Tips to earn $50 a day


New member
Jun 6, 2012
Lets share some tips that allow us to earn $50 a day. Its easier to earn from doing as a freelancer or affiliate marketer?


New member
Oct 29, 2015
Here it depends.
If you have a special skill that you can sell at a freelancer - it's easier to be a freelancer .Or maybe you like marketing - that means you can easily go into affiliate and create a system that brings you profit .

Both of them have advantages : If you're a good freelancer,people will come back at you when they need the work done .If you are good at affiliate & people find out about you,you will have a lot of requests to create campaigns for products / services.

However ,another way is to create your own website and mix both. Me for example,i'm trying to build my own blog on entrepreneur niche and create both services that can be bought there ,affiliate,articles& services offered by people there .


New member
Nov 5, 2015
One of the ways to make $50 per day is by providing a unique service to other people especially when you render SEO as a service.


New member
Nov 19, 2015
Which is easier depends on your personality and what you're into. For example, freelancers have to work around other peoples' schedules, so they really have to be on top of everything. Typically, once said money is spent, they have to go around hunting for another job to replace the one they list. I prefer doing affiliate marketing because I'm kind of lazy and really like the residual aspect. As a freelancer, there are so many hours you can work in a day, but as an affiliate marketer, your income grows over time. Plus, you have the option of working around your own schedule.

When it comes to earning consistent money online, you really have to focus on a legitimate, long-term business model such as niche blogging, having a PLR store, making money from Kindle, being a ghostwriter and so on. Niche blogging is the most common way to go, but in order to know what you like, you kind of have to explore your options.


Adam Yunker

New member
Nov 4, 2015
Hey there,

Honestly the best way I could think would be to go 1-on-1 with some people and coach them and really get to know them and offer them a recurring product (obviously one that they will absolutely love).

If you're talking about only $1,500/month then that may just be the best way to go. However, that has it's limitations to it since you'll obviously need to go 1-on-1 with a bunch of people and fix their problems basically for free, then once you guys are super close let them know about the upsell (which will be your recurring product). Or you can even let them know about the upsell and if they would be interested right before you started coaching them.

Once you got enough people in the recurring program to make your $1,500/month then I would say start leveraging it by creating an automatic system that can find those people and automatically train them through emails and eventually upsells them the recurring product without you being there.

You can do this through automated emails and either hiring someone to drive traffic or PPC advertising or Solo Ads works well too.

Just be sure to stay in touch with the list you've built and don't let them slip otherwise it's a wasted opportunity because someone you let slip might, down the line, be looking for a product that you'll eventually offer.

Anyways, Hope this helped :)

Take care, Adam


New member
Nov 20, 2015
My first money made online was on Flippa selling PLR sites and PLR niche blogs. Whenever I need some quick cash nowadays I will list a site on flippa and most of the time it sells. Back a few years ago the PLR sites were selling like crazy but now it seems to come a go in waves(for me anyway). However I see others still seeling PLR sites and blogs every day so it still works and it very easy. Just upload a site on a domain and then list it on Flippa and it's either gonna sell or it isn't. If it does you just made money and if it doesn't you can re-list it for just $5. I was making like $50-$100 per listing so I tried do do at least one a day.

Another good tip which will take some graphic skills unless you outsource it is to have the PLR sites graphics and product image remade. Then re-write a bunch of the text on the site until it passes copyscpae and then list is as a unique site that you are only going to sell once. A unique site will earn you $100-$500 easily while straight up PLR unchanges will fetch $30-$100 these days. Unique sites are easier to sell though.


New member
Dec 24, 2015
I'm sorry to sound like a complete idiot here, but what are you meaning when you say to upload a site on a domain and then list on Flippa? This sounds interesting but I'm not following you.

Thank you!


Active member
Dec 21, 2015
It's called Website Flipping. It's when you register a domain (or take
one you currently own), add some content to it and then sell it as an
entire package deal (domain and website content included). Of course,
this works best once you've taken the time to get traffic to that site,
essentially making it worth even more.

If you need or want more detailed info, let me know and I'd be happy to
post a more elaborate description/example.


