Nofollow, Dofollow and Pagerank in SEO?

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Harry P

New member
Feb 3, 2015
I have a few questions about backlinks regarding to nofollow, dofollow and Pagerank in SEO

- Can nofollow backlinks help SEO at all?
- Will dofollow backlinks from Page Rank 0 pages help SEO too?
- URL and text link on a dofollow sites, which is better?

I have heard people say just 1 backlink from a PR2 is better than 100 PR0 backlinks. It that correct? why?


New member
Feb 5, 2016
- Nofollow link will not help you to increase your keyword serp but Nofollow link will help you to your link building more natural in google eye.
- Without domain authority page authority will not you help you to increase your serp. Page rank is 0 but have good DA PA that will be definitely helpful for you.
-Both are needed but try to keep bellow your anchor text ratio 15%


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Excluding the fact that PR is no longer visibily updated to the public:

- Can nofollow backlinks help SEO at all?
Simple answer is no... It can however bring traffic which should not be confused with ranking increase. It also explains why spamming forums, sites etc. for nofollow links does nothing... as well as ads on sites... Views that nofollow makes your site look more natural is simply not true and you'll find by doing nothing that you'll end up with them from scraper sites etc

- Will dofollow backlinks from Page Rank 0 pages help SEO too?
Not really... That's why tactics such as building web 2.0s from scratch for links does nothing... Such sites have zero history, zero reputation/authority and have more or less zero link juice... Its why most people are failing miserably with off-page SEO as what matters are the type of links i.e. links from sites which are seen as high authority/trusted and on pages which carries lots of link juice... and those links are hard to get...

- URL and text link on a dofollow sites, which is better?
A text link as that provides contextual info about what the site/page is about... Anchors relate to your keywords... Besides which looks/reads better to end users? As that is what I would focus on...


New member
Mar 3, 2016
NO follow links are not helpful for back links and do follow links provide you back links.
Page ranks depend on your quality back links.


New member
Feb 26, 2016
Anyone that says nofollow links don't help, doesn't know much about local SEO.

In local search, it's really a different algorithm. Sure, organic factors are still accounted for, but it's about location and industry relevance. Nofollow backlinks don't pass PR... that's it. Will a nofollow link from press releases that are syndicated to local media impact local rankings? The answer is a resounding YES.

I think most of the nofollow vs. dofollow debate is counterproductive.
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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
I disagree with your point that Googles algo is significantly different for local search.... The only real difference is the level of competition as well as a reference to a specific place/location concatenated to a keyword to form another keyword...

I believe what you are observing maybe down to co-citation and co-occurence which is nothing in comparison to actual juiced up links and on keywords which has zero competition... besides lots of press releases provide dofollow links - so you're most likely getting your dofollows/nofollows mixed up....

Suffice to say if local SEO was a different algo then it would be easy to rank through simply placing lots of ads on sites.. Which clearly is not the case...

To say nofollow vs. dofollow debate is counterproductive is nonsense... If your intent is to increase rankings then building nofollow is a total waste of time... Why would you or anyone for that matter want to waste time and effort on something which does not work?


New member
Feb 26, 2016
It's fair to disagree, I am adamant on my stance regarding this, this is what I've worked on for the last 7 years with clients across the US and abroad. Maybe I'm wrong and you're right, but I don't think that's the case, however, I respect your opinion.

For those that work exclusively with organic, it's easy to get confused. Your talking points are the same that people have been claiming for years. It's not your fault... It's a major misconception in the industry, which stems from a difference in the type of SEO performed. I used to have your point of view on it as well.

The algorithm is significantly different. Not sure what you imply by people putting ads up and would rank better with local... that has nothing to do with what I said. Just because they're different algorithms, doesn't mean that one is significantly outdated.

The fact of the matter is that Local results, whether local with GMB or local organic, is a different algorithm. Local organic is just very slightly different than regular organic. Now, local with GMB is drastically different since the majority of the impact stems from the listing itself, and relevance both to the location and industry.

Nofollow links CAN and DO help with local SEO when a GMB listing is involved. There is no denying that. Nofollow doesn't pass PageRank. We're not talking about PageRank.

Similar to what you said about co-occurrence... nofollow links CAN be a correlation factor. Google has even said they would count nofollow links as part of the ranking algorithm by determining the reputation of the source, more specifically when related to social media accounts (separate from social signals) hence the introduction of author rank back in what? 2010?

