What are the best ideas to invest money?

Harry P

New member
Feb 3, 2015
Hey there,

What can I do to invest $800 into a niche site and get income from it monthly

I am not a writer so I definitely will need to hire good writers to write content on my sites.
I have ideas
1. Creating a Clickbank affiliate review website
2. Creating a Amazon affiliate review website
3. Making a Adsense target website, buy a theme and hire writers to write articles

What are the best ideas to invest money? Please give me your best advice!


Active member
Dec 21, 2015
I am not going to tell you what I think the best way to invest YOUR money is
as you may not be into what I like doing, so, I couldn't possibly know what
you'd enjoy (which is a very important factor), however, based on the ideas
you posted yourself, why not do a blog with ALL THREE... You could easily
promot CB, Amazon, CJ, JVZoo, (etc.) products from the same site and you
could definitely place some GA's on the site as well.

If you seriously want to know how to invest your moulah, allow me to send
you a deposit slip from my bank account ;)


New member
Jul 15, 2015
What can I do to invest $800 into a niche site and get income from it monthly
What are the best ideas to invest money? Please give me your best advice!
I personally wouldn't look at it like you are looking at it. If I had $800 to invest and I was looking for a place to invest it, I would probably invest it in a growth stock in a USA based company traded publicly. Or perhaps I would invest it in an ETF (exchange traded fund).

I wouldn't look for a website to invest my money into. That is doing it backwards. If I came up with an idea for a website and that idea would cost me $800 to execute then perhaps I would use that money for that purpose. But if I was given an extra $800 from somewhere, I am certainly not going to look for a website to buy or look for a website to build. That is a sure fire way to lose the $800 in my opinion.

My advice: Don't start a business or launch a website or buy a website just because you have the money laying around. Only invest in a business or a website if you spotted that opportunity before you came up with the money. Otherwise your idea won't be good enough and you will end up losing that money.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
This is only my opinion, but for me, without hesitation, I would use to to build a list, or multiple lists. Then you have an asset you could leverage into the future, for sales, traffic, or to build your list(s) even bigger. An asset that could pay you month after month. Course you have to be committed to maintaining and working the list(s) properly or you'd be wasting your money.

Using the money for a good click tracking program and paid traffic, solo ads, ect.

Couldn't say how far $800 would get you, depends on how long it takes for your squeeze/lead page to convert good enough. How quickly your sales funnel converts well enough. But once everything is working good enough, you could cover your traffic costs and start building a bigger list with little to no extra money.

You could put it into a website, but after building and content, you'd still have to get traffic AND keep traffic flowing. Not as stable when compared to an email list.

Like I said, only my opinion :)


Active member
Dec 21, 2015
I know I already piped in on this one, but, re-reading what I wrote, I see that
I really didn't post anything of real value, so, I wanted to add to my original post.

In my honest opinion, I would highly suggest choosing a topic that you are either
passionate about, or could get passionate about and use some of the money to
learn as much as you possibly can about that topic.

Then, once you feel you are versed enough in whatever topic you chose, find a
way to generator income from the knowledge you have. Whether by creating a
new info-product (ebook, report, video tutorial, etc) or even a software that will
help solve a problem(s) within the subject matter of whatever topic you chose.

Too many so-called GURUS out there offer CRAP. They dress it up with all sorts
of shiny wrapping paper but at the end of the day, it's still BS/crap. Be different,
offer something of REAL value. Your investment will come back to you ten fold, I
can assure you of that.


New member
Jan 10, 2016
There isn't any great ideas. It all depens on your effort. and it takes time. For online, u need to build traffics, how u are able to bring them to your web. Your uniqueness.


New member
Jan 17, 2016
IMO the worst thing a beginner could do is to start with a business model in which you have to bring the traffic yourself...I started with a business model in which I didn't have to bring the traffic myself and I started to make money really quickly...