New member
Dec 12, 2015
Lets share some tips that allow us to earn $50 a day. Its easier to earn from doing as a freelancer or affiliate marketer?
affiliate marketer should be easier if 1. you have website with traffic; 2. you have a social network account with massive follower.

doing freelancer will work too but it's not easy to fulfill a $50 freelancer task in one day


Active member
Dec 21, 2015
When using honest, ethical methods, making $50 (and even much more)
is a breeze. It CAN be done using affiliate marketing and/or freelancing.

If you're just starting out in the affiliate marketing industry, I've recently
posted an article on one of my own sites. It's titled "25 Sure-Fire Ways
to Become A Successful Affiliate Marketer" and it provides some really
valuable tips. You may want to [URLnf=""]have a look-see[/URLnf].

I am an actual product creator and web site developer which is fine and
allows me to pay the bills, however, I also use tons of affiliate marketing
which then helps me earn some extra "spending" cash.

While most of my income comes from freelancing, depending on the size
of the job, you can EASILY earn much more than $50 per day. Hell, I've
earned hundreds in a matter of minutes doing jobs which customers are
willing to pay me to do that take me just minutes to do (probably because
I've done them so many times). Regardless, the point here is that it is very
easy to make $50 per day regardless of the avenue you decide to take.

Also, one of the best parts about affiliate marketing is that, combined with
other things, such as automated auto-responder systems, you can easily
earn boatloads of commissions while you're sleeping, or busy doing other
things that you enjoy doing.

The trick, as with anything, is to find what works best for YOU. What works
for me, or Ron or John or Sally, will not necessarily work for you and the same
vice versa. I learned to program many years ago and as proud as I am of my
accomplishment in that arena, not everyone can code, however, you may be
good at graphics (and I SUCK at making graphics, lol), but, if you're good at
creating graphics, doing freelance work as a graphic artist would be a very
EASY way to make MUCH MORE than $50 per day.

If you like doing research, freelance as a professional researcher. Good at
posting forum messages -- there are people out there who will pay you to
post messages on their startup forums or post comments on their blogs.

If you're any good at making crafts, make a few samples, take some photos
and sell them on sites like eBay or Etsy. Have an eye for what makes a good
looking t-shirt. Get your hands on some graphics and use sites like CafePress
or TeeSpring and try your hand at selling custom branded t-shirts, pants,
coffee mugs and much much more...


The title of this post is "Tips to Earn $50 A Day" and the fact of the matter is
that making $50 a day really is child's play. ANYONE can make that, if they
work hard and have a real desire to do so.

Now, I am NOT saying that I make $50 (+/-) per day every day. There are
days, weeks and months even, that I go without making a dime, but, that
is because that is how I decided to set things up for myself. I may not feel
like working today, or maybe just not as hard, so, I may take the day off.
Or, systems or tactics I put into play last week may not have worked, or
may not have worked the way I thought they would or may just not be
working THIS WEEK...

The trick is to find something you love doing, find an easy, automated way
(if possible) to do it and test it out. If it works, keep doing that and find a
way to "scale it up". Never be willing to settle. Continue testing out many
different methods to see what works best and then... SCALE IT UP a notch
or two. You'd be surprised at how easy it can be to take something that is
making you $10 per day and scaling it up to make you $100/day (or more).

When you're happy with the results, move on to try something else, making
sure to have a system in place that will allow you to continue making sales
or revenue on auto-pilot for what ever you were doing previously. This will
ensure a healthy and continuous stream of cash flow coming in while you
attempt to "expand your horizon".


New member
Aug 6, 2013
There are many websites where you can do freelancing related work and get paid. You should note that if your country is not supported by paypal, then there are chances that you might not find much work because paypal is the most preferable payment option. However, there are some websites that can pay you even if your country is not supported by paypal. Websites like odesk and elance are one of them. If your country is supported by paypal, then you can find work at textbroker. You can even submit your list of top ten things at listverse and get paid.


Active member
Dec 21, 2015
PayPal should NEVER be a deciding factor with anything online.
There are so many work around ways available, it's not funny.

If you want something bad enough, you will figure out a way
to do it no matter what obstacles may stand in your way.

