I absolutely believe that making money online can be considered a job. Whether it is part time or full time, that is up to the person, however I think it is completely possible to make a living from it. Take for instance, the platform YouTube. An insanely popular website where millions of people post videos, to gain likes and views. For a selective group of people, their view and subscriber count can reach well over the millions. Now, add ads to all their videos, and they will make money due to the large number of people on their site viewing their videos that contain ads. It is shown many times throughout our daily lives that YouTubers are paid well just by posting videos online. YouTube is not the only way to make money online, however. There are other easy and successful ways to earn cash, such as writing a blog, starting a website, or having an online business. Now, any job online is not easy, as it takes time and effort to think of a unique way to draw your customers and viewers in online. However, there are many success stories where people create their jobs online and can make a living off of it! You just need to set your mind to it!