Want to think about it more in depth? Wikipedia has a bunch of nofollow links... sure, those links don't pass PageRank. Are those links useful? YES! But why? Enter...TrustRank. Never understood why this is seldom discussed, even though it has been thought to be one of the most weighted factors in rankings. Of course, we don't have proof since it is purely internal. So what happens with those links? Google ignores them? They don't pass anything along? What about trust flow?

Even if nofollow links didn't pass any trust... by your own admission of co-occurrence and co-citations, a nofollow link CAN and DOES have influence over rankings.

Anyway, thanks for the discussion. Always good to see other peoples point of view.


New member
Jan 8, 2016
I have a few questions about backlinks regarding to nofollow, dofollow and Pagerank in SEO

- Can nofollow backlinks help SEO at all?
- Will dofollow backlinks from Page Rank 0 pages help SEO too?
- URL and text link on a dofollow sites, which is better?

I have heard people say just 1 backlink from a PR2 is better than 100 PR0 backlinks. It that correct? why?
First of all: There is no such thing as a "dofollow" link. There are only normal links and links with the "nofollow" attribute.

1. In short, no. The nofollow attribute was added to calm down all the spammers. It provides a way to linking to another website but without passing PR. That doesn`t meant that nofollow links aren`t useful. They can provide a huge amount of traffic if you have a backlink from a good source.

2. Not really. And one more thing: Except new created websites (where we know that PR is 0) you shouldn`t waste your time with PR because Google didn`t publicly update it since more than a year ago.

3. I would choose for a contextual link (text link) because of the reasons stated above my post.

About your last question: PR2 has some link juice. PR 0 has 0 link juice. Now let`s do the math:

100 x PR 0 = 100 x 0 = 0
1 x PR 2 = some link juice

Some link juice > 0

This is from a link juice point of view


New member
Jan 6, 2016
I am going to agree with MrT on this one. I am with hesitation going to admit I am a big nofollow fan. In todays environment it is possible to replicate the same effect Google was trying to accomplish with Authorship. And the whole idea there was to better identify the multiple points of content that an author would write, regardless of its location ( online ) As MrT points out, it becomes about "Trust Flow"

The other point I would agree with is Local search is a totally different ball game... and not just the 3 pack version of local, but the geo based algo is different as well. The moment you start talking "Citations" in most cases those are nofollow - but we all understand they are important for local search.

What gets real interesting is what i believe the greatest misconception in SEO - Google has A algorithm. Google doesnt have A algorithm, they have a multitude of them. There is local organic, there is local ( 3 pack ) there is local GEO, there is "Organic", there is News, and shopping, and adwords and on and on. And to better than some extent they dont run autonomously, there is without question some variables being passed back and forth.

Look at the most recent update, that was targeting Adwords, and there happens to also be an effect on Organic... who would have known right?


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Wow I really cannot get my head around the above two responses ^^ ...

Okay so lets recap and cut to the issue:

Mr T and S4 believe that "No Follow" links will increase organic rankings for keywords which are regarded as local SEO...

... and the reason for that is that local SEO is massively different to SEO...


As mentioned then why dont you then place ads for your local SEO campaigns?... As those will be nofollow links and according to you it will increase your rankings... Why???? Because you know full well that it wont work.... Or perhaps you think it does?

With regards to Google stating this - then prove it.... As its unsubstantiated until then... The only thing they have ever stated is that NoFollow has no influence on the SERPs such those [URLnf=""]vids[/URLnf] by MC.

There is not one shred of evidence which proves nofollow links increases rankings... Show me one example of a site ranking purely on Nofollow links for a competitive keyword and not some obscure word which no one is searching for or has any competition - which I suspect is what is confusing you....

Finally there is no proven evidence of co-citation/co-occurence working when there are zero links or nofollow links.... There has been plenty of experiments done with attempts to increase rankings with zero link building based on citations and the fact is as expected they did not increase rankings for example this article outlines whether its possible to rank in Google without links and keeping in mind nofollow not passing link juice... Obviously the result is a resounding No!


New member
Jul 15, 2015
It's fair to disagree, I am adamant on my stance regarding this, this is what I've worked on for the last 7 years with clients across the US and abroad. Maybe I'm wrong and you're right, but I don't think that's the case, however, I respect your opinion.

For those that work exclusively with organic, it's easy to get confused. Your talking points are the same that people have been claiming for years. It's not your fault... It's a major misconception in the industry, which stems from a difference in the type of SEO performed. I used to have your point of view on it as well.