"Obstacles are merely opportunities waiting to be solved with
creative thinking." -- ME


New member
Jul 15, 2015
Lets share some tips that allow us to earn $50 a day. Its easier to earn from doing as a freelancer or affiliate marketer?
If you are new to the field of affiliate marketing then you will probably discover it is 100 times easier to earn $50 per day as a freelancer. This of course assumes you have a skill that is worth selling.

If you are trying to find a good business model for making money with the internet somehow and you are asking questions like "How can I earn $50 a day?", then I think you are asking the wrong questions.

If you wanted to go get a job in your local area right now, would you ever ask yourself "How can I earn X amount of dollars a day?" Nope. You would ask yourself, "What kind of work am I qualified for? What could I get a job doing? How much does that pay?"

If you were thinking of starting a local business in your local area you would be asking questions like "What type of business would succeed in my area? What type of business is in demand right now? What type of business am I capable of starting?"

If you keep asking yourself how can I earn X amount of dollars online, then you aren't going to find the right answers that are going to help you get there. Instead, start asking questions like "What do people want? What do people want badly? What do people want desperately? What are people having a hard time finding?" Figure those things out. If you find something on that list that you can help them get, then find a way to sell it to them. Depending on your idea and how well you execute your idea you might make $1 per day or $1000 per day (hypothetically).


New member
Jan 11, 2016
I make $50+ per day using youtube.

I usually create 2-3 minute videos on downloading something like latest hd movies, softwares, android games etc and put a link to some PPD network in the description.



New member
Jan 9, 2016
Lets share some tips that allow us to earn $50 a day. Its easier to earn from doing as a freelancer or affiliate marketer?
If someone is just starting out and has a marketable skill, freelancing is a fast way to make money. I have made a lot more than 50 a day as a freelancer some time back. Yet, you are trading time for money. So if you get sick, if you go on vacation, if your child needs to go to the dentist... you don't make any money that day, that week, that month...

Building an online business takes more time. I have tried different avenues and ended up writing books and maintaining a couple of blogs that are close to my heart, plus a community--which is not for profit. The good part of building a business is that you keep earning even if you are sick, go on vacation or take your child to the dentist. If you don't attend it will fall eventually, but it does give you some time. And you could fire yourself and hire outsourcers to manage it if the business is not centered around you as a brand.
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Active member
Dec 21, 2015
HOWEVER, it is not that difficult to do both -- to build a business as a freelancer.

As a freelance programmer and web designer, I have set up myself and my services
in a way that I make money each and every month whether or not I do anything in
any particular day, week or month or not...

I've done this by first proving myself and my skill sets to my customers. Once they
know the true value of what I offer, which I always promote the benefits of the
service more so than the service itself, they end up subscribing to my affordable
monthly maintenance plans.

Many of my customers go months without needing me to do anything, yet they
still pay because the know that whenever they have needed me, or will need me
in the future, I am always right there for them giving them 150%.

As long as you have a good business model, you can definitely "freelance" very
without worrying about income stopping just because you get sick
or your dog needs a shot or your mother flies in to town unexpectedly.

"Life happens, but it doesn't have to stop." -- Me (lol)
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New member
Jan 9, 2016
Yep, that's how I started out in 2003. After my second child was born and I realized I was not going back to research, I started a web design business that included of course hosting, registrar, and yes... maintenance. Then the customers wanted me to design the sites to be first in Google. I said, what? There I went to learn SEO and got my nose in this weird world of marketing.

And I met some gurus, and one in particular offered me a job that paid a lot more than I was making. I was taking some local clients and one in particular had become a lil bit stalkish, so I was starting to worry and this offer was also good because of that. I tried to keep both outsourcing and the guy deleted all the blogs of a client by mistake. Sigh. I solved it from the backups, but decided to close shop. That was in 2008, I think.

When got out of that job, I was sick and tired, no business. So I started over. But this time doing what I liked: writing.

The only way to really have a business that works without you is learning how to outsource. That's a skill we all need to learn.

