What are the best ideas to invest money?

Cameron Hill

New member
Sep 1, 2016
Yeah I agree with Ron and Clark. Build an email list I would say, as this is a more stable, long term approach, and more effective in the long run, because you can continually offer products to leads, and you can get higher conversion rates by building a relationship first. People buy from those they know like and trust.
If you really want to invest your money in something, save some for basic utilities like hosting etc. and then invest in information/coaching that will help you out. The best thing I did when starting off was invest in myself and my learning, and this saved a lot of time. And then through the courses I bought I found mentors that really saved me heaps of time and money, and gave me incredible value. I'm forever grateful to them.

Also coaching will give you accountability to keep taking consistent massive action, and getting the results you want.

So yeah! Hope this helps :)




New member
Aug 27, 2016
Hey there,

What can I do to invest $800 into a niche site and get income from it monthly

I am not a writer so I definitely will need to hire good writers to write content on my sites.
I have ideas
1. Creating a Clickbank affiliate review website
2. Creating a Amazon affiliate review website
3. Making a Adsense target website, buy a theme and hire writers to write articles

What are the best ideas to invest money? Please give me your best advice!
There are so many review websites and review websites are everywhere because many people started doing them couple of years ago because they are the easy to do. If you get the best writers on your website, you will still have to spend some kind of money on advertising such as Google Adwords because it is almost impossible now days to rank a website on the first page of google with doing SEO. Also there is so much competition so it has only gotten hard to rank a website higher. This is why you will have to do paid promotion of your website. Now I am not saying to not start a review website because it's your money but I would advise you to look somewhere else because there are many other ways to make money online. It would be better for you because you have a limited budget. Good Luck!


New member
Oct 1, 2016
I think the best way to invest money for newbie is Amazon affiliate, quite easy to do; commission is low but you can sell a large amount of products, and reputation of sellers is really good.
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