The algorithm is significantly different. Not sure what you imply by people putting ads up and would rank better with local... that has nothing to do with what I said. Just because they're different algorithms, doesn't mean that one is significantly outdated.

The fact of the matter is that Local results, whether local with GMB or local organic, is a different algorithm. Local organic is just very slightly different than regular organic. Now, local with GMB is drastically different since the majority of the impact stems from the listing itself, and relevance both to the location and industry.
A few points I would like to chime in on and offer my opinion ---

You mention local search results, local search with GMB and regular organic results as if they are three different things. It seems like you are implying that there are two different types of organic search results (regular organic and local organic)? And then there is a third search result (local with GMB)?

Not sure why you would separate regular organic and local organic into two separate categories as they are not. Organic is organic. The locality part of the Google organic algorithm is a relevancy boost for local sites if the keyword suggests it is a local search. It is merely a relevancy signal within the primary Google organic ranking algorithm. It is not a separate algorithm. Well, at least I don't believe it to be because I have never seen anything to suggest it. Google has always (if you read published algorithm papers) tried to incorporate local factors into search results. It just so happens that some searches (because of the keywords) don't require any local bias at all because locality doesn't make it any more relevant.

There are only two search results categories - 1)local (with or without Google My Business) and 2)organic

Is the (Local Results algorithm) significantly different from the (organic results algorithm)? Yes. For multiple reasons.

Nofollow links CAN and DO help with local SEO when a GMB listing is involved. There is no denying that.
I'm denying it until it is proven true. Where is the proof that nofollow links help (local search results) rankings as you have stated?

If you are talking about sites that you are getting citations from a page/site along with a nofollow link, is it the citation or the nofollow link that is boosting your rankings? Citations are still citations with or without the presence of a link at all regardless of whether the link is dofollow or nofollow.

Google has even said they would count nofollow links as part of the ranking algorithm by determining the reputation of the source, more specifically when related to social media accounts
Where and when did they say this? Can you provide a link please? I can't find anywhere that they said such a thing.

Want to think about it more in depth? Wikipedia has a bunch of nofollow links... sure, those links don't pass PageRank. Are those links useful? YES! But why? Enter...TrustRank. Never understood why this is seldom discussed, even though it has been thought to be one of the most weighted factors in rankings. Of course, we don't have proof since it is purely internal. So what happens with those links? Google ignores them? They don't pass anything along? What about trust flow?
Trust Flow is a Majestic metric not a Google metric.

Google has never said they use anything like Trust Flow. They use PageRank and always have. Trust is built into the PageRank algorithm because they drop (at least some) untrusted links from the link graph - example - Nofollow links. Nofollow basically means - don't trust the reputation of this link - ignore this link.



New member
Jul 15, 2015
Google drops nofollow links from the link graph even from more trustworthy sources - such as reference links from Wikipedia.

As far as trust is handled with Nofollow links:

At about 50 seconds into this video Matt Cutts says :
We are not trusting; we're not taking into account the links from Wikipedia because they are nofollowed.

Don't bother to go spamming Wikipedia. It is not going to make any difference in search engine rankings if you get a link because it will be nofollowed.
Seems pretty clear.

Other thoughts?


New member
Feb 26, 2016
TrustRANK is not a majestic metric, it's a patent that Google filed in 2005. Trust flow with majestic is a shoddy imitation that nobody could possibly quantify.

Look, to be honest, it's not in my interest to convince you what exists and what doesn't exist. It also doesn't matter whether you believe nofollow links work or not. It also doesn't matter if you believe local SEO and organic are different or the same lol. Being unable to wrap your head around it, doesn't make a difference to me. Believing something else, doesn't change my thoughts on it either.

I certainly hope that the readers here will test and research further than just what they see in this thread. The greatest teacher, is experience.

P.S. Is Matt Cutts even relevant anymore? I prefer to follow Gary Illyes


New member
Jan 6, 2016
Mr T and S4 believe that "No Follow" links will increase organic rankings for keywords which are regarded as local SEO...
Since I have gone this far opening my mouth, let me take it a step further... I dont believe this to be true for JUST local search, I believe it to be true for search in general. - it happens to be easier in local... but the end results are pretty much the same across the board.

... and the reason for that is that local SEO is massively different to SEO...
Lets start with Citations... regardless of follow no-follow or otherwise, a citation is a citation - a completely differnt animal. An animal that I would go so far as to say could be the future of seo in general.