My humble opinion, of course. :)


New member
Jan 24, 2016
The best way to earn $50 per day is to ignore money and set high goals far beyond $50 per day. Think about what is useful to others. Affiliates are at the mercy of their suppliers and their supplier's quality. Build your own things that serve humanity. There is more money in creativity than in competition. In creativity, you trump all competition.

I'll tell you what worked for me really well - cold calling.

I still call at least 150 businesses straight from the Yellow Book every week, sometimes more. I call and set an appointment to see if I can build them a web system that is structured for SEO. I give them DIY SEO software, educate them, and build them amazing websites.

I work with them tirelessly and actually care. My goal is for them to outrank their competitors and make money with their websites and enhance their business in some way. When they do, they do the work for me. At the footer and about section of their website, they agree to reference me as their web developer. And I put "web development done by Epic Global Web" in natural places.

So their success builds my success in the long run.

1. Plan for the long term - what problem will you solve for others?
2. Sell
3. Set an appointment
4. Get them to implicate themselves (how has not having my service impacted you, how would your business be better etc.)
5. Propose
6. Close
7. Nurture & Ask for referrals


New member
Nov 19, 2015
While I agree with your overall message, a lot of people who make money online do so because they don't want to have to deal with people like that. I know people who get nerve about leaving comments on forums or on blogs - ha.


Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Ron Killian
I was thinking along the same lines, not every one is comfortable doing some things. Doing things like cold calling can be very intimidating for many folks. Dealing directly with people is not for every one.

Sure not knocking any one's plan, more so if it's working for them, more power and success to them, just saying, we are probably not going to find much success trying to do something we don't want to do. It's one thing to try and get out of our comfort zone, but it's another thing to try and do things we dread or hate to do.

I did affiliate marketing for my first 10 years online and I LOVED that I did not have to deal with any one. So much freedom. Miss that.

As far as setting goals like $50 a day, that is just limited thinking. Just because one might be working online doesn't mean they have to settle for less. Far from it, it can be unlimited earning. If we just get out of our own way. :)


Active member
Dec 21, 2015
I'm sure you'll agree with what I am about to say Ron, however,
it is only as limiting as you let it be. In my opinion, setting a low
goal, such as just $50, may be just what someone needs to get
THEM rolling. It is only limiting if you LET it actually be your limit.

Starting off with a "$50 per day" goal is actually good, IMO, as a
starting point. It enables the person to work hard enough to earn
that $50, and at the same time, get a feel for what will be needed
to double that, triple that, quadruple it, etc...

Some people may set a goal of say $5k per month, however, with
some people, the higher the amount, the more THEY see it as an
impossible mission.

The point of ANY goal should be to set it high enough to make you
actually work for it and even have to think a little harder than you
normally would, but not so high that your brain perceives it as an
impossible feat. Then, once you have reached that initial goal, then
doubling or even tripping, quadrupling, (etc...) it will not seem as
daunting because you already know you can achieve what you
initially set out to achieve and doubling it is just a matter of
working just a tad bit harder.

I know you didn't mean anything "ill"-minded with your post Ron,
and I do agree with the premise of your statement, I just wanted
to put some light on another thought process, that's all.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Ron Killian
Too late, I am now ILL. :)

I know what your saying, and I won't disagree, but you and I know too many people set the bar too low. Not like it's easy to always think positive or always believe there can be more. Or to believe there are no limits.

Not saying setting a goal like $50 a day is a bad thing, not at all. Heck most people don't have goals and they REALLY should. I'm more than guilty. Just hate to see people get stuck in the low ball area and not move up. And all because of their thinking or mindset.

How does that saying go... "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?". Something like that. My favorite quote, one that I think about all the time, "If it's going to be, it's up to me".

Again, I know it's not easy. Even harder if you need money or if your struggling. Been there, done that.

Always good to have other perspectives, thanks for posting :)


New member
Jan 24, 2016
Yes. Online business is perceived as a short cut. That's why people are setting $50 per day goals instead of $5000 per day. My outlined process can just as easily be an online process.


New member
Jan 16, 2017
As some of the replies adviced - you could set up your accounts on fiverr or seoclerk and offer your services there. That could help you. If you are willing to invest your time in learning new skills - you should read up about domaining business. It's possible to earn from it. I have sold a few names myself.
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