New member
Jan 1, 2016
My opinion I figure you need some support and coaching to enable you build a successful business online.
The truth is you may have various options on how to invest your $800. And such amount could go along way you know... if invested rightly.However there are numerous ways to earn online income.
My ideas are simple but highly effective. Its a proven and tested system that realy works.
Let me list some valued offers that can enable you earn over a 6 figure monthly.
Meanwhile most are free...
You will recieve a professional website and host free for life.
You get a step-by-step training guide to build a successful business.
You get a 1yr co-op services value-$97 with regular highly effective written home business articles and blogs post.
You get 3000 backlinks to your site for seo.
Free links to highly targeted traffics.
However with at least $400 investment you can hit over 6 figure monthly.Hope these tips helps.
Wish you success!

Harry P

New member
Feb 3, 2015
however, based on the ideas
you posted yourself, why not do a blog with ALL THREE... You could easily
promote CB, Amazon, CJ, JVZoo, (etc.) products from the same site and you
could definitely place some GA's on the site as well.
Its really a great suggestion, Do I need to buy a theme for this or how to organize all products (CB, Amazon, CJ, JVZoo, (etc.) into a place? it is possible?

I wouldn't look for a website to invest my money into. That is doing it backwards. If I came up with an idea for a website and that idea would cost me $800 to execute then perhaps I would use that money for that purpose. But if I was given an extra $800 from somewhere, I am certainly not going to look for a website to buy or look for a website to build. That is a sure fire way to lose the $800 in my opinion.

My advice: Don't start a business or launch a website or buy a website just because you have the money laying around. Only invest in a business or a website if you spotted that opportunity before you came up with the money. Otherwise your idea won't be good enough and you will end up losing that money.
I would keep my ideas to invest into websites that generate revenue monthly. $800 is not much for me but how to invest right way, thats a problem.
Why my idea is not good enough and I will end up losing my money that way? really? why?

This is only my opinion, but for me, without hesitation, I would use to to build a list, or multiple lists. Then you have an asset you could leverage into the future, for sales, traffic, or to build your list(s) even bigger. An asset that could pay you month after month. Course you have to be committed to maintaining and working the list(s) properly or you'd be wasting your money.

Using the money for a good click tracking program and paid traffic, solo ads, ect.

Couldn't say how far $800 would get you, depends on how long it takes for your squeeze/lead page to convert good enough. How quickly your sales funnel converts well enough. But once everything is working good enough, you could cover your traffic costs and start building a bigger list with little to no extra money.

You could put it into a website, but after building and content, you'd still have to get traffic AND keep traffic flowing. Not as stable when compared to an email list.

Like I said, only my opinion :)
I tried to find paid traffic, solo ads, ect but they are high cost and I can run out of all my money before reaching out to customers or enough money to build websites

IMO the worst thing a beginner could do is to start with a business model in which you have to bring the traffic yourself...I started with a business model in which I didn't have to bring the traffic myself and I started to make money really quickly...
What business model are you talking about?

My opinion I figure you need some support and coaching to enable you build a successful business online.
The truth is you may have various options on how to invest your $800. And such amount could go along way you know... if invested rightly.However there are numerous ways to earn online income.
My ideas are simple but highly effective. Its a proven and tested system that realy works.
Let me list some valued offers that can enable you earn over a 6 figure monthly.
Meanwhile most are free...
You will recieve a professional website and host free for life.
You get a step-by-step training guide to build a successful business.
You get a 1yr co-op services value-$97 with regular highly effective written home business articles and blogs post.
You get 3000 backlinks to your site for seo.
Free links to highly targeted traffics.
However with at least $400 investment you can hit over 6 figure monthly.Hope these tips helps.
Wish you success!
They could be a good idea but why do I need 3000 backlinks?


New member
Jul 15, 2015
Real businesses aren't built because someone finds money one day and decides they want to "invest" it into a business. In almost every case, the idea is going to come before the money. Or at least the idea will be independent of whether there is money there or not.

The way that legit businesses are built, is that someone sees a need in the marketplace first and then sells the marketplace a solution for that need. Example, an electrical engineer working to design something complex realizes that it would be much easier if there was a microchip that had "X" features. He realizes that chip could be used in a million different applications by other electrical engineers trying to design whatever. So he invents this chip and builds a company around it. He will be successful because he knows there is already massive demand for it.

Some people just start a business because it is something they know how to do. Like some guy who likes to do home improvements because he is really handy. So he decides he is going to start a home improvement business just because he has always wanted to be in business for himself. (This is how and why a lot of businesses get started). And the business fails miserably. And the guy is out of business a year and a half later and stuck looking for work. And he lost all the money he invested in his business because nobody wanted to buy his home improvement services. The guy struggled to get by that first year and a half and ultimately failed. Very, very, few businesses survive if they are started that way.

If you had an extra $800 just burning a hole in your pocket and you insisted on spending it on a website of some kind, you are going to be like the second guy I described. What I am suggesting is that you put that $800 into a real investment (like a growth stock or ETF) so you don't waste it. If and when you come up with a legit idea like I described about the electrical engineer, then go ahead and spend your $800 on it. But if you start out with the money and go look for something to spend it on, chances are, you are just going to waste it on something that isn't going to work out for you.

That's what I mean. I know its not a popular opinion. It's just my opinion.


New member
Nov 19, 2015
I would advise against using adsense. It pays too cheaply. It takes the same amount of traffic to get an adsense click (could be something like .30 a click) as it does to make an affiliate sale (will vary depending on what you're promoting but will surely be more than that). Promoting digital/info products on Clickbank pays more per sale than promoting a physical product on a site like Amazon -- pays less because the products not only costs more to make but there are more people to pay (involved in the process). If you want to promote Amazon products, you need to promote products that costs a bit more -- as well as promote related items. Oh, you also shouldn't put adsense on the same pages where you're promoting products as an affiliate. It drives traffic away from your site.


Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
No guarantee, but not impossible.

Another variation, set up the squeeze page and sales funnel and run the testing with free traffic. Would take longer, but then the $800 could be a close to sure thing investment.

I tried to find paid traffic, solo ads, ect but they are high cost and I can run out of all my money before reaching out to customers or enough money to build websites
Here's a little more...

1. Highly targeted squeeze page
2. Simple copywriting techniques used on squeeze page
3. Sales funnel (or OTO) in place, highly targeted or tightly related to the squeeze page offer
4. Everything in test mode before you send one hit with variations of squeeze page and sales funnel

Bought in bulk $800 would give you ATLEAST 1600 hits solo ad clicks. Should be more than enough to find a squeeze page combination that converts well, like over 50%. and should be enough, or close to finding a sales funnel that converts.

Once you have a squeeze page and sales funnel that converts, it can be a matter of future costs being covered by the sales funnel, or most of the costs being covered. And you still have the list to promote to in the future.

Just some ideas :)


New member
Jan 4, 2016
Ok Here is My Advice

If i were you ,I would first learn the trade by myself
I would build a site from the ground Up ,and see how it goes

Once you know what works and what does ,It will be easier for you to give directions to VA and other people

At first you do not know what you want and they may give you something which wont work who knows

I hope this is useful

Super Affiliate

Harry P

New member
Feb 3, 2015
Here's a little more...

1. Highly targeted squeeze page
2. Simple copywriting techniques used on squeeze page
3. Sales funnel (or OTO) in place, highly targeted or tightly related to the squeeze page offer
4. Everything in test mode before you send one hit with variations of squeeze page and sales funnel

Bought in bulk $800 would give you ATLEAST 1600 hits solo ad clicks. Should be more than enough to find a squeeze page combination that converts well, like over 50%. and should be enough, or close to finding a sales funnel that converts.

Once you have a squeeze page and sales funnel that converts, it can be a matter of future costs being covered by the sales funnel, or most of the costs being covered. And you still have the list to promote to in the future.