As mentioned then why don't you then place ads for your local SEO campaigns?... As those will be nofollow links and according to you it will increase your rankings... Why???? Because you know full well that it wont work.... Or perhaps you think it does?
that WONT work, you are correct. when you start talking about "trust" or as Cutts also refers to it as Reputation or Authority, its NOT just the link.. there is more to it. There has to be a method in identifying the link to you / your site. and again, its NOT the link, there has to be other elements at play. I know that the methods I use and the methods that MrT use differ. I have shared my methods in the past... ( maybe not here, but in other places )

With regards to Google stating this - then prove it.... As its unsubstantiated until then... The only thing they have ever stated is that NoFollow has no influence on the SERPs such those [URLnf=""]vids[/URLnf] by MC.
Ahhh but in one of these videos there is the slight hick-up They dont follow... UNLESS the linked page has been indexed. So which is it then.. does it have no influence when not indexed? or are we saying even with that, it has no effect even when indexed? I have to push again here... page rank is a multitude of factors - Linking ( obviously ) and then these terms that Cutts throws around... Trust, Reputation, Authority. He is VERY CLEARLY suggesting there is more to the equation than "links"

There is not one shred of evidence which proves nofollow links increases rankings... Show me one example of a site ranking purely on Nofollow links for a competitive keyword and not some obscure word which no one is searching for or has any competition - which I suspect is what is confusing you....
I have actually shared such a site just last week... no "Follow links" what so ever.

Finally there is no proven evidence of co-citation/co-occurence working when there are zero links or nofollow links.... There has been plenty of experiments done with attempts to increase rankings with zero link building based on citations and the fact is as expected they did not increase rankings for example this article outlines whether its possible to rank in Google without links and keeping in mind nofollow not passing link juice... Obviously the result is a resounding No!
This is where things get technical in a way... I practice a method of on page SEO that includes internal linking... these links do not count in the eyes of Google in terms of Juice links... BUT... think for a moment.. SILO structure from the bottom up a series of links on a site that point to a single page. from that page, most everyone links out to their "Money Site".. what happens when you internalize that juice and keep it onsite? Juice is juice right? so obviously the answer is not NO.. and again i shared a site that defies what it is you believe to be true... You can rank with out links, for that matter you can rank without using the "Trust" variable.

And then lets look at the example article you have left us to read... I think you need to re read points 2 and 4 - they are not saying no you cant.. they are saying yes its possible, and then leaving the caveat of it not being a very competitive term. - I have never said anything different. This is not a big boy SEO ranking in the top 100 for the term "XBOX" type of strategy. This is picking out low comp terms that have the potential to convert.. that is the whole idea right? screw traffic man.. i want dollars. If a term provides me 10 searches a month and I land 8 of them and close the deal on 4.. dude I will take it... 1 maybe 3 hours of work for repeated conversion month in and month out - THAT is the business side of SEO... there has to be a reason to draw traffic, and usually the reason is dollars.

If you are running around building ad-sense sites.. sure you need volume... but what about those of us that actually sell stuff? volume is good, but conversion is better. When you start pinpoint targeting traffic, by default then number of visitors drops. Volume drops.. that means for all practice purposes the competition drops... reach enough of these terms, and you startplaying on a greater scale.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Wow! What a long repsonse of which there is zero substance and not one ounce of any evidence that nofollow links have any influence on the SERPs... and further some serious lack of understanding of SEO in general... For example:

I practice a method of on page SEO that includes internal linking... these links do not count in the eyes of Google in terms of Juice links...
Not true... All links internal, outbound, inbound carry link juice unless it is nofollow.... The use of silos is an excellent way to funnel juice to pages/posts which you want to rank... In the case of nofollow linkjuice is dissipated to a blackhole in order to avoid it being used to sculpt/funnel link juice...

...and for the rest I don't know where to begin....but I'll try...
Ahhh but in one of these videos there is the slight hick-up They dont follow... UNLESS the linked page has been indexed. So which is it then.. does it have no influence when not indexed? or are we saying even with that, it has no effect even when indexed? I have to push again here... page rank is a multitude of factors - Linking ( obviously ) and then these terms that Cutts throws around... Trust, Reputation, Authority. He is VERY CLEARLY suggesting there is more to the equation than "links"
Nothing amazing or revolutionary here.... Indeed there is not one person who looks at concept of link juice as just links... The notions of trust/authority etc is part of that... We all know that.... Seriously is this an effort on your part to write lots of stuff as part of a strategy to avoid answering the questions???

