I like the look of the site. It's clean. However there's a couple of major things that you may want to adjust.

If it is a place where people can provide advice, I would have the home page explaining what your website is suppose to be about. When I went to the home page, it has a "Store" like feel where I could purchase items. I kept looking for the "Buy Now" buttons. So to avoid confusion I would have the home page as an introduction explaining to people what your wanting to accomplish with your website.
NOTE: 15 minutes later - I notice it IS an actual store, not just a place for people to get advice. You really need to explain what your site is on the front page. Just a nice introduction, so there's no confusion.

When I had clicked on one of your posts, I found it very hard to read because of the ads on the upper left hand side of the page. It was very distracting, and they ran along with the words of your post. Perhaps you can consider placing those ads under the fold (post), so people don't go cross eyed, or get confused with it being a site full of ads.

Pictures to go along with your posts would be great, as it will help your visitors get through the post by having a nice visual appeal.

If you are in the USA, you have to state on the bottom of your site, that you are an affiliate. If you're not, then disregard this comment...lol
In closing, the site is clean but can create confusion as you're cruising around it, as it leaves a person clicking unknowingly to either a blog post or a store page...:blink: