DO you need a degree to run business or can you tech yourself with it being a success?


New member
Dec 8, 2017
First of all I think education is important only bringing positive things to your life if you work hard. I went to school for Business Administration focused in Hospitality and Management. I am ten courses away from claiming my Bachelor's degree, sadly I have to have a little more money to accomplish this. I have been into computers since they came out and had some at the house to take apart, put back together, and upgrade. I have also learned so much in marketing and advertising all on my own by research as well as trial and error. I have learned a lot and grown over the years. I have now gained skills in marketing, website design, and deciding target audience. I plan to finish my degree but me being bale to learn and apply my knowledge. I went through trial and error, but it has really helped me to get plenty of visitors to my sites and contacts to set an appointments with potential clients. I so not feel that you must have degree but it helps to. I have had to go through years of research, mess ups, and continued growth. I think you should always continue educating yourself. I have also learned several places to post for free to get traffic to my site. I have also taken the time to learn all aspects possible of the social media sites that I use to be able to post advertisements for free. There are groups on Facebook you can join and can join as many as you like, I have many. There are others who post this gives you the chance to share your work in different areas and open lines of communication. Having many forms of ways that clients or potential clients can contact you is a benefit. So with all I said its is to support the fact that from my view you do not need a degree to have a successful business. Earning a degree is wonderful and a benefit, but not a necessity. If you do not have a business degree you can still open and run a successful business it may just take more dedication.


New member
Apr 27, 2016
Degrees open many doors that may not be open any other way for potential jobs that you may be interested in, is a degree absolutely necessary to achieve success, absolutely not.

I have been asked this question many times throughout my career. For a little background, I spent a good part of my life as a RF Engineer for a major Public Safety corporation, on both the engineering and management side. Most of the information I used in my day to day activities was either self taught or acquired through experience. Later in life I moved into technical education, web development, software engineering and eventually moved into teaching at a University level.

Many of my moves throughout my corporate life were based on my experiences, and the knowledge I had acquired throughout my career. Not the degrees that I held. I do hold numerous degrees at a graduate and post graduate level. They did open doors for me that may not have been opened had I not had them, but once the doors were opened it was more based on how I presented myself, vocabulary, confidence, experience and most of all ambition. They all play a role in your success.

So degrees are important depending upon what you want to do in life, but they are not the most important thing. Your motivation to succeed, the way you speak to people, the way you present yourself, your knowledge of the subject area, and your ability to constantly improve all of that leads to success.

I have had many people work for me over my career with excellent degrees, and that person was not worth a nickle. They were arrogant, thought they knew everything, were never wrong, and extremely difficult to work with. I sent most of my time trying to mentor them in how to manage not only their time but also their attitudes. After a while I had to let most of them go, they just did not play well with others.

On the other side of the coin I have had members of my staff without degrees that were excellent managers. They had all the skills to make a good addition to my management team. The problem that they had was their was an upper limit to how high they could go in the organization without a degree. Many organizations are like that. So it is a balancing act.

I hope this helps you. Degrees are important, but the skill set of the individual outside the actual degree, is even more important, you can have success in life without a degree and achieve some wonderful goals, but a degree will never guarantee success.


New member
Sep 2, 2017
The importance of college degrees vary from country to country, in my opinion. While I see having a college degree in first world countries are not that essential in order to succeed, in most 3rd world countries, it is. It is like a golden ticket to a whole new world in the employment sector. Those who are undergrad have to strive more than those who have degrees. That's the sad truth. But for your question, if we need a degree to run a business, NO. Can we learn the path to it on our won through experience? YES, definitely. Mike001 has said it already. It doesn't define you but having a degree opens a lot of opportunities. I just wanted to add to it also, that when you do strive to have a degree and finish it, it's also a training ground to be persistent, disciplined and determined. At east that's how I see if for myself. I had a degree in engineering and it was a tough road to finish but I managed and the journey has set me to be determined in life and finish what I started. Lastly, if you are struggling to find what you really wanted to do in the future, do not make yourself stagnant at some time zone. Instead, if you can, learn a skill or two and I am sure you'll move from there towards something you are aiming for.


New member
Dec 8, 2017
To both who replied, I appreciate what you both stated. I do think that a degree is important and will open doors more easily than for those who do not have a degree. Both of you are correct when saying that you do not need a degree to begin a business. It may take more time and learning new skills you do not have. Both had some great answers in my opinion.


New member
Oct 3, 2017
I think there is no need to have a degree to run a business. This is based on my observation, from a true to life story. I finished two degrees in college. One is related to business degrees and other one is related to a medical degree. I used these degrees for my employment but not in having a business of my own. I compare myself to my cousin who did not finish a high school education but he is now a successful businessman.


New member
Nov 24, 2017
We can say that a degree is important just because it determines our educational attainment, but it does not apply to all. For me, experience is the best teacher. If you have the talent and experience, I believe you could run a business quite well. Having a degree might give you an edge because of the lessons being taught at Universities, but the experience and exposure of handling/helping in a business since one has learned the maths and strategies will surely lead him/her to success. My thoughts on this is that a degree may pave one's way to a successful business, but what matters the most is the passion and dedication of one to improve his/her skills in business. That for me is an important factor for each and every person aspiring for a successful business.


New member
Jan 4, 2018
A degree is critical to running a successful business. I have started and successfully exited multiple businesses. If you are only 10 courses (1 year full time) I would strongly suggest you do everything you can while you are young to finish your degree, the sooner the better. Many times throughout my career I have been hired as a consultant to complete some intermediate jobs which have provided key income. I could never get these positions without a professional degree. I presently live and work overseas and I could not get a residency permit without a degree. Banks and potential investors will look more favorably towards you if you have completed your degree. Completion of a degree demonstrates GRIT, which is one of the most important qualities in a successful business person. Best of Luck and Happy 2018!


New member
Oct 18, 2018
Well, not everyone can become a business owner. By the way, it is risky, and it can happen that finally you will have no job, no business and no degree. How many people do become students after 30? That's why I decided to receive a diploma. Even if I decide not to work by profession, I will always have a plan B, and it is easier for people with a degree to get a job. Of course, high education usually expensive, not everyone can afford it. Some people also think that it is too difficult to study at college or University. Here I can say that modern technologies make the process of studying much easier. Students can use various apps and services and even Blockchain technologies. In my opinion, we have another level of education today, I mean there are much more opportunities for self-teaching.

Rob Whisonant

May 24, 2016
When I hire people, I find that the ones who DO NOT have a business degree outperform and do a better job than the ones that wasted their time going to college.


New member
Dec 22, 2023
A degree is not necessary to run a successful business. Many individuals have succeeded through their own education and practical experience. Success often depends on your skills, determination, and ability to adapt and learn from practical challenges. A degree can offer valuable knowledge but it's not the only path to business success. Your mindset and dedication are key factors.
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