You even agree that placing ads on websites which are nofollow links will do nothing for your website... That's a total contradiction to your points lol... such a contradiction shows that you do not have a clue about what you are talking about...

Lets get back to it....

Since I have gone this far opening my mouth, let me take it a step further... I dont believe this to be true for JUST local search, I believe it to be true for search in general. - it happens to be easier in local... but the end results are pretty much the same across the board.
Okay you are now saying nofollow links has "across the board" influence on the serps regardless of local seo etc, despite the overwhelming evidence provided above to the contrary... So where is your proof??? ....and can you do it without going off on a tangeant with talking about stuff which has nothing to do with it..


New member
Jan 6, 2016
Not true... All links internal, outbound, inbound carry link juice unless it is nofollow.... The use of silos is an excellent way to funnel juice to pages/posts which you want to rank... In the case of nofollow linkjuice is dissipated to a blackhole in order to avoid it being used to sculpt/funnel link juice...
What the intent of the statement was, is that when you look at any Google reporting, be it internal or from another source ( IE GA or WMT or Long Tail ) it is very easy to identify juiced links.. but internal linking is not included in that reporting.

Nothing amazing or revolutionary here.... Indeed there is not one person who looks at concept of link juice as just links... The notions of trust/authority etc is part of that... We all know that.... Seriously is this an effort on your part to write lots of stuff as part of a strategy to avoid answering the questions???
Since there is nothing "revolutionary" here and EVERYONE knows Trust, Authority, Reputation are all parts of page rank along with link development.. could you share your strategies for developing these elements of SEO?

You even agree that placing ads on websites which are nofollow links will do nothing for your website... That's a total contradiction to your points lol... such a contradiction shows that you do not have a clue about what you are talking about...
Far from a contradiction, more a clarification. Just throwing around no-follow links is not going to get the job done, we all know this to be true.. there are added steps.. a process in the passing of that stuff you say EVERYONE knows about ( Trust, Authority, Reputation ) So before, I asked how you develop these elements.. well then now lets ask, how do you pass these elements?

Okay you are now saying nofollow links has "across the board" influence on the serps regardless of local seo etc, despite the overwhelming evidence provided above to the contrary... So where is your proof??? ....and can you do it without going off on a tangeant with talking about stuff which has nothing to do with it..
You are saying this and not me..I am saying that with the use of nofollow links you can pass things such as Trust, Authority, and Reputation. And yes.. this is not something that only works with "Local". No follow links unto themselves with no further action, do not pass anything.. you start follow the steps, and ensure the page you are pointing towards is indexed. you understand how the elements I keep repeating ( Trust, Authority, Reputation ) are developed, and then how they can be passed to your advantage. It is indeed a pretty simple process... But since I know nothing.. I want to hear how you develop these elements, and how you pass them for your advantage. and by all means.. EVERYONE knows all about this stuff.. others can answer as well.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Wow - even more dribble... dribble... dribble... I've asked you for one thing repeatedy... For proof that NoFollow links can improve your rankings on the SERPs... and nothing...

Do you want to know why you have not?

Simple really in that there is NONE!!! Indeed you must of spent the entire weekend searching online for proof and have come to the realization that you know full well you are talking out of an orifice commonly used for sitting on...

For some reason you dont seem to understand the concept of link juice and how NoFollow prevents that from flowing onto a recipient site....

Further you've taken terms such as trust, authority, reputation and made up a big pile of horse cr** of which none of it makes any sense... Seriously don't you realize that link juice is reflective of those attributes in the first place??? Why are you attempting to invent addtional attributes and then making up stuff that these things bypass NoFollow???

Again you have zero evidence... and its clear to all that you are making stuff up... Next you'll probably be banging on about how important meta keywords are lol...


New member
Jan 30, 2016
Ans1: NoFollow links will be ignored by google and does not help.
Ans2: Backlinks from PR 0 websites will be considered as NoFollow links, because they don't affect page rank.
Ans3: Text link is much better! Surround your link with 250 characters on both sides (left and right) that will turn your link into a super backlink!


New member
Jan 6, 2016
For some reason you dont seem to understand the concept of link juice and how NoFollow prevents that from flowing onto a recipient site....
you are the one that keeps using the term "link Juice" and not I... I keep saying I do understand that no follow does NOT pass juice. I am not talking about juice.. I am speaking about other elements ( i wont repeat them )

Further you've taken terms such as trust, authority, reputation and made up a big pile of horse cr** of which none of it makes any sense... Seriously don't you realize that link juice is reflective of those attributes in the first place??? Why are you attempting to invent additional attributes and then making up stuff that these things bypass NoFollow???
Lets go into a few things first... lets keep in mind the videos above are from 2011.. Specifically March of 2011. JUNE 2011 introduced Google Authorship... Which was an attempt to identify and match content with its writer, and in a sense link it back to a primary home. There was some point there that they decided it would be great to link all this back to G+... Dec 2014 the project was stopped.

