metrics are based on Majestic and Moz's link databases, which are NOWHERE near as complete as what Google sees. Google has far more data collected and stored, so they would have no use for these metrics.

Second, it would be a HORRIBLE decision for them to use data that they could be shut out of at any moment. Think about it. What if DA was a metric they used, and then one day Moz decided to block Google from that data? It would throw the SERPs all out of whack. And it could happen too. Remember a couple of years ago when Twitter blocked Google from crawling their info?


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
That's very true. Very good point. And a fair assumption. But again, an assumption is only an assumption.

And when you assume something it makes an ASS out of U and ME LOL

Sorry, saw that on some movie once. Not necessarily true but yeah :D

Cor lighten up guys!


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
Here is another thought about those metrics.

They were designed to TRY to interpret what Google thinks about the links coming into a webpage. The rankings were there first, and these sort of metrics are just an attempt to reverse engineer what Google had already designed.

It would seem like running in circles for Google to include metrics that are designed to interpret what they are already doing in the first place.


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
Yeah makes sense. I wouldn't be surprised if Google bought one or all of them companies up. Do you think they would want to or may have already tried? That seems to be the modus operandum of them today.

I still think to stand by what I say by PR would not flow. Not as far as the end-user is concerned anyway. Someone could build 1000 PR9 dofollow links to their site and no matter how much time they waited the PR would never update as far as the Toolbar and PR checkers are confirmed (knowing that most PR checkers only check the Toolbar API anyway).

That said, its not to say that building 1000 PR9 dofollow links to your site would not help it to rank higher. It might, it probably will but it wont show anymore in any check.

Only way you'd know and could calculate and guestimate what the PR is, is by using 3rd party tools such as Moz, Majestic, and Ahrefs.

Oh and good ranking positions.

But who knows what happens, they might release an update for it one day and surprise us all. I have a bud on Skype who just come back from Bruce clay SEO class in LA and he says they're getting ready to roll out the biggest change they've ever done before and apparently its going to upset a lot of people and have a massive change on the way sites are ranked.

So nothing new then.


New member
Jul 15, 2015
You are just repeating what you read somewhere without even knowing what is true and what isn't true.

Ranking factors do not change very much at all and have not changed very much at all in the last decade.

The core reasons websites/web pages rank where they rank are (mostly) the same reasons they always have. The only thing that has changed all that much is Google is better at nullifying spam than it used to be. And they have created penalties that didn't exist before to try to reduce content spam and reduce link spam. And Google tries to judge usefulness of a site based on whether users return to the search results to keep looking for the answer to their query.

Otherwise, the on-page and link based factors that influence rankings have remained nearly the same for the last ten years or more.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015

If you are listening to people in the SEO industry who are telling you that SEO is a rapidly changing game, you are listening to the wrong people. Like Ted said above, SEO has not changed all that much for the past 10+ years. The only thing that has changed is Google's ability to enforce their standards.

For example, they always warned against building crappy, spammy links. They just were not able to take action against it as efficiently as they did until they released the Penguin update. If you were not a crappy link builder though, nothing changed for you.
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