Do you have what it takes To Succeed Online?


New member
Jan 27, 2015
I'm sure when you first saw the title, you automatically said "YES". The truth is everyone wants to succeed but not everyone has what it takes. I don't want to sound negative but more honest then anything. Now you might be wondering where is this coming from? As a full time internet marketer I'm contacted daily by people who think they have what it takes. From the moment I talk to someone and ask just a few simple questions, I can tell if they do or they don't.

I had a gentleman reach out to me tonight and asked if I could call him. To be honest with you, I would rather talk on Skype because if I don't know you, it could be a waste of both our time. anyways I gave him a call and asked how can I help you. After what seemed to be a forever life story, he finally said what he had been wanting to say from the start.

I want to make money online like you but I don't have much money and I work seven days a week ten hours a day.

So can you see how I can easily figure out of someone is a good candidate for online success?

I will leave you with this online success doesn't happen over night and it very hard to be done with little time and no money. Online marketing is my job and I treat it like a job. I put in between 8-12 hours a day on my computer. I fully understand in order to succeed you have to put time into your business. If you want to treat it like a hobby, that's ok but dont expect life changing results.

Finally you need some type of capital even if its the small things like a domain name, web hosting, and an auto-responder. This will get you the basics of online marketing but hey its a start right?

So whats the moral of this story?

Well first off if you have financial issues and you believe you can turn to online marketing to improve your financial situation, I'm sorry to say but these stories only come along once in a great while and chances are you are going to leave online marketing broker than you started.

finally you will only get back what you put in, nothing about marketing can be done without doing anything! You will need to put in the time in order to find success.

Wow never thought one phone call could turn into a long post LOL

The Overseer

New member
Jan 23, 2015
It's not a bad hobby and I believe that EVERY internet user should monetize part of their digital life.


It is absolutely correct that anyone that wants to make full time, livable income, needs to treat this as a business...and businesses require skills, capital, and a good idea.


New member
Jan 31, 2015
yes yes yes It is a business and it can be a hobby but even as a hobby you need to take it seriously. Almost every person that enters the internet marketing world will fall victim to the shiny object press button dream and things will end with empty pockets. There is no quick fix and you need time investment money investment and money reinvestment before you will see results. My new mantra is FOCUS Follow One Course Until Successful
I also get many people connecting with me that have been battle worn and were coaxed into this business by someone offering them instant riches with little effort so we strip them bare and start them on a single track no turning back system.
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