At the same time ( June 2011 ) as Google Authorship is being rolled out, the joint venture ( Bing Google and Yahoo! ) aka Schema also released the use of "Author Markup" For those not to familiar with one or the other or both, the significant difference is in the coding itself. Google Authorship was an HTML based tag, and the Schema markup was / is html5 based microdata. Given that the time frame here is 2011, I can only assume that Google had more faith in the HTML based tag and believed there would be more universal adoption - that ultimately was not the case.

So then we get into mid 2014 and searchmetrics releases a study ( to read it is a download, and there is a required opt-in and I know there is a rule to linking to such pages ) if you goto searchmetrics in their knowledge base and search schema, you will find the study. They state that within their study, pages with Schema ranked 4 positions higher on average, and then roll out the blanket.. "This statement should be treated with caution"

All the while with this Google says that Schema is not a ranking factor.. but the markup details are present through out serps.. be it reviews or social links or hours of operation etc.

So lets tie this all together... If you use the Author markup more as a citation, and I will explain. With in a page you set the author to "You" and then as an example make a comment on a blog.. when you do so there is generally a place for a name, a web address, an email address, and a comment. IF you match the name "You" within the comment to match the "You" to the linked page there becomes a connection. The "You" in such a scenario is usually the link text as well.

The exact opposite can be done as well.. you can identify the text on another page that may have details of you or your business or what have you. You can then identify the details and where the details are located and through markup link to that location ( this linking does not have to be visible on the page by the way )

So then we need to better understand what it is I call "Trust". The elements you are discussing would be more related to "TrustFlow" which has more to do with proximity of links to seed sites, and I work more with LDR ( Linking Domain Relevancy ) By all means LDR should of course be considered in a follow scenario... but it should be considered in ALL scenarios. An instance I think many may be able to understand here would be a client that has a propensity to post all over the web on this forum and that blog and here and there, leaving their web address anywhere and everywhere. LDR is shot right in the foot. I think we could all agree this is generally not good for overall Site ranking ability... and if that is the case, then paying attention to LDR as a tool, would could and does have the exact opposite reaction.. a ranking boost.

Here is the deal,If I knew I had data that i could present that you could look at and say "Oh that works" I would... but you tell me..what would that look like? Someone else wanted proof that I could rank a page with no backlinks.. I provided that, and still that was not enough.. ( granted it was only for a term such as "service" and "city name" ) they wanted traffic.... again, how am I going to show that and there not be any amount of disbelief?

The answer here is simple enough... I gave you the guidelines to the method... its not like its going to hurt anything.. try it for yourself.. you tell me if it works.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
If you're looking at Neil Patel for SEO advice then that partly explains it lol...

Again you're skirting around the issue with efforts to go off on a tangeant with waffle... Get back to the issue....!!! You stated that NoFollow links can improve your rankings... You even state you have provided proof.... Where is it???? Where is the link to your cloud cuckoo land proof????? Seriously your inability to answer questions and to provide waffle is nauseating....

If you read above I have substantiated my view that "NoFollow" links passes nothing with providing links to articles, videos etc... I have even provided evidence from G stating that NoFollow does nothing...

Further you even agree that if you try using ads which are NoFollow it will not improve your rankings thus by your own admission you are a walking OXYMORON!

If you think you can rank sites without backlinks then show me.... which is another issue... and again zero proof.... There is not one shred of evidence online which substantiates anything you are saying... and finally saying I provided someone the proof once upon a time, long, long ago is proof of nothing!!!!

By the way Google Authorship has nothing to do with what we are talking about and further if you have not heard already - authorship has been dropped by Google.... I applaud you for your time wasting, issue avoiding waffle...


New member
Jan 22, 2015

I had to do create a Star Wars meme for this thread LMAO!! :DD: :hysterical:

Never mind me, I'm just here for the comments :beernow:



Staff member
Jul 7, 2012
Sometimes Star Wars always happen on Webmaster Sun :DD:..I like this BUT no one will be "killed" in this WAR..:whiteflag:

Nofollow, Dofollow and Pagerank will lead you to discussions that never end.
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