Every website owner wants their website to be sure the highest ranking for a particular keyword. Ranking of a website in the search engines (especially
Google) be very important if you calculate it based on the following statistics:
90% of users only read the first page and not turning the next page in Google.
42% of users click on a website that is in position 1, 12.5% ​​at position 2 and only 8% in 3 positions.
This means that if your website is not on the first page in Google and is in position 3 then you may lose more than 60% of potential visitors. Thus your current website need to improved rankings, but how to do ?
Here's some important factors that determine the ranking of a website on Google and I want to share to all of you.
Website URL
If you want to get a good ranking for some keywords, it is important to include these keywords in your domain. If you insist to enter a company name or brand name on there is to make the website is in the top position in search engines based on a particular keyword will be a very tough and challenging.
Domain Age
If you are registering a new domain name, then you have to start from scratch. But over time, your website will profit from this factor. On the other hand, you can begin to find a domain name that has expired and is no owner. Such measures also can be done in spite of very difficult.
Title Tag
Having keywords in the title tag of the homepage is a must!. More websites that still use the brand or company name in the title tag which will make provision for a specific keyword rankings will be more difficult. This is a ranking factor that bias applied to all pages on your website.
Page Structure
Optimization of every page within your website is only for one particular keyword. Each page on the website can be optimized for different keywords. Of course, ranking for more keywords is difficult but it's possible. Home page should set a target on the main keyword, others pages will target and ranking for long tailed keywords.
Keyword Density
It's important to mention the keywords you target in the relevant pages. Good density leads to a 3% target keyword which means you only 3% did text yard style. More and more bias then your page considered as spammy.
Backlinks are thing still important at this time. More quality backlinks will help your website on top search engines quickly. However, you also need good content because if your website only have quality backlinks without unique and fresh content, your top keywords on SEs easily drop in short time and not stable.
Just my factors that you should care for your website to get good rankings on Google. If I missed some other factors, you don't forget to show me them on this
webmaster forum then ! :victory: