I agree with the posts that have been written but just wanted to add that unless there is a lot of code on the pages, and were talking thousands of lines, the minification of the code for increase speed of load purposes is very marginal.
As an computer science engineer, I have actually completed a couple of studies on this for my own purposes and found that with the increased speeds of the internet connections, the multi-tasking processors with multi-bus capabilities, the increase in the bus lines, and the multiple cores that are now dedicated to individual tasking, speed boosts, on an average size file of 100K or less, and that is about the size of an average size webpage, the file load time is decreased marginally. Less than 1/10 of 1 second.
Now as the pages get bigger and they access data files those times can increase significantly. But what I found there is that the page itself did not impact load times near as much as the structure of the data being accessed. Relational data sets that are not properly structured and optimized can have a tremendous impact on load times of a web page. Hence the issues with WordPress, Joomla and Drupal to name a few.
There databases are not very well structured and when you get someone designing a site with those front ends, that understands nothing about optimized data structures all hell can break loose. But I digress.