A good start is installing and configuring CSF - ConfigServer Security & Firewall. Configure cPHulk Brute Force Protection. Rootkit hunter.
Changing SSH port is also another good thing. Making sure the root password is long and obscure. Securing Apache, hardening PHP... the list goes on.
This guide should help somewhat - [URLnofo]http://www.whmsecurity.com/whm/how-to-whm-server-hardening-and-security-basics[/URLnofo]
And this one: [URLnofo]http://www.webhostgear.com/cid_6.html[/URLnofo]
I'd highly suggest getting someone to harden it
for you if this is a production environment, as asking on a forum is generally a good indication that you don't know how

Keep in mind hardening isn't a fire and forget thing - you need to update these things regularly. Whenever there is a security hole - patches are released fairly quickly - you need to keep on top of such things.