Just some ideas :)

No guarantee, but not impossible.

Another variation, set up the squeeze page and sales funnel and run the testing with free traffic. Would take longer, but then the $800 could be a close to sure thing investment.
THEY are really great ideas...I will keep this in my book as a good formula to start building website into profits :smart:

Just curious how many subscribers or how much percent of conversions can i have from 1600 hits solo ad clicks? as said, over 50%?

Ok Here is My Advice

If i were you ,I would first learn the trade by myself
I would build a site from the ground Up ,and see how it goes

Once you know what works and what does ,It will be easier for you to give directions to VA and other people

At first you do not know what you want and they may give you something which wont work who knows

I hope this is useful

Super Affiliate
Are there any ways to learn the trade? from coaching courses or ebooks? which source have you learned?
I would build a site from the ground Up ,and see how it goes[/B]
Exactly!! :idea:


New member
Jan 4, 2016
Hi Harry ,

Yes it would great if you learn the process yourself ,but if for any chance you cannot ,you should atleast strive to learn the basics of it so that you can at least give proper guidance to your VA'S or writers

I will pm you a free resource where you can learn the basics



New member
Jan 30, 2016
You can find really good product on clickbank or any other affiliate site and create yourself custom landing page for it and start sending traffic ...
Here is the easiest way and fastest to get traffic
Solo ads you can tap into others peoples list and get traffic to your landing page you will build email list and make money all the time but always provide value to people ...
Than they will like you and ask you to sell something to them.


New member
Jan 24, 2016
The dollarmight collapse soon. Investing in gold or silver might be a sound place to start. :)

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Just curious how many subscribers or how much percent of conversions can i have from 1600 hits solo ad clicks? as said, over 50%?
Conversions for the squeeze page? If it's converting at 50%, you get 50%. Send 100 clicks, you get 50 subscribers. But that is ONLY when it starts converting at the rate. If you have a brand new, never tested squeeze page, it probably won't convert that good.

So, if it was converting at 50%, for 1600 clicks, you would have 800 subs. And the 1600 was a ball park number. Solo ads for example, vary per vendor and of course get cheaper the more you buy at one time. Seems the lowest I've seen was about 35 cents a click, believe that was a 1000 click or larger package.

50% is just a number. A goal. But if your going to be spending money you want to squeeze the most from every click. Only makes sense. You could get it higher than that. I've had them convert at over 70%.

Besides the squeeze page conversion numbers, it's important to keep track of your EPC (earnings per click) on your sales funnel. That is the important conversion, where you lose, break even, or make a profit. But if you can get it to break even or even lose a little, your doing well and your building an asset at the same time. From there you can really scale it up. All about testing.

Just my thoughts :)

Make a blog, write 10 articles, buy 1500 clicks from Udimi. They will convert into 500-600 subscribers.
Have you heard, that money is in the list.
For 800 buckes you'll get your blog and a small list.
I don't mean to be picky, but you can't say for sure 1500 clicks will convert to 500-600 subscribers. Depends on the squeeze/lead/landing page. It's sure not guaranteed.


New member
Feb 15, 2016
First of all sorry because my opinion different then your question

If you want to invest then i think ideal is domain. Become domainer

You can buy good domian (yes need to search right domain) which you can buy from domain grave yard or buy from cheap auction and resell it. If you got right domain then might be you will make 8k in short time..

Best of luck



New member
Mar 24, 2016
Invest your money in yourself. Here is what I mean by that statement: Since you don't like to write I would spend your time creating a list of things that you enjoy doing. Then take that list and compare them to trends at google trends. Then compare niches at clickbank.com Find products that have a high gravity 150 or better.

Create a business plan and a USP for one affiliate product that pays out at least 50% commissions. Then get on the social networks and create a page on facebook. Get social and send traffic to your page. Once you have an audience create a blog and a list. Send traffic to your site. Promote that one product. If you make money from it in 3 months time rinse and repeat.
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