I can't even begin to answer this question without sounding like a douche.
I use the internet for pleasure, entertainment (they are not the same), business, crowdfunding, charity, news, and lastly as means to an end.
I use the internet for my own pleasure, by that I mean like every other person on the planet I use it to tickle my mind with things that I am interested in.
I use it for entertainment to watch Netflix and HBO shows and movies and to listen to countless bands and music artists on YouTube, spotify and even peer to peer music sharing.
I use it for business as I am a freelance python programmer, so I earn money directly from customers online.
I use it for crowdfunding a project game I am working on, to fund my game concept.
I use it for charity so I can donate whenever I can to a certain charity which I would rather not disclose, and lastly the news because I find that you need to know what's happening on the planet you live in.
Those listed are just my daily routine, let alone the hours I spend in the deep web and in language learning tutorials and webinars.
The internet has completely overtaken my life, and I haven't even touched Android internet use in my reply.