All-in-One YouTube Video Ranker Service 2016 SEO Friendly Improves The Ranking of Any YouTube Video


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
All-in-One YouTube Video Ranker Service 2016 SEO Friendly Improves The Ranking of Any YouTube Video Using Real Safe Guaranteed Google Friendly SEO Methods

Rank your YouTube video higher on YouTube and Google

Get your Video Ranking #1

Our Amazing and Unique YouTube Video Ranking Service will boost your videos current ranking positions in both YouTube and Google getting you more views and clients!
  • Real Manual High Quality YouTube Video Promotion
  • All Buyers Guaranteed 5000 Views Minimum
We have been providing YouTube promotion services for about 5 years now and we've learned a lot about it since then so it makes sense to pool all that we've learned together and provide this All-in-One YouTube Video Ranking Service.

So we have put together a very smart and very powerful package in which you can use again and again to rank your YouTube videos higher with every time.

We will use a collection of several very safe and powerful methods of purely white-hat SEO that will rank your video higher guaranteed!

Do you have a great video and a great channel but not many viewers and subscribers? We will fully optimize your video and channel if needs be so it maximizes its potential on YouTube and the search engines with our work.

Powerful Backlinks With Authority
We will build high authority embedded contextual backlinks that count to your video from the best Web 2.0, Social Bookmarks and PDF sites. We will bookmark your video to BIG Facebook Pages and Groups and do real viral promotion of the posts.

Embedded Contextual Backlinks SEO
We will create a new and unique high quality article and then submit this to high quality PR4-9 PDF Submission sites. These will provide permanent dofollow contextual links to your YouTube video using a mix of keywords/synonyms.

Real Promotion on Facebook Groups + Pages
We will do real promotion of your YouTube video on VERY BIG Facebook Groups + Pages too. Some of these groups have hundreds of thousands of users. Some of the Pages we post to can have many millions of fans/users. Collectively we're talking about a reach of up to 50,000,000 people!

Social Signals Count!
In the same way as social signals improve your websites overall SEO and ranking positions by actually having them - YouTube videos can also benefit from having social signals built on them. So we will build a mix of 3500 Social Signals to your YouTube video URL which will have a positive effect on its current ranking #.

Note: The posts we create on the Groups + Pages are permanent and also count as social signals for your YouTube video also improving its overall SEO score.

So What Happens When You Order? (A Step by Step Breakdown)
  1. We will require some details from you. At a minimum your video URL and some keywords or long-tail that you're trying to rank for.
  2. We will do on-page SEO diagnosis of your video/channel and recommend changes to make to improve its on-page SEO and YouTube score.
  3. We will then create an article for you based on these keywords or you can provide your own article and we can use it.
  4. We then convert your article into a PDF and then submit this PDF article to up to 25 PDF directories which will provide an embedded link to your video.
  5. We will submit and share your video to the top 10 Social Bookmarking sites using a mix of different aged accounts.
  6. We will then set about posting and sharing your video to 150+ of Facebook's BIGGEST Facebook Groups and Pages that have over 500,000,000 users collectively.
  7. We will search for and post to Pages in YOUR Niche and then post to these Pages which are indexed in search engines virtually in minutes.
  8. We will then proceed to build Social Signals on your URL with a mix of Facebook Likes, Shares & comments, Twitter tweets/retweets. LinkedIn shares, Pinterest Pins/Repins, Google +1's etc etc. Drip fed over 7 days.
  9. We will keep everything created saved, all the PDF site articles, all the Manual Social Bookmarks, all the Facebook Group/Page posts created etc and provide all if it in one simple report when we are completed.
Can You Really Get My Video to Google Page 1?
Yes we can but the service on its own just once might not be enough to do that. If that is the case after using it then the thing to do would be to try it again thusly really improving its power that it can have on your ranking. All those extra high quality contextual backlinks from reputable authority sources and extra social signals help in the long run with time so to get those top first page rankings we run the service as many times as we need to to get there.
How Long Does it Take Before I see Results?
You will see results immediately within 12-24 hours of ordering! Within 12-24 hours you'll see many more increased views/likes/subs/comments etc on that video and channel taking place almost immediately and lasting/increasing for 7 days. On around day 7 we'll deliver a full report for you with your past/current rankings. However for some videos, ranking can take a little longer or require more work.
I Waited 4 Weeks But Not Much Change in Video Rankings
Sometimes some videos can be tougher than others to rank on YouTube let alone Google search engine. If there's no change after 4 weeks we say to wait another 2-4 weeks and if still no positive change to rankings run the service again to double its power which can often be very effective and where the service really comes into play for you.

All in One YouTube Promotion Service!

REMEMBER - This is an all-in-one YouTube video promotion service. We take care of all it for you! We guarantee a minimum of 5000 High Retention views with all orders. Your video will see increased views/likes and comments and channel subscribers from real people in the promotion that we do. Within 7 days we will have done all this work and improved your current YouTube video ranking positions forever!

Price: $49.

Order now for 100% satisfaction guaranteed!

To order: Send me PM for my PayPal email and send me your required details.

You may also use my Paypal vanity URL

Then just PM me your details!


New member
Jun 6, 2012
How many videos can I have for a campaign?

Do you have any discounts for pricing?


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
Hi MoiseLopez, its for one video per campaign.

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