Re: Email Marketing and Affiliate Marketing Tactics
QUICK ANSWER: Promote an irresistible incentivized opt-in offer that'd be a no-brainer for your target customers to give their first names, emails and other details (like their mobile phone numbers and so on) in exchange for the value of your offer. Then:
Look for authority list brokers that are licensed by accredited Direct Marketing Associations within trade organizations based in your target countries; BUT ...
Before you go ahead and promote your incentivized opt-in offer to the people in the databases of those authority list brokers — Let me confirm something with you:
I assume you already have the things below?
• Professional Website — Remember, online sales involve trust-based transactions. The overall visual design of your site should effectively make your target viewers think and feel that you aren't a fly-by-night outfit that's just there for a quick buck. The visual UI of your site should also make it quick and easy for them to view the content they want and navigate to different sections across your site ...
• Authority Content — You should know what you're doing. You should know what you're saying. You should know what your target customers want — What you're doing and saying should provide them with truly unique, truly creative value — Value that they want. Effectively communicate these things through the value of your onsite content ...
• Incentivized Opt-In Copy — Grab the attention of your target customers. Keep them interested in viewing the rest of what you want to tell them. Make them desire your incentivized opt-in offer. Compel them to get your opt-in offer in exchange for their first names and emails (or other pieces of info like mobile numbers and so on) ...
• Irresistible Opt-In Offer — Your target customers want to experience first-hand the value that you can give them. They want this, before buying anything from you. Give them the experience that they want. Your incentivized opt-in offer should effectively do this ...
• Non-Promotional Emails — Supplement the value your subscribers got from your incentivized opt-in offer. Do this by giving them supplemental benefits through your non-promotional follow-up emails ...
• Promotional Emails — Give insightful recommendations to your subscribers about products that can enhance the overall value they're already getting from your opt-in offer, onsite content and non-promotional emails. Throw in actionable tips while you're at it, something that they can do, in order to maximize the value that they want ...
• Value-Added Services — Make it quick and easy for them to contact you and have their pre / post sales concerns and support issues successfully resolved. Do this even for subscribers who bought your affiliate products — Just direct them to the support centers of the merchants if you don't have the power to resolve their problems with your affiliate products. This'd give you an edge over other affiliates who are promoting the same products. More so, this'd give you a chance to upsell relevant products / service offers (your own or affiliate products / service offers) right after successfully resolving their concerns and issues ...
Well, that's it for now. Cheers!