Where to start making money online?


New member
Jul 1, 2016
Yeah Ron many people can't do it and don't have what it takes to keep striving for the goal. I still work jobs as well. I like earning bonuses and residuals but there is something to be said for a steady pay check as well. Perseverance is not taught anymore without it more people fail more often. The basic MLM is kind of deceptive it allows people to see the riches without seeing the work that goes into it. Even with a good product friends and family still say no to being a customer people don't like change even to save money.

If you responded to the post especially more than once the post must be relevant. I never said I never made money on line just pointing out some things. At the same time getting feed back where everyone can read how others have made money.


Jun 28, 2016
Yeah Ron many people can't do it and don't have what it takes to keep striving for the goal.
NO! Stop right here... can't do it? don't have what it takes?
I am one of the last people who you'd say ''can do it'' and ''has what it takes''. Yet i've made much more money than the people who told me it can't be done by someone like me.

Anyone can do it. ANYONE! - If the alternative (low paid job) is painful enough.

When you say something is not possible for someone else, you are judging him based on what you perceive that you yourself would be capable of in his position.
So when you say it's not possible you are really just setting limits for yourself.
If you really want your business to pick up stop doing that.


New member
Jul 1, 2016
Ron the reason they can't do it is not because of their ability it is their desire and persistance. You are right people can do it physically but they can't because they won't.

NO! Stop right here... can't do it? don't have what it takes?
I am one of the last people who you'd say ''can do it'' and ''has what it takes''. Yet i've made much more money than the people who told me it can't be done by someone like me.

Anyone can do it. ANYONE! - If the alternative (low paid job) is painful enough.

When you say something is not possible for someone else, you are judging him based on what you perceive that you yourself would be capable of in his position.
So when you say it's not possible you are really just setting limits for yourself.
If you really want your business to pick up stop doing that.
This morning when I read your post and answered I left for work but have been thinking about this every since I read it. I love your positive out look on every one can do this. And I guess I do have a mind set that says not every one can do it. And yes that could be the very reason I am not better at it. See I know with out a doubt that I can do really good at selling anything. When it comes to believing others can I do find myself being selective on who I think can do well and who can't. If you are correct and anyone can do well then I have failed them and have failed myself. The thing is though if I get them to spend their hard earned money, I feel responsible if they fail at it. I feel as if I robbed them. So I end up putting limits on myself because of it. I do believe everyone is valuable but we all have different strengths, gifts, talents, and yes even abilities. That is why different people are the best in their fields. At that particular thing they are better than others. Should making money on the internet be any different?

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Now we are just splitting hairs. And "can", can be defined differently by each individual. But I know what you mean. :)

I think...

Every one can do it, doesn't mean every one is capable.

That seems to fit better.

For the longest time, for many years, I use to think the same thing, that everyone, or any one couple do this. I've since changed my thoughts on that, after talking with so people over the years and seeing what so many people have said over the years. Sadly some people can NOT do this. Just reality. Just a fact.

And one of the biggest problems, one of them, is that so many people don't see what they are doing wrong. They are not honest with themselves. And they do not ask for advice, feedback, or help.

I've lost count how many times I've heard people say.. "I've been doing this internet marketing thing for years and haven't made much of anything. I've tried everything and it's not working". When you dig deeper, you find they have sites that are not finished. Sites that have major problems. Unfinished projects. They say they have traffic but they don't. The list goes on.

Of course I've made PLENTY of mistakes myself and will make more in the future. Not trying to preach to the choir.

Well, just m y take :)

Rene Frydson

New member
Aug 8, 2016
I recommend geting yourself an autoresponder and start building a list. This is a great way to start out. Autoresponders are cheap, and there's alot of ways you can drive traffic to your squeeze page and start creating an audience. Create some content for your list and promote affiliate offers in between :)


New member
Jul 1, 2016
What is a inexpensive one to get and does it come with its own capture page?

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Ron Killian
Getresponse is one of the best for the price, only $15 a month to start. Capture, lead or squeeze pages are unique to each, so not something that really comes with any autoresponder. You want to make your own unique pages. But GR does have some great starter templates.


New member
Jul 1, 2016
My buddy has a capture page that comes with one of his money making sites. It cost around $150 then $30 per month but it comes with a email campaign auto responded and also the right to sell the product at 100% of the initial price of around $150. I was thinking about buying it. It makes him money every monthenough to pay the monthly fee plus a little here and there more. If I get it would any of you be interested in it as well.


New member
Jul 28, 2016
Hi Rene, yes I have an autoresponder and squeeze page and I'm trying social, solo ads, and forum ads. Any suggestions on traffic sources of internet marketing offers?


New member
Jul 24, 2016
There are so many way to get started making cash online.

If you are talented at something like writing or design etc then offer this as a service.
But i would recommend starting a blog and taking it from there.A blog is brilliant. It's like having a base that you set up and report back to. That's how i see it.

Rene Frydson

New member
Aug 8, 2016
Hi Rene, yes I have an autoresponder and squeeze page and I'm trying social, solo ads, and forum ads. Any suggestions on traffic sources of internet marketing offers?
Also participating in forums and Q&A sites like Qoura is good traffic sources. I recently posted an ebook I wrote in a forums paid section, for free, with links to my signup page among others inside the book. Because of the quality content it brings in a steady flow of traffic, and gets great feedback in the thread as well :) Thus, my signature is also viewed more.I recommend this to anyone allthough it take some time to create the content itself :)

What is a inexpensive one to get and does it come with its own capture page?
I would recommend Active Campaign. This is really great because of it's automation platforms. You can manage your contact in a much better way and make the automations "smart". For example: If a contact clicks this link in that specific email, they show interest in a particular topic or product, you can set it up to send out a customized sequence of emails based on the contacts past behaviour. It's also half the price of Aweber for your first 500 contacts :)

Cameron Hill

New member
Sep 1, 2016
I thoroughly back email marketing, both affiliate and vendor (selling other people's products and your own).

It seems like the most sustained way of long term success on a grand scale. Might take a little longer than other get rich quick methods, but they usually fail at some point in my experience.

If you want more info on how to do email marketing, just ask/look around for my posts.


New member
Oct 9, 2016
There are alot of different places, but building a website or landing blog for a product you might be able to promote from your own knowledge is a good way to start.

It can take some time to make this happen, so sometimes making easy money with social media methods and CPA marketing is good to make that first dollar. My strategy is to just build a website for a niche, and start posting content and articles to get it started. After building it up over time, and having a good product and content to promote, it can make easy money.
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