I don't add everyone on Facebook. Sending or accepting random friend request is not a good habit. Adding the people we know is the only necessary thing to do. In fact, this was one of the reason Facebook was created in the first place, to connect us from the people we care about. The Internet is a dangerous place to explore, we might encounter the most dangerous elements such as crackers, scammers, etc. here. And of course, Facebook is also prone to these threats. If we add people we don't even know, there is high probability that the next victim could be one of us. We never know, that's why it's really better and much recommended to just add only the people we know like our family, friends, classmates, neighbor, relatives etc. Adding too much people would just lose a room for us to add the people that can potentially be our friend in the future. So let's think before we clicked, let's not just add people just because we saw their beautiful face on their profile picture, We don't even know if it's a poser or not and even if they're real, what merit would they get in engaging with random guys. To make the story short, just stick with the people we know, let us know people in real life first before we met them at the social medias.